Chapter 9 Red Fighter (part 2)

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Luka and Marinette were jumping on every stable surface in the gym.
Adrien was looking at them, both preoccupied and amazed.
At some point, Marinette kicked Luka and he fell on the basket of volleyballs.
Luka and the basket were pushed out of the gym, so Marinette jumped on the cleaning bucket and used the mop as an oar, to follow him.
"THIS IS CRAZY!" Adrien couldn't belive what was happening.
Him and the other students ran after them.
Luka started throwing volleyballs at Marinette, and she used the mop to block them.
The fight continued when they got off their "rides" to use the stairs.
But they didn't go up normally: they jumped on the railing, like two circus acrobats.
The two teens arrived on the top of the stairs, where there was nothing else to use as a base, so it was time to end the combact.
Adrien arrived in that moment and saw Marinette and Luka punching each other in the face, then landing on opposite sides.
Only when the fight was over, the master and his students arrived.
"Who won!?" Luka and Marinette screamed at the same time.
Everybody looked at Adrien, the only one that could tell who was the winner. Without his glasses, it looked like they touched the floor at the same time.
"Ehm. . . Marinette?" Adrien answered unsure.
Marinette raised her arms and yelled an hooray.
Luka was shocked; he had been defeated for the first time in his life, and he didn't know how to react to that.
Marinette bowed to him, but Luka didn't do the same.
He walked down the stairs and
Marinette went after him.
Adrien decided to wear his glasses and to follow them.
Luka was about to get inside a car when Marinette stopped him.
"You can't challenge someone and then act like this!" She scolded him because that wasn't the way she was taught.
Luka took off the rubber pumper and finally showed his face.
He had shiny black hair, with red tips and a scar above the right eyebrow, made during a previous fight without the pumper.
He was a very pretty boy and Adrien felt even more intimidated by him.
"Luka, bow with me" Marinette said with a serious voice.
"I can't. . .I'm sorry" Luka responded, then he got inside the car and left.
"Are you okay?" Adrien asked to Marinette, that was following Luka's car with her eyes.
"Yes, I'm okay" She tried to smile for him "Don't worry, he won't mess with you ever again" Marinette reassured him and friendly patted his shoulder.
In that moment they heard the clacson of another car: Marinette's bodyguard was there to bring her home.
When she left, Adrien returned to the locker room and told Tikki what happened during his first lesson.
"I don't think Marinette is enthusiastic about her victory. . . All because of that Luka, who doesn't know how to lose with dignity!" Adrien grumped.
"Even Max got mad when he lost to Marinette" Tikki said "Are you sure you're not angry with this boy for another reason, Adrien?" She asked.
Adrien tried to justify himself.
"You weren't there, Tikki! You didn't see how-"  Adrien suddenly stopped talking to reflect on what Tikki said about Max, when Marinette beated him, he was akumatized and wanted a remach with her.
"Oh, no. . ." Adrien whispered, fearing that Luka could have done the same "Tikki, spots on!" .
Luka was in his car when he recived a phone call from his little sister.
"Hey, Luka! Mom told me you wanted to challenge the best fighter in my school. So? How it went?" Juleka asked excited.
Luka took a deep breath before answering.
"I lost. . . For the first time in my life, I lost a fight" .
"Oh. . . I'm sorry, Luka" Juleka said, feeling sad for her brother "But you're still the top of your school!" She exclaimed, trying to make him feel better.
Luka didn't say a thing.
That defeat meant so much more to him than what Juleka could imagine.
Hawk Moth knew how he was feeling.
"Such strong will and combactive spirit! This boy could make the perfect victim for my Akumas. But. . ." Hawk Moth thought about what could have happened if he made Luka a super villain "If I give him too much power, he could use it to hurt Marinette".
He had to make a choice.
"It's for our family, Marinette" Hawk Moth decided to take the risk and sent an Akuma to Luka.
The butterfly flew inside the car, from the open window, and was absorbed in the rubber pumper that was on Luka's legs.
"Red Fighter, I'm your new master, Hawk Moth. I can make you stronger, so that no one can defeat you ever again! As a tribute, you'll have to bring me Mister Bug and Lady Noir Miraculous" .
"Yes, master!" Luka wore the head pumper, that became an iron elmet.
With the transformstion, the rest of his body was entirely covered by a shiny red armor.
To test his strength, Red Fighter punched off the car door and then jumped out of the veichle.
Plagg came out of Marinette's pocket while they were still inside her car.
"Okay, I'm done! . . . I can't keep hiding in your clothes while you're training! . . . It's hot in here! And it wasn't cool crashing on that desk with you!" Plagg was panting.
Suddenly, the car stopped.
Marinette knocked on the glass between her seat and the driver's seat.
"What's wrong?" She asked but didn't recive an answer.
Marinette heard the sound of metal being bent, then she saw the car door being detached.
She quickly came out of the car from the other door.
When she was on the street, Marinette saw that her bodyguard had been stuck in a mail box by the head.
She wanted to help him, but the super villain stopped her.
"Marinette Agreste-Cheng, you're mine now!" Red Fighter overturned the car and kicked it toward the girl.
Marinette was saved by Mister Bug, who placed himself in front of her and used his yo-yo to make a hole in the car.
"We better leave!" Mister Bug said, holding out his hand to the girl. Marinette hugged him instead of taking his hand, and Mister Bug smiled wide.

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