Chapter 11 Horrificator (part 1)

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Adrien's class was filming a movie for a cinema contest for students.
Mr Damocles allowed them to film inside the school, but only untill a certain hour.
Naturally, Nino was the film director and he was taking that role very seriously. He wanted to make sure they won the contest, so he brought the best equipment he had and made some of his classmates the crew:
Juleka was the make-up artist,
Kim was the director's assistant, Sabrina filmed and Alya was the story writer.
Among all the jobs, Adrien ended up being the sound man.
He had to hold the microphone stand, to record the dialogues of the characters during every single scene.
The movie was an horror story and the two protagonists were interpreted by Marinette and Ivan.
"Everyone, let's film the next scene in Miss Bustier's classroom" Nino told his actors and the crew.
Adrien could finally put down the stand, but he accidentally touched Chloe with the end of it, while Juleka was doing her make-up.
"Careful with that thing, Adri-dork!" Chloe yelled at the boy.
"Chloe, don't call him that!" Marinette yelled back to defend Adrien.
"Girls, please, stay in character!" Nino said.
To set up the next scene in the classroom, Rose poured a bucket of fake slime on the floor, in front of the book closet.
Marinette and Ivan placed themselves next to it.
"Aaaand. . . Action!" Nino said and Sabrina started to film.
"This is the last place where they saw him?" Ivan asked, using a deep voice that sounded so weird coming from him.
"That's right, Officer Mouse. His co-workers can't explain how he desappeared without a trace" Marinette said with a serious tone.
"Wait. Officer Crisalid, what's that?" Ivan pointed at the slime on the floor.
When they got close to the slime puddle, Mileine jumped out of the closet in her monster costume and roared.
Ivan couldn't help but make a loud scream, even if he was supposed to be silent and let the sound effects do the rest.
"Cut! Ivan, what are you doing? Your character is the cold and insensible officer Mouse. He would never scream like that!" Nino remembered him.
"I know, I'm sorry. . . Mileine's costume is so realistic!" Ivan apologized.
Mileine smiled, proud of her work. She made that costume all by herself for their movie.
"It's not that scary, Ivan. You don't need to make excuses" Nino said.
"What?" Mileine asked, a bit offended "I've worked for days on this costume!".
"Personally, I think that you look  very scary" Ivan timidly said.
Mileine looked brazenly at Nino.
"Oh, yeah? Then let's hear what someone else thinks about it! Marinette, do you think that her costume is even remotely scary?" Nino asked.
"I think it's. . . Impressive" Marinette answered.
She didn't want to take part in that discussion. She said something nice to not offend Mileine and don't make Nino angry at her.
"See? Marinette agrees with me!" Nino bragged.
"I didn't say that" Marinette whispered.
Mileine had enough of her classmates that didn't appreciate her effort, so she walked out of the classroom with her costume on.
"Mileine, wait!" Ivan followed her.
"Good job, Nino" Rose said with sarcasm.
Nino reassured his crew that they didn't need a monster to make the movie work.
"Alya can rewrite the story so that never seeing the monster makes sense!" .
"It won't be easy. We already filmed half of the scenes for that plot" Alya was hesitant.
"But you'll keep the scenes where I'm in, right!?" Chloe asked worried.
"Guys! Aren't we forgetting something important?" Adrien reminded them that the idea of making a horror story was Mileine's "I don't think it's fair to cut her out of the movie".
Marinette agreed with him.
Outside the classroom, Ivan was trying to talk things out with Mileine.
"Don't worry about what Nino thinks! He can't decide for everybody!" the boy said while they were walking in the hallway.
Mileine finally stopped walking and sighed.
She told Ivan the reason why she cared so much. She said that when she was little, she used to be afraid of everything: hearing the lightest sound at night was enough to make her tremble. Mileine started to watch horror movies, in order to become immune to her fears. But with time, she learned to love that genre.
"You're so lucky, Mileine. Now you're scared of nothing, while I jump in fear for everything!" Ivan smiled.
He proposed her to go back to the others and fix the situation, but she refused and kept walking in the opposite direction of the classroom.
Hawk Moth sent an Akuma to use her hurted feelings for his goals.
When Mileine was alone, the Akuma flew inside one of the brooches that she had on her bandana.
"Hello, Horrificator. If your friends don't respect your work and what it means to you, I can give you the power to make their biggest fears come to light! And when Mister Bug and Lady Noir will come to the rescue, you'll give them the fright of their lives!" Hawk Moth said.
"This idea sounds terrific. . . I love it!" Mileine accepted his terms and was transformed.
Ivan returned to Miss Bustier's classroom and told everyone how much those movies meant to Mileine.
"It's not so different from how you feel about your videos, Nino!" Ivan scolded him and Nino felt guilty for wanting to cut her from the movie.
Outside the school, the sky quickly filled with clouds and a lightning tore through them.
The lights went off inside the classroom where they were filming.
Adrien noticed that Marinette was looking worried after the lights went off.
"Is everything okay?" He asked to her.
"Yes! T-totally!" Marinette answered, but she seemed stressed out for something.
Sabrina checked outside the classroom.
"Even the lights in the hallway are off" She informed the others.
"It must be a blackout" Alya said.
"What do we do now?" Juleka asked.
"We just need to find the janitor. He'll restart the generator and we can go back to film our movie!" Nino told them.
"With Mileine!" Ivan exclaimed.
"With Mileine. . ." Nino repeated.
"But who's gonna find the janitor and Mileine?" Alix asked.
Everyone looked at Nino.
"Me? Why would you send me to find them!?" He questioned.
"Because you're the director, so you're in charge of everything" Max stated.
Nino didn't want to leave the classroom alone, therefore Adrien offered to accompany him.
"I'll go with you. I want to apologize to Mileine for not standing up for her" Marinette explained.
"Then I'll come too" Alya said.
The four students left the classroom and used the flashlights of their phones to shine their way in the hallway.
"We should split up!" Nino suggested "I'll go with Alya to find the janitor. Marinette, you and Adrien will go find Mileine".
Adrien immediately figured out what his friend had in mind.
"You're the one who should go find Mileine and apologize!" Adrien shouted.
Nino grabbed Alya's arm to bring her with him.
"Good luck~!" He singed while they walked away.
And so, Adrien and Marinette remained alone, in the dark hallway.

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