Chapter 18 Glaciator (part 2)

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"What about you? Don't you have any super hero activity planned for tonight?" Adrien asked.
"Well, I. . ." Lady Noir was too embarrassed to answer.
"Come on, I won't tell anyone! Not that anybody would belive me if I said that I've spent the evening chatting with you" Adrien reassured her.
"Okay, but don't laugh at me!. . .I've planned a romantic date for me and Mister Bug" Lady Noir said.
"Wait, you actually did? I mean-! You did? Why?" Adrien asked..
"Because I have a crush on him" She smiled.
That answer made Adrien's brain-cells implode inside his head.
"You do. . .?" He said in an undertone, remembering all the times she asked him out and he belived she was just kidding.
"But I'm afraid Mister Bug doesn't feel the same way. . . And to think I put so much effort to make everything perfect for tonight" Lady Noir's smile changed quickly.
"I'm sorry" Adrien apologized.
"Why? You have nothing to do with my unlucky love life" Lady Noir said.
"I know! I just-! I'm sorry that you wasted your time for a date that never happened" Adrien clarified.
Lady Noir had an idea.
"Would you like to see what I planned?" Lady Noir asked to the boy, helding out her hand. Adrien took her hand and only then he thought about what she said.
"What do you mean with-aaAAH!" .
Lady Noir didn't let him finish the question: she hold him like a bride and jumped off the balcony.
With Adrien screaming in her arms, Lady Noir reached the rooftop that she previously decorated.
"We've arrived!" She put Adrien down, to allow him to give a look around.
"Wow! This is incredible" Adrien said, fashinated.
He looked at Lady Noir, who was leaning over the railing of the roof.
"I don't think that Mister Bug wanted to hurt your feelings. Maybe he simply doesn't know that you like him in that way. He doesn't look like the smartest guy!" Adrien suggested her to talk with him again.
"You think that would change something?" Lady Noir asked.
"Maybe it will" He answered.
"Okay. I'll try again. Thanks, Adrien" the heroine smiled at him.
"Lady Noir!" They heard someone screaming her name.
A huge monster made of ice-cream was slowly walking toward the restaurant.
"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" Lady Noir said at the view of all that ice-cream.
The monster raised his arms and fired at them. His ice-cream shots almost hitted Lady Noir and Adrien.
She took the boy in her arms and carried him away from that monster.
"Come back, Lady Noir!" Glaciator yelled.
"Who is that? Why is he after you?" Adrien wanted to understand what was going on.
"I think that's André Glacé. Before coming to your house, I refused his ice-cream" Lady Noir explained.
"That's it? Super villains these days have such weird reasons for being evil. . ." Adrien sighed.
After Lady Noir brought Adrien back to the balcony of his room, she told him to remain inside until the super villain was defeated.
Before she left, Lady Noir asked him something.
"Would you mind if I visited you again?" .
"Come back whenever you want" Adrien smiled.
Once Lady Noir left, Tikki came out of Adrien's pocket.
"I always thought that she was just kidding when she asked me out. I feel so stupid" Adrien was so embarrassed.
"You'll think about it after the fight" Tikki said.
"You're right. Tikki, spots on!" .
Glaciator was walking around the city to find Lady Noir.
He fired at every person he found in his way, and all those innocent people were turned into ice-cream statues.
Lady Noir was secretely following him. She hid behind the pillar of a porch and when Mister Bug found her, he hid next to her.
"Listen, Lady Noir. I figured out that you were serious when you asked me out" Mister Bug whispered.
"Took you long enough!" Lady Noir raised her voice. For that reason, Glaciator found them.
Mister Bug and Lady Noir prontally left their hiding spots to not be turned into ice-cream statues.
"I'm sorry for laughing" Mister Bug apologized.
"Can we talk about this later? We have to stop this monster before everyone melts down!" Lady Noir asserted.
While Glaciator was trying to stop them, he noticed a couple hiding behind a bench.
The monster pointed one of his creamy hands at them, but he didn't fire because they were holding each other.
That's how Mister Bug figured out that the super villain didn't attack couples.
"Lady Noir, take my hand" He said.
"This is not the right moment!" She yelled.
"No, listen! We have to pretend we're in love, so we can get close to him" The hero explained.
"Pretend!? Just pretend. . .?" Lady Noir mumbled.
When Glaciator focused on the two heroes again, he saw that they were tenderly holding hands.
"What are you waiting for? This is the perfect time to attack them!" Hawk Moth yelled at Glaciator.
"I can't do it. I could never ruin a glooming romance!" The monster said.
Lady Noir and Mister Bug started to get closer to him. At some point, the hero threw his yo-yo at  Glaciator and touched something that was inside his ice-cream body.
"What's that?" Mister Bug wondered.
Glaciator got mad for being tricked. He tried to turn them into statues, but Lady Noir pushed Mister Bug behind a car.
"Looks like we'll have to use the good old metod. Lucky Charm!" Mister Bug recived a motorcycle helmet.
His lucky vision made him notice a motocycle on the ground.
"I know what we have to do!. . . But I don't know how to ride a motorcycle" .
"I do! So what's the plan?" Lady Noir asked.
After he explained his idea, Lady Noir wore the helmet and went to the motorcycle, while Mister Bug distracted the super villain.
"Hey! Ice-cream is terrible! Pudding is way better!" The hero teased him.
"How dare you!?" Glaciator was even more angry than before.
Mister Bug threw his yo-yo at him again. This time he successfuly grabbed what was inside the monster. Then he passed his yo-yo to Lady Noir and she darted away on the motorcycle.
André was dragged out of his body and Glaciator fell apart, leaving tons of ice-cream on the sidewalks.
Mister Bug found an ice-cream spoon and thought that was the object where the Akuma was hiding.
He broke it and captured the butterfly.
Lady Noir stopped the motorcycle next to him and took off the helmet.
"Miraculous Mister Bug!" The Lucky Charm made all the people turned into statues go back to normal and the ice-cream disappeared.
After the battle, Mister Bug went to see what Lady Noir organized for their date.
"It's so beautiful" he acknowleged, giving a look at what he already saw.
"I wanted this to be the perfect night" Lady Noir was playing with the rose petals on the table.
"Lady Noir, your friendship mean so much to me. That's why I don't want to lie to you" Mister Bug said.
"Lie about what?" She asked.
"I appreciate what you did, but I can't correspond your feelings, because I'm already in love with another girl" Mister Bug answered.
"Another girl?" Lady Noir repeated.
"Yes. I haven't told her my feelings yet, but I'm a patient guy. One day I will, but until that moment, I'll be loyal to her" .
Lady Noir went closer to him and put her hands on his chest, to see if his heartbeat would change.
"Is she prettier than me?" She asked.
Mister Bug's heartbeat stayed the same.
"For me, she's the most beautiful girl in the world" He said, taking her hands off of his chest.
Lady Noir looked surprised at first, but then she smiled.
"It's okay, Mister B. I'm not jealous" She grabbed her staff and wished Mister Bug good luck with his love life.
"I hope this girl realizes soon how much you love her. Goodnight!" Lady Noir left him alone on the roof.
Mister Bug looked at the table.
"Now I'll have to clean up all of this? Fair enough" He nodded.
When she arrived in her room, Lady Noir detransformed.
"I'm sorry for tonight, kid" Plagg said.
"It's okay, Plagg. I don't want to force Mister Bug to correspond my feelings" Marinette took her pijamas and went to change in the bathroom "Maybe he isn't my true love after all. I'm sure some day I'll meet him" She said with a positive spirit.
"Perhaps you already did" Plagg whispered, looking at the drawing Adrien made for her.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now