Chapter 18 Glaciator (part 1)

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It was dawn time and Marinette was in kitchen, baking cookies for the date night she planned for her and Mister Bug.
She used pot holders to take the pan out of the oven.
"Look at them! They're simply perfect!" Marinette exclaimed, enjoing the smell of those cookies.
"At least they look better than those chocolates you made for Valentine's day" Plagg commented.
"Thanks, Plagg. I don't know what I would do without your honesty" Marinette said with sarcasm.
Plagg hid behind her back when Gabriel walked into the kitchen.
"What are you doing, Marinette? Are you planning to see someone tonight?" Gabriel asked, finding the amount of cookies too much for only one person.
"No, father! I made this cookies just for me" Marinette lied.
Gabriel looked suspicious, but then he convinced himself that she was being honest.
"Very well then. Don't forget to clean the kitchen when you're done" The man was about to leave and Marinette stopped him.
"We could watch a movie and eat these cookies together. What do you say?" Marinette asked.
Gabriel declied her offer.
"I have a lot of work to do: I have to finish some dresses, and I need to find a new male model for the next fashion show" He explained.
Marinette wasn't surprised that her father wasn't going to spend some time with her.
"I understand. Good luck with your work!" She made a fake smile for him.
After Gabriel left, Plagg tried to console Marinette.
"Don't forget that you baked those cookie for Mister Bug! You still have to ask him out" .
"You're right, Plagg. This is not the time to be upset! I have a lot of work to do" Marinette placed the cookies on a plate. She quickly cleaned the kitchen, then she transformed and went to set up everything for the date.
Gabriel and Nathalie were in the secret lair. The woman was turning the pages of an old book. They were so consumed that she had to be careful, otherwise the paper would tear apart.
"Our great plan is almost ready, Nathalie" Gabriel said, looking at the window above him "Just one more super villain and our army will be complete" .
"Any ideas on who should join our team?" Nathalie asked to him.
"Not yet, but I have the feeling this is going to be a lucky night for us" Gabriel answered with a malitious smile.
Lady Noir decorated the roof of a restaurant for the date. She setted up a table for two, lightened some candles and sprinkled rose petals around to make everything more romantic.
"Done! Now there's only one thing left to do" She was thinking about calling Mister Bug when he called her.
"Mister Bug! You won't belive this, I was about to-" .
"Lady Noir, there's an emergency! A bus with malfunctioning brakes is hurtling through the main streets of the city!" Mister Bug told her.
"Roger that, Mister B! I'm on my way!" Lady Noir hang up the call.
She went to help Mister Bug save the passengers.
The hero was running on the roofs to keep track of the bus.
"Hey, Mister Bug! Need a paw?" Lady Noir joked when she found him.
"Yes! I would really appreciate some help" Mister Bug said.
"You're so cute when you say you need my help!" Lady Noir pretended to fall down the roof for the amount of cuteness. She landed on the roof of the bus and
tried to slow it down with her staff, using it as an holding on the road. The bus was slowing down, but that wasn't enough to make it stop.
Mister Bug binded his yo-yo between a lamppost and a road sign. He created a net that eased the braking of the bus.
When the veicle finally stopped, Lady Noir retracted her staff. Her and Mister Bug helped the passengers to get out of the bus.
"End of the run, ladies and gentlemen! Thanks for choosing the Mister Noir busline. Have a good evening" Lady Noir smiled.
"Mister Noir?" Mister Bug questioned.
"It's our heroes names united" Lady Noir explained.
After saving the passengers, Lady Noir made her move and asked to Mister Bug out.
"You know, Mister B, I have a table reserved for two on one of the finest restaurants in Paris" Lady Noir said.
"Sure you do" Mister Bug was unrolling his yo-yo from the lamppost.
"It would nice to celebrate this small victory in candle light" Lady Noir was flapping her eyelashes.
When Mister Bug started to laugh, she got surprised.
"Come on, Lady Noir! When are you going to stop with these silly games?" He threw his yo-yo at the closest house and jumped away.
"Silly games. . .?" Lady Noir didn't understand what he meant with that, but she got that there wasn't going to be a date.
She decided to take away her displeasure with her favorite dessert, so she went to find André Glacé.
"Salut, Lady Noir! What can I do for the prettiest heroine in Paris?" André asked with a cheerful voice.
"Can I have one ice-cream, please?" Lady asked. She couldn't reciprocate his cheerful attitude.
André stacked three different ice-cream flavors on a cone and gave it to her.
"A new combination of flavors! Strawberry with dark chocolate chips, fresh mint and caramell" .
Lady Noir stared at the ice-cream, which had the same colors of Mister Bug. That made her feel even worst then before.
"I'm sorry, André" She returned the ice-cream and walked away.
André had no idea of what just happened.
"No one has ever refused my ice-cream. . . What did I do wrong?" He questioned.
Lady Noir was walking back and front on a roof and talking with herself.
"Why does no one want to spend some time with me? I asked to my father and he refused; I asked to Mister Bug and he laughed at me!. . . Is it so easy to reject me?" Lady Noir held herself and closed her eyes.
In that moment, her cat-ears capted a sound coming from a close roof.
She openned her eyes and looked behind her. She saw Adrien on the balcony of his room.
"Finally someone that won't reject me!" Lady Noir extended her staff to jump from that roof to Adrien's balcony.
She landed so softly that Adrien didn't notice she was there; he was staring at the night sky.
"Hello?" Lady Noir said and Adrien got scared.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you" the heroine apologized.
"No, no, it's okay! I was so distracted that even a fly would have scared me. . ." Adrien asked to Lady Noir what she was doing there.
"I was passing by and I saw you all alone, so I. . . I needed some company" The heroine admitted.
She sat on the railig of the balcony and looked at the sky.
"She doesn't have someone that could keep her company at home?" Adrien thought.
"You can stay all the time you want. I didn't have any plans for tonight anyway" He said.
"Thanks. Your name is Adrien, right? You're the boy that I found inside the sarcophagus, at the museum" Lady Noir giggled.
"That's me, ThE MuMmY bOy!" Adrien walked like a mummy for her and Lady Noir laughed.
She knew that Adrien would cheer her up. He was the only person that could make her feel better in her lowest moments.

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