Chapter 7 Gamer Boy (part 4)

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Lady Noir was absorbed inside Gamer Boy's backpack.
She openned her eyes and found herself in a large room made of pixels, where all the things and the people that Gamer Boy fired at were sent.
They were all trapped there, but at least Lady Noir's leg was back.
Sabrina and Chloe got closer to the heroine.
"Lady Noir! Oh no, the super villain got you!" Sabrina cried.
"Looks like not even the heroes can win this fight" Chloe smiled, like she wasn't scared of the fact that they were in the same bad situation.
Lady Noir informed her that it was all part of her plan.
"I wanted Gamer Boy to capture me!" .
Lady Noir took the walkie-talkie she had tied on her belt and called her partner.
"Mister Bug, can you hear me?" She talked to the walkie-talkie.
Sabrina had her hands joined; Chloe was showing her back, but with the corner of her eye she was looking at Lady Noir, hoping as well for an answer.
"I can hear you, Lady Noir!" Mister Bug said.
Sabrina and Lady Noir immediately smiled at each other.
Mister Bug was swinging between the buildings of the city to get away from the super villain.
"Are you ready for the next part of our plan?" Mister Bug asked, holding the walkie-talkie next to his mouth.
Lady Noir placed herself at the center of the room.
"Ready, Mister B!" She exclaimed.
Mister Bug stopped to let Gamer Boy reach him.
"It was fun to play, Mister Bug, but now I'll have your Miraculous!" The super villain was about to fire at him.
"Cataclysm!" Lady Noir used her power on the floor of the room; everything around her and the citizens started to cramble and quickly fell apart.
When Gamer Boy was about to fire at Mister Bug, his backpack exploted and all the things and people he captured came out.
Gamer Boy was violently pushed foreward by the explosion, so Mister Bug tripped him and he rolled on the ground.
Then Gamer Boy raised his head and his glasses began to tilt.
"Oh no. . ." He mumbled.
His glasses broke and fell off his face, that's when the Akuma flew out of one of the pieces.
"Game over for you, little Akuma" Mister Bug used his yo-yo to capture the butterfly and purify it.
Without it, Max returned to reality. He didn't remember what happened, but it didn't took him long to understand.
"This is my fault?" He asked, looking at the objects and the people around.
"What do you think, genius?" Chloe replied.
"Don't worry. Nothing that we can't fix!" Lady Noir said to Max.
She returned to Mister Bug her walkie-talkie.
"Miraculous Mister Bug!" He threw both the walkie-talkies up to the sky and these solved the problems that Gamer Boy caused.
Everything returned where it was before.
It was the tournament's day and the highschools that competed gathered at the Parc des Princes.
All the teams had to wear a t-shirt with the colors of the representative schools.
Marinette and Adrien were wearing a blue and white shirt.
Mr Damocles was with them at the entrance of the field: he tried to make a pep talk to his students, but he was so enthusiastic.
"Stay focused! And don't let anxiety get the best of you! Remember that however it goes, we'll be proud of you!" He loudly said.
Then Mr Damocles went to sit with the other students on the stands, passing next to Max, who wanted to talk to Marinette before the tournament started.
"Marinette, I'm so sorry for the way I behaved after you won the game. You're a better player than me, and I mean it!" Max sencerely apologized.
Marinette not only accepted his apologize, but she also said that she wanted Max to play in her place.
"You love videogames more than I do. You wouldn't have been akumatized if it wasn't so important for you" Marinette said.
"But I've lost! You deserve to be in the team!" Max exclaimed.
Marinette gave him the joystick that she was supposed to use.
"I want you and Adrien to win for our school" she was firm in her decision.
Initially Max was esitant, but then he finally accepted to play in Marinette's place.
"Thank you. I promise that I'll do my best!" Max ran to the locker room to change his shirt.
"So, we're not a team anymore?" Adrien asked to Marinette, a little disappointed.
"I think you and Max will do just fine even without me!" Marinette gently punched his arm.
"We could. . . Play together again after the tournament?" Adrien wondered.
Marinette smiled.
"I would love to" she answered.
Hearing her say 'love' made Adrien turn red and froze right on the spot.
"Let's go, Adrien!" Max returned with the school shirt on, but Adrien was immotionless like a statue.
So Max had to grabb him from the shirt collar to make him move.
When they walked on the field, Marinette went to the stands with the rest of her class.
She sat next to Alya and her friend asked what she was doing there.
"I gave my joystick to Max" Marinette answered calm.
"Why? I thought you wanted to be in team" Alya said.
"I wanted to play videogames with someone. And I found someone to play videogames with!" Marinette looked in the direction of the players, especially Adrien.
The tournament started and Max and Adrien were really a great team.
They won every round against the other schools.
"Ok, they know what they're doing. But those t-shirts are simply nefarious!" Chloe said because she didn't want to admit that she was impressed.
After many rounds and amazing moves, the two boys won the final match and Mr Damocles couldn't contain his joy: he started yelling and running around the field, embarassing his own students.
Once the principal calmed down, he took a picture with the tournament' winners and their classmates.
Adrien and Max were in front and they were holding the big trophy they won.
Marinette was in the back with the rest of her classmates, but she seemed fine with that.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now