Chapter 11 Horrificator (part 3)

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A lightning brighted the hallway and they heard someone screaming.
For the fear, Chloe hugged the first person that was next to her and ended up hugging Adrien.
When they realized, they parted with disgusted faces.
"Who's screaming?" Sabrina asked, filming with the camera their reactions.
"I think it's Nino!" Adrien recognized his voice.
They wanted to go help their friend, but Marinette thought it was better to leave the scene for Lady Noir. So, when the others ran to the second floor, Marinette went inside a classroom and transformed.
As Lady Noir, she could perfectly see in the dark, thanks to her cat-eyes.
"This is great! I should have transformed before!" .
Adrien, Sabrina, Chloe and Ivan arrived in the bathroom, where they found Nino hiding behind a sink.
"Thank godness you're here! Can you help me with Nino? He's pretending that I'm a ninja turtle" Alya told them.
"Go back to the sewers, you pizza-eating-freaks!" Nino yelled, ready to threw another paper roll.
"He's not pretending. He's under the power of a new Akuma" Adrien explained that it also happened to him.
"Nino's biggest fear are really the ninja turtles?" Alya asked.
"It's all because of a creepy costume that he saw as kids" Adrien said.
"That kinda explains why he didn't like Mileine's costume. . ." Ivan said.
Adrien tried to reassure his friend. Nino didn't let his guard down, but then until his phone rang. He dropped the toilet paper and took it out of his pocket.
"Cool! Five new subscribers!" Nino's eyes returned to their original color.
"The illusion desappeared when he looked at his phone. . ." Adrien refleced on how it was possible.
"His phone is the most important thing for him. I would know! He attacked me with a bunch of phones!" Chloe grumped.
"So, to undo the power of the Akuma, you need to look at something you really like!" Sabrina exclaimed.
Adrien bitted his fist with an anxious look: if Marinette found out about, she could suspect that he loved her.
In that moment, Adrien realized that Marinette wasn't with them.
"We have to find her!" He exclaimed.
When his friends went to find Marinette, Adrien closed himself inside one of the bathrooms and transformed.
"I'll be more helpful as Mister Bug" the hero said, coming out of the bathroom.
Alya, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina and Ivan met with Lady Noir on the stairs that connected the first floor to the second floor.
They informed her that there was an Akuma inside the school.
"I know. That's why I'm here!" Lady Noir said.
"And how do you know that?" Alya asked.
"Ehm. . ." Lady Noir couldn't find a good answer.
"I told her!" Mister Bug said, jumping in front of them.
Before Alya could ask him how  HE knew that, Chloe reminded everyone that Marinette was missing.
"Now we also lost Adrien!" Sabrina noticed.
"The Akuma!" Mister Bug exclaimed "The Akuma must have found him!" .
"That's probably what happened to that girl. . ." Lady Noir lied.
"Then let's find this bat and de-evilize them" Mister Bug used his Lucky Charm and almost made it fall: it was a body mirror "What do we do with this?" He asked.
"We could make the super villain look at their reflection and use their power against them!" Lady Noir said.
"Yeah! Let's give them a taste of their own medicine" Nino whispered with an evil grin.
Mister Bug, Lady Noir and the others returned to Miss Bustier's classroom.
They told their classmates about the plan and that they needed everyone's help. So they took all the pocket mirrors that were inside the desk.
"I want my mirrors back when this is all over!" Chloe told them.
The two heroes led the students to the boiler room.
"What makes you think the Akuma is down here?" Nathaniel asked.
"Because the monster is always hiding in scary places, like a basement!" Rose explained with a delighted voice.
Lady Noir openned the door and they walked inside the boiler room. They could hear the bat's wings flap in the dark around them.
"I'm scared. . ." Juleka squeaked.
"It's okay. Soon, we won't be the ones scared" Mister Bug told her.
With the flashlight of his yo-yo, he revealed the bat to the others.
When Horrificator tried to use her power with Juleka, the girl placed the mirror in front of her face. All of the students covered ther faces with those mirrors.
Lady Noir was standing in front of the door; she was the only one without a pocket mirror.
Horrificator flew to her and made one of her screams.
Mister Bug placed the Lucky Charm between Lady Noir and the bat. When Horrificator looked at her own reflection, her eyes turned purple and she started seeing horrifying puppets, with long arms and pointy teeth.
Those horror movies she watched didn't make her fearless as Ivan belived.
Horrificator tried to escape that nightmare, but she ended up bumping her head on a wall.
When she fell on the floor, unconcious and totally harmless, Lady Noir and Mister Bug got closer to her.
The hero held her up and Ivan noticed the pin under her multicolored fur.
"This is Mileine!" The boy gasped.
Lady Noir picked the pin and used her Cataclysm to destroy it.
After purifying the Akuma that came out of the dusts, Mister Bug used his Lucky Charm.
Thank to that, Horrificator returned to be a normal girl and the janitor was set free from her power.
The first person Mileine saw when she woke up  was her dear Ivan.
"Ivan? What happened?" She looked at her classmates "What are we doing here?" .
"You were akumatized" Mister Bug said, giving her the pin that was repaired by the Lucky Charm.
"We had to work all together to defeat you. A real example of collaboration between classmates!" Lady Noir enthused.
"Wait, you had to stop shooting for me?" Mileine asked to Nino.
"Of course! You're our star. We couldn't end this movie without you" Nino said with a reassuring voice.
"We didn't stop shooting! I filmed everything we did with your camera!" Sabrina showed him.
Nino was extremely happy.
The shooting that Sabrina made was better than the ending they planned for their movie.
When Nino went back home, he unified those scenes with the ones they've already filmed, and then he sent the movie to the jury of the contest.
A few days later, Nino recived an email with the answer: they didn't win the contest.
"The jury thinks that our movie was a mess! The ending was too different from the beginning; the plot didn't make any sense and the resolution was boring. . ." Nino was saying to Adrien while they were sitting outside the school.
"To be fair, they're not in the wrong" Adrien confessed.
"I know! But it's unfair that they didn't give us a reward for the special effects! We had a real monster in our movie!" Nino complained.
"Next time, we'll make a movie about ninja turtles" Adrien joked and giggled.
"Don't. . ." Nino whispered with eyes smaller than a button.

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