Chapter 19 Heroes Day (part 3)

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Lady Noir and Mister Bug were very far from where Scarlet Moth was.
He was on the Eiffel Tower and to get to him they had to cross the city. But some villains were blocking their way.
"It's okay. This is nothing that we can't
Mister Bug smiled at her. Then he heard noises coming from the main street of the city, where the parade was supposed to pass.
The citizens of Paris were coming together to fight off the super villains, and they were lead by none other than Nora.
"People of Paris, for too long Hawk Moth has been terrorizing us, forcing us to remain in our houses trambling in fear! It's time to rebel and show him that our super heroes are not the only ones willing to fight!" Nora said with a megaphone.
The citizens, armed with with whatever they had, attacked the villains.
The firemen were using the punp of their firetruck against Stink Bug, to provent her from using her perfume on anyone.
Some bulldozers were driving in circles around Stone Heart, while helicopters were flying above Glaciator to keep them busy.
"Lady Noir! Mister Bug! We're giving you a hand!" Nora told them with the megaphone "Don't worry about these guys, we'll take care of them!" .
"You are amazing!" Lady Noir cheered before her and Mister Bug dashed to the Eitffel Tower.
Scarlet Moth was just standing there, apparently waiting for them.
"It's over Hawk Moth! Lucky Charm!" Mister recived a little box, like the ones they used to deliver the Miraculous to their friends.
"See this? It's the proof that you're going to surrender to us and give up your Miraculous!" Mister Bug looked at the back of the box and glimpsed the reflection of Scarlet Moth behind them.
He quickly turned around and threw his yo-yo at him, making Scarlet Moth loose his staff.
Lady Noir threw hers at the fake Scarlett Moth in front of them, and he vanished.
It was just an illusion.
"Leave Red Renard and our friends out of your schemes!" Lady Noir yelled to the real Scarlet Moth.
"Your friends work for me now. Thanks for leaving them behind so I could do whatever I wanted with them!" Scarlet Moth responded with a sadistic smile.
Lady Noir engaged a physical fight with the man. Mister Bug joined the fight to help his partner.
They didn't hold back and gave their best, but Scarlet Moth prevailed and made Mister Bug and Lady Noir fall at his feet.
"You're just two kids. You can't possibly understand the reason why I'm doing this" the man said.
"We are not kids, and it doesn't matter why you're doing this. We won't let you win!" Mister Bug showed that he had Scarlet Moth' staff.
Lady Noir grabbed the other end of it and together they broke it in half.
Scarlet Moth returned to be Hawk Moth and all the people he akumatized with his red akumas transformed back, including the three heroes.
"No! You'll regret this!" This time Hawk Moth rushed toward the two heroes.
Lady Noir scratched him with her claws right below the eye.
"Fealty child!" Hawk Moth growled, holding his bleeding wound.
"Serves you right! You have no idea how many important moments of my life you've ruined!" .
At that point, Bittle Bee, Red Renard and Jade Shell joined their friends.
"Thanks for coming back" Jade Shell said to Lady Noir.
"You're alone now, Hawk Moth. You know what's going to happen" Mister Bug said, holding the little box in his direction.
Nathalie had to help Gabriel.
She rushed out of the secret lair and went to the studio. Behind Sabine's portrait there was a safe of which only her and Gabriel knew about.
Nathalie openned it and took the peacock Miraculous that was inside. Then she returned in the secret lair to transform.
She took a feather from her elegant fan and charged it with her power, turning it into a blue Amok.
She blew on the feather and this flew out of the window, making all the way to Gabriel. When the Amok went inside his broken staff, Hawk Moth heard Nathalie's voice.
"Hawk Moth, I'm Mayura. Let me help you with my power" .
"No! Why did you do this! The peacock Miraculous is broken!" Hawk Moth cried.
Mister Bug and the other heroes heard what he said.
"Let me do this for you" Mayura convinced Hawk Moth to accepted her help.
A monster similar to a giant moth appeared above him and started to flap its huge wings, causing a strong wind.
The five heroes couldn't resist the gust. They were almost swept away but used their weapons to hold on. When Mayura snapped her fingers, the monster desappeared.
"What was that!?" Red Renard questioned right after.
Mister Bug looked at one of the halfs of Hawk Moth's staff. A white feather came out and was blowed away by the wind.
"So Hawk Moth posses the peacock Miraculous as well" Mister Bug said "Its power creates monsters with the negative feelings of the victims" that was what Master Fu explained to him.
"Guys? He's gone!" Bittle Bee informed the rest of the team that Hawk Moth wasn't there anymore. He used the monster as a distraction to escape.
"At least we still have this" Jade Shell held the two parts of his staff. But as soon as Hawk Moth detransformed, his staff desappeared.
"There goes our only clue. . ." Red Renard sighed.
"Hawk Moth can't be so far! We should look for him!" Lady Noir suggested.
Mister Bug's earrings and her ring were blinking; they were about to detransform as well.
Their friends also had a few minutes left before their Miraculous ran out of energy.
"But we've almost won. . ." Lady Noir said frustrated.
"We'll stop him another time. Today, we've won this battle!" Mister Bug reassured her.
Adrien decided to go see the concert of that evening, as a celebration for Mister Bug and Lady Noir's victory over Scarlet Moth.
"Come on, Paris! The Heroes Day is not over! Let me hear you!" Jagged Stone said from the stage.
Adrien was trying to find his way among all the people dancing. Someone accidentally pushed him and he bumped into Marinette, who was wearing fake glasses and a different hat.
"Adrien!" The girl smiled when she saw him.
"Sorry, Marinette. . . Wait, why are you dressed like that?" Adrien asked.
"My father didn't allow me to come see this concert, so I disguised myself and sneaked out of the house. Very clever, huh?" She said, fixing her sunglasses. It wasn't an incredible disguise since Adrien recognized her immediately.
Marinette looked behind him and saw her bodyguard, who her father sent there to bring her home.
"Oh, bugs" Adrien murmured when he saw the bodyguard too.
Marinette took the boy by the hand and they ran away.
The bodyguard tried to follow them, but there were too many people at the concert, and he soon lost sign of them.
Adrien and Marinette sneaked under the stage and found a manhole to access the backstage.
"No one will find us if we stay here" Marinette helped Adrien to get through the manhole. He tripped on the last step and Marinette had to catch him. They were hugging each other, with their faces a few inches of distance.
"You're really clumsy!" Marinette giggled and Adrien turned red.
They went to look for a place to watch the concert. Eventually they sat on the scaffhold, right on time for the song that Jagged Stone wrote in honor of the heroes.
"After this, my father will ground me for the rest of the summer. . ." Marinette sighed "At least I'm spending my last moment of freedom in good company" .
She leaned her head on Adrien shoulder and closed her eyes to enjoy that beautiful melody.
He didn't say a word and just rested his head on hers.
Nathalie was feeling so weak after using the peacock Miraculous.
Gabriel helped her to sit on the armchair of his studio.
"Nathalie, you made a dangerous decision. I told you not to use that Miraculous" Gabriel had roughly bandaged the clawmarks on his face.
"I had to help you somehow, and I don't regret doing it" Nathalie decleared "After all, I promissed to do everything I could to help you make your wish come true" she added, making a sincere smile.
"Thank you, Nathalie" Gabriel said, smiling as well and holding her shaking hand.
Their masterplan was a failure and they didn't get Lady Noir and Mister Bug's Miraculous, but Gabriel wasn't upset. They would have tried again.
Nothing was going to stop him from getting those Miraculous.

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