Chapter 5 Pharaoh (part 1)

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Just for a few days, the Louvre Museum was hosting an exhibition of egyptian relics, recently founded in a pyramid.
The schools promoted this exhibition, by distributing some flyers and saying that there was a student discount.
Tikiki forced Adrien to wake up early on sunday morning, just to visit the exhibition.
"I hope this is worth it, Tikki" the boy said, walking slowly around the museum.
Tikki was inside the pocked of his jacket.
"Trust me, Adrien. It is!" She responded with enthusiasm.
When Adrien brought home the flyer they gave him at school, Tikki saw the objects that were going to be exhibited and got excited like a puppy.
"Could you at least tell me what we're looking for, please?" Adrien asked.
Luckly there was nobody around who could hear him talking with his jacket.
"It's something really special!" Tikki giggled.
"So misterious!" Adrien said sarcastically.
Marinette was wandering in another part of the museum.
Plagg was under her hat, constantly reminding her to find the egyptian exhibition.
"I wasn't expecting you to be interested in ancient history, Plagg" Marinette said with a pleased smile.
"There's a lot you don't know about me, kid!" Plagg replied "I'm more surprised that YOU convinced your nanny to let you out of the house!" He added.
Marinette lied to Nathalie.
She told her that she absolutely had to visit the museum, in order to prepare for an important history test, but Marinette didn't tell her which exhibition she was interested in.
"Haha! You totally fooled her!" Plagg exclaimed amused.
"Shhh! Plagg, someone could hear you" Marinette whispered.
"Like there was someone here other than us!" Plagg flew out of Marinette's hat and darted away.
"Get back here!" Marinette followed her Kwami into the next hall of the museum.
In that moment, Adrien walked inside the same hall, using the opposite entrance.
"Here we are" Adrien whispered when he walked in.
Tikki gave a look.
"Now, can you tell me why we're here?" Adrien asked.
"Okay. We're here because I saw on your flyer that there was-!"
"Marinette?!" Adrien interrupted Tikki when he noticed that Marinette was there too.
The boy immediately hid himself behind a statue.
He was panicking: his face was strawberry red and his heart was beating fast.
"Marinette is here! What do I do? I need to get out!" He wanted to leave the museum.
"No! You have to stay. Just go talk to her and it will be fine" Tikki calmly told him.
Adrien took a deep breath to prepare himself, then he came out from his hideout and went to Marinette.
She finally had catched Plagg.
"What were you thinking? You can't fly away like that!" She was holding him in her hands.
"Relax! Cameras can't spot Kwamis" Plagg said with confidence.
"That's not the problem!" Marinette scolded him.
Adrien got close to her while she was turned away.
"Marinette?" When he called her, the girl jumped for thr surprise.
Then she turned around, hiding Plagg behind her back.
"H-hi Adrien!" Marinette anxiounsly greeted him.
Adrien was just as agitated as she was, but for a different reason.
"What are you doing here?" Marinette asked.
"I. . . I wanted to visit the egyptian exhibition" the boy answered.
"Me too! What a coincidence that we decided to-!. . . Oh, no" Marinette realized that Plagg was no longer in her hands.
"Is something wrong?" Adrien wondered.
"No! Absolutely not!" Marinette lied.
She suggested him to visit the exhibition together, so that she could look for Plagg without leaving Adrien alone.
"Me and you?" Adrien nervously asked while rubbing his knuckles.
"I mean, there's no one else here. Right?" Marinette faked a laugh.
"Right!" Adrien laughed as well and touched the pocked where Tikki was.
A young man named Jalil Kubdel was talking with his father, the head of the egyptian exhibition.
Around his neck, Jalil had a neckless with the medallion of an emerald beetle.
"I'm telling you, dad! This could be the the greatest discovery of the century!" Jalil said to his dad.
"Oh, yeah?" Mr Kubdel was curious about the discovery that his son had made.
With them, there was one of Adrien and Marinette's classmates, Alix.
She was playing with a soccer ball while her brother and her father were talking.
"Come with me, I'll show you!" .
Mr Kubdel and Alix followed Jalil to the exhibition.
Marinette and Adrien walked side by side around the exhibition.
Adrien's legs were heavy, like they were made out of wood.
Marinette was trying to spot Plagg: she looked all the directions, without thinking about Adrien.
The boy tried to start a conversation.
"How are you doing?" He asked the most simple of the questione.
"What?" Marinette finally payed attention to him.
"Nothing. . ." Adrien sadly whispered, making Tikki sigh from inside his pocket.
Marinette smiled.
For a moment, she forgot about Plagg and talked to Adrien with genuine interest.
"You know, I'm glad we had the same idea! It's going to be more fun now that I'm with you" Marinette said.
Adrien blushed again.
"You think so?" he mumbled.
They kept talking for a short while, until Adrien suddenly stopped and stared at the wall he was walking next to.
Marinette walked a few steps in front of him before realizing that she left him behind.
"Adrien? What is it?" She asked.
Adrien was looking at a scroll on the wall.
Among all the hieroglyphs on the paper, there were also the drawings of two people and two little creatures.
Both Adrien and Marinette immediately recognized those creatures: one of them was Tikki and the other one was Plagg.
For that reason, they had no doubt of who the two people on the scroll were.
"Mister Bug and Lady Noir!" They said at the same time.

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