Chapter 14 Anansi (part 3)

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After being rescued, Adrien transformed and went to help his partner and their new teammate.
"Mister Bug!" Lady Noir exclaimed his name when she saw him.
"Sorry for the wait! Looks like you met the Guardian~" Mister Bug teased her. Lady Noir assumed an annoyed face, which made him understand that it wasn't the best time to talk about the Guardian.
"Okay, let's focus on the work. . . Lucky Charm!" Mister Bug used his special power and recived a baseball glove.
"What do we do with that?" Lady Noir asked to him.
Mister Bug used his lucky vision to come up with a simple plan.
"We don't have to do anything for now" the hero said "We have to let Jade Shell handle this fight on her own" .
The green heroine placed her turtle shell below her feet and waited. When Anansi rushed toward her, she used her power to create a bubble shield, which formed with the speed of an airbeg.
Jade Shell was thrown in the air and Anansi punched the shield instead of her.
The super villain was looking at the heroine flying above her and didn't pay attention to the shield that bounched off a lamppost and came back to her, like a flipper ball. The shield hitted Anansi and violently pushed to the base of the ferris wheel.
"I. . . I can't give up! Alya needs me!" Anansi was saying while trying to stand up.
"You think THIS is what your sister needs? For you to terrorize her friends and help Hawk Moth?" Jade Shell questioned.
"If it wasn't me, it would be someone else! Paris is too dangerous!" Anansi yelled.
"So what? You want everyone to lock themselves in their houses forever? We have to fight together for our right to live a peaceful life, not fight each other!" Jade Shell yelled back.
What she was saying was true, but Nora couldn't accept it: she was too scared.
"I can't. . . I CAN'T!" Anansi rushed one more time toward the heroine. Jade Shell finally threw her turtle shell at her and hitted Anansi on the face, making her loose her spider neckless.
The neckless flew to Lady Noir; she hitted it with her staff and tossed it to Mister Bug, who catched it with the baseball glove.
When he openned his hand, the Akuma flew out of the broken neckless.
"You caused enough troubles for today, little Akuma" Mister Bug captured the butterfly with his yo-yo "Miraculous, Mister Bug!" He threw the glove in the sky and the Lucky Charm made the spider webs around the ferris wheel desappear.
Nora returned to be herself, and when she realized that she was outside her house, she freaked out.
"What am I doing here? Where's Alya!?" She forgot everything that happened.
"Your sister is safe. You'll see her soon" Jade Shell reassured her "Mister Bug, could you bring this girl to her home, please?" She asked to the hero.
Mister Bug gladly accepted to take Nora home, giving Jade Shell the chance to return her Miraculous to Lady Noir.
After that, Lady Noir gave back the turtle Miraculous to Master Fu, who was waiting for her in the place were they met.
"Thank you, master. It was an honor to meet you" Lady Noir said.
"The honor was mine, Marinette" Master Fu smiled "Mister Bug told me that you two had an argument the other day" .
"It's true, but I know we can get through this!" Lady Noir said, thinking positive.
That evening, Lady Noir was sitting on the roof of an house, watching the beauty of the Eiffel tower lightened by houndreds of lights.
She was humming a song when Mister Bug arrived.
"May I sit?" He asked, expecting Lady Noir to give him an angry answer.
"Sure! I was waiting for you" She said with a calm voice.
Mister Bug was surprised. He sat next to her and remained silent for a few minutes, then he confessed something to her.
"I've been trying to write an apology for what happened the other night. . . Everytime I read it, it sounds more like an excuse. But there are no excuses for what I did" Mister Bug admitted that he shouldn't have kept that secret from her "I'm sorry, Lady Noir" .
"We usually don't keep secrets with each other. Is there a reason why you didn't tell me sooner about the Guardian?" Lady Noir asked.
Mister Bug took a deep breath and answered.
"Maybe I didn't because. . . Because I wanted to keep that information to myself for a little longer, because it made me feel special. When we started with this super hero thing, I was convinced that I was the worst Mister Bug in history! The Guardian helped me feel more confident. Thanks to him, I finally recognized my worth" Mister Bug explained.
"I didn't know you felt like that about yourself" In Lady Noir's eyes, he has always been so capable, so strong and perfect.
She had no idea that he had such a low esteem of himself.
"Mister Bug, if you ever feel like you're not good enough, talk with me. I would never get tired of telling you how amazing you are!" Lady Noir said.
She placed her head on his shoulder and smiled. Mister Bug leaned his head on hers and smiled with her.
"So we're friends again?" He asked and Lady Noir giggled.
"Friends? Yeah, sure!" She answered. She obviously saw Mister Bug as more than a friend, but for that moment she was fine with being just friends.

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