Chapter 1 The origins of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (part 5)

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Marinette was in the car with Nathalie, and she didn't know where they were going.
Her father was talking to her through the tablet that Nathalie was holding.
"Nathalie told me about your escape. If I remember correctly, I told you that you were not allowed to go to school anymore" Gabriel was lecturing her.
"You did, father" Marinette answered.
She wasn't mad at Nathalie for telling her father what she did; it was her job after all.
The car stopped next to the school entrance.
"See that school? From now you are not going anyway near it!" Gabriel had a loud tone of voice.
But then Nathalie cleared her throat and he changed his tone.
"You're not going anyway near it, unless you do it with this car" .
"What?" Marinette asked surprised.
She looked at Nathalie, who was hiding a proud smile on her face.
She had convinced Gabriel to let his daughter go to that school.
She assured him that Marinette would do well.
"Nathalie gave me her word that you'll be good" Gabriel said.
"I will! I promise, father! I won't disappoint you!" Marinette was so happy.
After Nathalie gave her the backpack, Marinette ran out of the car.
"I hope this idea of yours works well, Nathalie" Gabriel said to his assistant.
"It could be a risk to have Marinette wander around the house all day. This way, she'll never find out your secret" Nathalie reassured him that she would take care of the rest.
Adrien entered the locker room and noticed that Ivan was sitting on the floor, alone.
He went to ask him what was the problem.
The last thing Adrien wanted was another fight against Stoneheart, since the first one ended up so badly.
"Ivan, is there something wrong? Are you feeling better after yesterday?" Adrien sat down next to him.
"Not really. . . I didn't mean to cause so much trouble. I couldn't control myself! I was mad because. . ." Ivan tried to explain.
"Because, what?" Adrien didn't understand.
"I can't tell Milene my feelings!" Ivan finally confessed.
He told Adrien about the note that Alix passed him.
"I wish I could help you, Ivan, but I don't know how. I've never been in love before!" Adrien said "Maybe instead of confessing to Milene directly, you could try with something different" .
"Like, with a love card? Or with a song?" Ivan suggested.
"Yes! A love song would be great!" Adrien told Ivan to try with that.
Marinette was in the principal office.
"Miss Agreste-Cheng, this is Alya Césaire, one of your new classmates AND your personal calm- advisor" The principal Damocles presented the girl who was sitting next to Marinette.
Alya waved at her with a smile.
"Excuse me, my what?" Marinette doubted that calm-advisor was even a real thing.
"Alya will help you control your emotions, so there'll be no more 'accidents'. Have I made myself clear?" Damocles asked.
Marinette looked down with a sad expression.
Alya took her hand and smiled one more time.
"Don't worry, sir. I'm sure Marinette won't let it happen again!" She assured with confidence.
"I trust you, Miss Césair" After that, the principal Damocles told them to go.
The two girls were walking through the corridors and when the other students saw Marinette, they started whispering with each other.
"You're pretty famous, girl" Alya said without malice.
"Yeah. I bet everyone knows about me and the 'accident' that got me expelled from my previous school!" Marinnette seemed frustrated, but she wasn't surprised by the fact that the rumors about her were already spreading.
"I know only a part of the story. Why don't you tell me everything from your point of view? Talking about our problems with others helps to feel better!" Alya was ready to lister to her.
But Marinette didn't want to talk about it.
"It's pointless! Nothing can change what happened. And whatever I could say, I would still be the bad girl in the eyes of everyone" Marinette walked faster.
Alya felt sorry for her.
She knew that she could help Marinette, with some time and trust.
The two girls entered the classroom and Chloe immediately jumped on her feet to greet Marinette.
"Mari-honey! You're here!" Chloe hugged Marinette with all her streght.
When Sabrina tried to salute her, Chloe pushed her away and  grabbed Marinette's hand, to bring her to her seat.
"I saved you the best seat of the school: right behind mine! We can chat together during the lessons, pass each other secret notes and laugh at the losers!" Chloe had planned the year together.
Marinette made a fake smile and sat where she was told.
Then Chole took the chewing-gum out of her mouth and placed it on a chair.
"Why did you do it?" Marinette already had an idea of what was going on.
"Just a little prank! The dork who sits here deserves it anyway" Chloe answered after taking her seat.
"I don't think that's funny at all! Next thing you know, I'll get in trouble for this even if I didn't do anything . . ." Marinette knelt beside Adrien's seat, to take the chewing-gum off.
Adrien was walking with Nino.
"Check it out, buddy! I've brought my new mini camera! Next time there's a monster, I'll record it for my blog!" Nino showed the camera to his friend.
Adrien didn't say anything about that. There was something else that he wanted to talk about with Nino.
"Hey, Nino? You watched the news yesterday, right? What do you think about that super hero, Mister Bug?" Adrien asked.
"Well, I'm not a hero-expert like you, but I think that guy did a poor job. I mean, otherwise those people would be okay!" Nino answered directly.
If he had known that he was talking about his best friend, he wouldn't have said that.
Adrien passed his hand near one of the earrings.
"I thought so too. . ." He mumbled with a deprimed look.

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