Chapter 11 Horrificator (part 2)

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"Why did we have to split up?" Alya questioned once they were far enough from their friends.
"So that Adrien and Marinette could be alone" Nino giggled.
Alya asked what was the reason for wanting them to be alone.
"Because Adrien likes Marinette!" Nino answered. He had been keeping that secret since the day Adrien told him, but he really wanted to tell someone, and help him out with his crush.
"Adrien likes Marinette. . .?" Alya thought about it for a moment, then she smiled, enthusiastic.
"It's perfect!" She exclaimed "Adrien has such a positive influence on Marinette. They could make the perfect match!" .
"Right? I'm a genius!" Nino bragged.
Adrien and Marinette were looking for Mileine on the first floor.
Marinette tried to phone call her, but Mileine didn't answer the call. They heard the ringtone of her phone and Adrien eventually found it on the floor.
"This is bad. . ." He whispered.
In that moment, Marinette's phone ran out of energy and her flashlight went off.
"No, no, no!" She started to panick.
"It's okay! My flashlight is still working" Adrien said to calm her down "Marinette, I think you're stressed for a reason. What's wrong?" He asked.
"I. . ." She murmured.
"You're afraid of the dark?" Adrien tried to guess.
Marinette's lip trembled as a confirm.
"I don't like being surrounded by the dark. It makes me feel unsafe, because I don't know what's around me" Marinette explained "It's a silly fear, I know. . ." .
Adrien said that there was nothing silly about fears.
"And since we're talking about it, I confess that I also have a secret fear I never told anyone. . ." .
"What is it?" Marinette asked.
"Snakes! I hate snakes. . . Just the thought of those animals makes my body shake!" Adrien purposely made his body shake in a funny way and Marinette laughed.
He made her feel better about her fear.
"Let's find Mileine and go back to our friends" Adrien said, smiling with Marinette.
Behind them, a creature that was hanging on the ceiling spread its wings and flew above the two teens.
"What was that!?" Adrien pointed the flashlight at the creature.
It was a bat, with a pinky nose and multicolored fur around the neck.
The bat made eye contact with him and left out an almost inaudible, high-pitched scream.
Adrien's eyes turned purple and he made his phone fell on the floor.
When the bat flew away, Marinette picked the phone and tried to find the animal in the shadows, but it was already gone.
She looked at Adrien and saw that he was tiptoed, with the arms tight to his sides, like there was an invisible rope that was keeping him tied up.
"Adrien?" Marinette had no idea of what was happening to him.
Adrien was seeing a giant snake, that was crushing him with its scaly tail. He was so terrified that he couldn't even scream.
"Adrien! Please, talk to me!" Marinette placed herself in front of him, holding his face with her hands. The snake immediately desappeared and Adrien's eyes returned green.
"Did-did you see that?" He stuttered.
"What?" Marinette asked.
"The snake!" He yelled.
The girl told him that there was no snake; he was just standing like something was crushing him.
"Your eyes. They became purple after you looked at that bat" She said.
"And then I saw the snake. . ." Adrien murmured.
He just had a taste of the power of Horrificator.
Inside Miss Bustier's classroom, the rest of the students were waiting for the others to return.
"Why is taking them so long?" Chloe complained.
"Come on, Chloe. They left five minutes ago" Sabrina told her.
"I should have stayed with Mileine. Now she's alone and I'm here, doing nothing!" Ivan moaned.
Chloe went to the door.
"Where are you going?" Sabrina asked her.
"I'm going to turn the lights on! If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself" Chloe answered.
"I'm coming with you" Ivan said.
Sabrina followed them outside the classroom with the camera.
Alya and Nino were looking for the janitor on the second floor.
They checked if he was cleaning the bathrooms.
"I hope he didn't clock out and left us here" Nino said.
They heard someone crying inside the fourth bathroom, so Alya openned it and they found the janitor. He was crouched on the toilet, hiding his head with his arms while trembling like a leaf.
"Sir, are you okay?" Alya asked to him.
The man raised his head and Alya saw his purple eyes.
Before she could ask him what happened, the janitor screamed.
"Stay away from me!" He belived that Alya was a giant spider.
He pushed her aside and ran out of the bathrooms.
"What's the matter with that guy?" Nino wondered.
They didn't know that above them there was Horrificator.
When the bat openned its wings, Nino looked at it and his eyes became purple.
"Ninja turtle!" The boy screamed, pointing at Alya.
"Are you talking about me?" The girl asked.
Nino tried to hid behind a sink.
"Are you serious? Nino, it's me!" Alya said, but he couldn't hear her.
"Don't get any closer, you green-shelled-monster!" Nino grabbed a roll of toilet paper and threw it at Alya, who didn't even try to dodge it.
"This is a prank, right?" Alya asked with a bothered face.
Sabrina, Chloe and Ivan were walking in a hallway of the first floor.
"They better not be filming the rest of the movie without me!" Chloe grumped.
"They couldn't do it even if they wanted to. I have the camera" Sabrina said. She kept shooting even after the lights went off.
"I hope Mileine is okay. . ." Ivan murmured.
"Of course she's okay! She's the bravest girl in our class!" Chloe exclaimed
Sabrina and Ivan looked at her, surprised.
"I mean, you saw what she was wearing before, right? You need guts to walk around in that riddiculous costume!" Chloe laughed and Sabrina and Ivan finally recognized her.
The three turned around the corner and they ended up bumping into Adrien and Marinette.
"Mari-honey, we found you!" Chloe hugged her.
"What are you guys doing here?" Marinette asked to the others.
"We came to help you find Mileine and the janitor" Sabrina said.
"Have you seen a bat?" Adrien asked, serious.
"A bat? What are talking about?" Chloe questioned.
"A bat attacked us while we were looking for Mileine! We think they're a super villain that makes you see the thing you fear the most" Adrien explained. He showed them that they have found Mileine's phone before the bat attacked them.
"Do you think the Akuma did something to Mileine. . .?" Ivan asked.
"It's possible" Marinette said "I'm sorry, Ivan" .

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