Chapter 10 Stink Bug (part 2)

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By following Tikki's directions, Adrien was able to find the healer.
In a hidden alley of the city, there was a little medical center and the sign above the entrance said 'Master Fu's ancient chinese medicine'.
Adrien knocked on the door and this openned by itself. When he walked in, he was hit by aromas that teased his nose.
Inside the center there was an old man, who was meditating on a bed on the floor, with his eyes closed. A portable radio next to him was playing relazing flute music.
Adrien sit in front of him.
"Excuse me, sir?" Adrien whispered.
"Please, call me Master Fu" The man said, openning his eyes "How can I help you, son?" He asked.
"I need your help. Can you cure her?" Adrien gently placed Tikki on the bed.
Master Fu gave a close look at the Kwami.
"Let's see what we can do" he said.
Chloe was at hotel with Prince Alì and his assistant.
"Miss Bourgeois, would you like to join us for a visit to the children's hospital?" The prince asked to Chloe.
"If I have to. . ." The girl murmured. She was still angry for what happened at school.
The assistant said that a car would have brought them to the hospital, but before she could tell Chloe what she had to do, Stink Bug broke in the room with Juleka.
"Who are you!? Don't step any closer!" The assistant placed herself in front of the prince, to protect him.
Stink Bug aimed her gun at the woman and fired; the assistant inhaled her perfume and became a slave. Then Stink Bug ordered Juleka to keep Chloe at bay while she met the prince.
"Prince Alì! It's an honor to be in your presence! I'm your biggest fan!" She shook his hand and the prince smiled in fear.
"I thought you were MY biggest fan" Lady Noir said with sarcasm when she entered the room, through the window.
"I'm not your fan at all! I'm your biggest problem!" Stink Bug fired at the heroine. Lady Noir fought off the perfume using her staff like baseball bat.
"You need to do better than that, Princess Perfume" Lady Noir kept joking.
"I am not a princess! I am Stink Bug!" The super villain snapped.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Lady Noir asked, putting down her staff.
"I don't think that princesses are good role models" Stink Bug answered.
"Well, stink bugs aren't that better. . . I mean, princesses are cool!" Lady Noir said and Stink Bug made and expression of desagreement.
"Look, some of them are indipendent and adventurous; others are more passive and naive, but that's fine! You can be a good role model just by being a nice person" Lady Noir explained.
"I agree with the cat lady" Prince Alì decleared "Sometimes to make the difference, you just need to show kindness and respect. That's what I've been doing this whole time! Making donations to hospitals and caring for those in need. If you really are my biggest fan, why can't you do that right now?" the prince asked to Stink Bug.
The girl thought about it, but then she shook her head.
"I've tried to be kind and respectful! And she openned my eyes to the reality of our world!" Stink Bug yelled, pointing her gun at Chloe.
She fired at her and Chloe began to give off a pungent stench, worst than a bucket of death fishes.
After that, Stink Bug aimed at Lady Noir. The heroine was hitted by her perfume and became a slave, just like Juleka and the assistant.
"How did you do it?" Adrien asked impressed when Tikki was healed.
"It's an ancient chinese secret" Master Fu smiled.
Adrien looked at him for two seconds, then he made an unbothered face.
"You're the person that gave me the ladybug Miraculous. Aren't you?" .
That question made Master Fu gasp.
"Wha-what are you talking about, son? I don't know anything about those things called- how did you say? Miracombos?" He tried to play dumb, but Adrien didn't fall for that.
"How did you figure it out?" Master Fu wanted to know what betrayed him.
"Three things. One: you're the man I helped cross the street the day I became a hero, but you're not using the staff you had when we met" Adrien pointed at the dusty staff that was leaning in the corner.
"Two: Tikki knew who you are and where to find you, even thought we've never been here before. The reason is that you already knew each other" .
Master Fu looked at Tikki and she shrugged.
"Three, and most important: you knew exaclty what to do when you saw Tikki. You healed a Kwami without asking me questions about her first!" Adrien was right about everything.
Master Fu complimented him for his wit. He called Wayzz, to allow Adrien to meet the turtle Kwami.
Wayzz flew out of the record player and greeted the boy and Tikki.
"I didn't know there were other Kwamis!" Adrien said, shaking Wayzz's tiny hand.
"Surprised, master Adrien?" Wayzz smiled "There are many Miraculous, but you have one of the most specials!" .
Adrien's smile dropped in an instant.
Now that he knew who Master Fu was, he had to ask him an important question.
"Why did you chose me to be Mister Bug?" Adrien asked.
Master Fu wasn't expecting such question.
"Among all the guys in this city, why me!?" Adrien raised his voice "I'm not worthy to be a hero! I'm weak, I'm a coward, I can't even stend up to my bullies! Everytime I win is because of my dumb luck and Lady Noir's help! She would probably do better without me. . . " .
Master Fu let the boy vent, because he looked like someone that needed to let go of his repressed emotions. Then the man answered his question with calm.
"Adrien, I know how you feel. When I was chosen to be the Guardian of the Miraculous, I wasn't sure that I'd have fit that role. . ." Many years before, Master Fu was encharged to protect the Miracle Box and all the Miraculous, but one day he lost two of them, failing his mission. For this reason, he swore to himself that he wouldn't have never made other mistakes.
"I choosed you because I knew you'd have been a great hero, and I was correct" Master Fu went to take something from the closet.
He showed to Adrien a book he made with newspaper clippings of Mister Bug and Lady Noir's victories, like a proud father with the pictures of his children.
Adrien looked at all those pictures and felt a strange feeling of pride.
"Maybe those things you said about yourself were true once, but now? Are you the same person you were before?" Master Fu asked.
"No! Adrien is training to improve his fighting skills and become stronger!" Tikki answered in his place.
"That's great!" Wayzz complimented him.
"And he didn't hesitate to bring me here when he found out I was sick" Tikki hugged Adrien's cheek, saying that he was brave when he needed to be.
"And I. . . I don't need luck to win my battles. I can win them because I AM worth to be Mister Bug!" Adrien said, feeling the confidence he never thought he would have.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now