Chapter 6 Hacker Cupid (part 1)

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It was Valentine's day and the city of love was full of happy couples, that were celebrating in many ways.
Someone brought flowers or sweets for their loved ones, someone else made a more thoughtful present.
And then there was Adrien.
At school, the boy was writing something on on his laptop, hiding under the stairs of the gym, so that nobody could see him.
"Hey, buddy. What are you doing?" Nino surprised him while he was focused on what he was writing.
Adrien instantly closed the laptop.
"Nothing! I was, ehm, doing my homework!" He nervously answered.
Nino could easily tell that he was lying.
"That's perfect, because I forgot to do mine! Let me give a look" Nino tried to open the laptop and Adrien stopped him.
"You got me. . . I wasn't doing the homework" Adrien admitted.
Nino looked at him with superiority.
"What are you writing then?" He wanted to know.
"It's a. . . A text to Marinette" Adrien said, embarassed.
"Are you writing your love confession?!" Nino squeaked for how adorable his friend's gesture was.
"Don't say it so loudly!" Adrien's cheeks turned red.
"Come on, let me read it!" Nino tried again to take the laptop but Adrien didn't let him take it.
"Nobody can read it!" he said.
"Not even Marinette?" Nino asked confused.
"Exaclty" .
"What's the point if you don't want the person you wrote it for to read it?" Nino argued.
"This way I can express my feelings without being afraid of rejection" Adrien explained.
"Puff-! What? Who gave you this dumb idea?" Nino laughed.
Adrien looked at his bag, where Tikki was; she suggested him to write down his feelings for Marinette.
When the bell rang, the two boys had to attend Miss Bustier's class.
During the lesson, the teacher read to her students a fairy tale.
"And so the Prince saved his Princess with the true love kiss. How romantic!" Miss Bustier said with sarcasm.
"I think the story would be better if the Princess saved the Prince with a kiss" Alya expressed.
"Take away the Prince. Let the Princess save the day for a chance!" Rose exclaimed.
"Or let the villain win" Chloe bragged.
"That would be terrible! The Prince and the Princess should defeat the villain together. That's the best scenario" Jukeka said.
The class started arguing over which one was the best version of the story.
The only two who weren't arguing were Adrien and Marinette: she was reading a cookbook that she got from the school's library and Adrien was looking at her, hopelessly in love.
"Everyone be quiet!" Miss Bustier yelled at her class when she had enough.
"You want to rewrite this story? Fine! For tomorrow, I want all of you to write a seven-pages-long essay about it" After Miss Bustier gave that homework to her students, the lesson was finally over.
Marinette put the book in her bag and walked out of the class with Alya.
Adrien and Nino remained inside a little longer.
"I wonder what Marinette was reading. . ." Adrien said.
"You should be wondering how are we going to write a the essay for tomorrow!" Nino told him.
"We could work on it together. Wanna come to my place?" Adrien asked to his friend.
"Sure! And after we're done with the homework, I could give a look at your text. . .?" Nino asked wita a puppy face that didn't make Adrien change his mind.
Chloe and Sabrina were going home after the lesson and Chloe was whining about the homework they had to do.
"It's not fair! How I can make an seven-pages-long essay for such a silly fairy tale!?" .
"You can copy mine, if you want" Sabrina said without esitation.
"Aww, Brina! You would let me do that?" Chloe asked with a soft voice.
"Naturally. And in return for this little favour" Sabrina whispered "You could invite me out toni-" .
"We don't have time to lose!" Chloe didn't hear the last part. She grabbed Sabrina's hand and walked faster to get to the Grand Paris Hotel, so that her friend could write the essay and she could copy it.
On the way, the two girls encountred their classmates Kim and Max.
Kim was showing the gift that he brought for his girlfriend.
"This smartwatch is the best present for Ondine. Is pretty, useful and most importantly, it's waterproof!" Kim was saying to Max.
"Exellent choice! I'm dire she's gonna love it" Max assured to him.
Chloe felt the urge to jump in their discussion.
"What's that thing?" She asked, pointing at the watch.
"It's my Valentine's gift for Ondine" Kim answered.
"How pretty!" Sabrina said.
"Are you serious? What girl could want a gift like that? It's not covered in gold; it doesn't have diamonds on it. It looks like something only a robot could wear. . . So it's perfect for you, Kim!" Chloe laughed.
Max tried to make her stop insulting his friend.
"Cut it out, Chloe! You're just jealous because no one could ever give you a Valentine's gift!" He said that and Sabrina made a froun face.
Chloe laughed again.
"Better no gift than reciving such horrible watch!" She took the watch from Kim's hands and tossed it away.
The boy tried to catch it, but his gift inevitably fell on the road and was ran over by a car.
Max was shocked.
Even Sabrina couldn't belive what Chloe had done.
Kim knelt on the ground, holding the watch in his hands.
"That's how you get ride of the junk!" Chloe said, proud of herself.
Then she grabbed Sabrina's hand and walked away.
Max helped his friend to get up.
"It's not the end of the world" he tried to be positive "You can get something else for Ondine" .
When Max told him that, Kim snapped.
"I'll never find another gift in time! And this was the perfect one! My Valentine's day is ruined!" Kim yelled.
Hawk Moth immediately felt his strong negative emotions.
He sent one of his Akumas to tell the boy what to do with his problem.
The butterfly flew inside the broken watch.
"Hacker Cupid, I offer you the chance to ruin everyone else Valentine's day!" Hawk Moth explained what he was offering "I'll give you the power to infect other people's mind, like a virus. They won't do anything but treat horribly their loved ones! Of course, Lady Noir and Mister Bug will try to stop you" .
"But they won't succeed, because hate always wins over love!" Kim affirmed.
Max watched petrified while his friend was transformed into a super villain.
Hacker Cupid was sucked inside the smartwatch and desappeared.

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