Chapter 14 Anansi (part 1)

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Lady Noir and Mister Bug didn't talk after the night they fought the Little Devils, because he belived that it was better to leave her alone for a while.
With the free time he had, since the school year was almost over, Adrien tried to write an apology.
He was in his bedroom, putting on paper what we wanted to said.
"Hear this, Tikki! . . . 'Lady Noir, as super heroes we have big responsabilities, and so we do as civillians. I had a lot of things to think about these days, between the hero life and my normal life. So please, forgive me for not telling you anything about the Guardian' " Adrien looked at his Kwami, but Tikki wasn't convinced.
"I don't know, Adrien. It sounds more like an excuse than an apology. . ." She ammitted.
Adrien sighed.
"Okay, let me try one more time!" He wanted to write something else, but the allarm of his phone reminded him that he had to go.
Tikki flew inside his bag and he left the appartament.
Adrien had organized with Nino, Alya and Marinette to go see the fireworks of that evening, but first they had to meet at Alya's house for dinner.
She ordered pizza for her and her friends and after eating, they played a videogame called 'Dance Party'.
While Nino and Alya were dancing, Adrien and Marinette were sitting on the couch.
Adrien was enjoing the game, but Marinette wasn't having fun: she looked absent and sad.
"Are you okay, Marinette? You haven't talked much since we arrived" Adrien asked to her and Marinette jumped.
"Oh! I'm just lost in my thoughts. I'm fine, really!" She said, smiling for him.
Marinette was actually worried for what happened with Mister Bug. She thought that he didn't want talk with her anymore. She couldn't know that he actually wanted to give her some space.
"Yes! Highest score!" Nino esulted when he won the game "Who's gonna challenge me next? Marinette, you want to try beat the dance master?" Nino asked.
"Not really, thank you. Adrien, you can dance in my place if you want" Marinette answered, melancholic.
The atmosphere in that moment was heavy.
Alya asked Nino to help her bring the empty pizza boxes to the kitchen, so they could talk in private.
"Something's wrong. I can feel it" Nino whispered when they were alone.
"Of course something's wrong! Even my plants could tell" Alya covered her face for the embarrassmed caused by Nino's drama "What do we do now? Should we call it off?" She asked.
Alya and Nino planned to leave their friends alone before the fireworks started, so that they could share a beautiful moment together and maybe fall in love.
"No! Listen: once Marinette and Adrien see the fireworks, they'll forget about everything else. This is a big opportunity, we can't waste it!" Nino insisted.
Alya sighed and agreed to keep up with their plan, hoping that Marinette would be happier then.
"I'm back~!" They heard singing from the entrance.
Alya's older sister Nora returned from her work at the zoo.
"Good evening, everyone! How are you doing?" Nora was holding a small case covered with a hanky.
"Hey, Nora. How was your day?" Alya asked.
"It was a great! Today Annemarie laid her first eggs, so I brought her home to make sure she has everything she needs!" Nora enthused.
"Who's Annemarie?" Adrien asked.
Nora happely showed to her sister's friends what was inside the case: a big black and orange tarantula, with long hairy legs and eight tiny eyes.
Adrien, Nino and Marinette stepped back when they saw the spider.
"Isn't she adorable?" Nora sent her kisses as if she was a cute kitty "But my little sister is more adorable!" She said, grabbing Alya to give her a kiss on the head.
"Nora is a arachnologist. She works with spiders" Alya explained after her sister let her go.
"Sounds fun. . ." Adrien joked.
"It is! Spiders are so interesting and I love to take care of them!" Nora showed them the spider neckless that she was wearing "Would you like to hold Annemarie?" She asked to Adrien.
Nino saved his friend by saying that they had only an hour left before the fireworks started.
"Don't tell me that you want to go out at this time of day! This city has become such a dangerous place since Hawk Moth showed up. Every week there's a new Akuma attack!" Nora told Alya to stay at home, where it was safe and she could keep an eye on her.
"Nora, I can take care of myself" Alya assured to her.
"I'm sorry, little sister. I have to insist that you stay here" .
"Because in case of an Akuma attack, you think you can protrect me?" Alya asked, doubful.
"Of course! A sister's love is stronger than anything!" Nora exclaimed.
Adrien said that in case of an Akuma attack Mister Bug and Lady Noir would have intervened.
"I don't know why people trust them so much. We don't even know who they are!" Nora argued.
"They don't trust each other either. . ." Marinette whispered and no one heard her.
Nino said that they had nothing to fear.
"We have Marinette Agreste-Cheng on our side! She can protrect all of us" He openned his arm to show off the girl.
Nora knew that Marinette was strong, but she didn't change her mind. So Nino suggested to settle the matter in a simple way.
"Do an arm wrestling match! If Nora wins, Alya will stay at home. But if Marinette wins, she'll come with us!" .
Nora agreed to that idea. Marinette reluctantly accepted.
"Can't I have a say in this? No? Okay. . ." Alya said.
The two girls placed themselves at the opposite sides of the kitchen's table.
They grabbed each other's hand and when Nino gave the okay, Nora started pushing with all her strenght, however Marinette's arn didn't move an iota.
Marinette had to win the match for Alya, so she slammed Nora's hand on the table.
"Marinette wins!" Nino esulted and Adrien clapped his hands for the girl.
Nora was in disbelief.
"Sorry, but Alya is coming with us!" Nino said, pushing her out of the door.
"It was nice to meet you and Annemarie" Adrien saluted Nora before they left the house.
When Nora was left alone, and Akuma flew inside the kitchen and went into her spider neckless.
"Anansi, you have to show them that your sisterly love is the stronger thing in the world! I can help you, but I want Mister Bug and Lady Noir's Miraculous in return" Hawk Moth said.
"I'll do whatever it takes to keep my sister safe!" Nora exclaimed.
"Just one more thing. You will do no harm to the girl named Marinette" Hawk Moth added.
"Why?" Nora asked.
"Do you want me to give you powers or not!?" He yelled.
"Alright! No questions! Geez. . ." Nora was transformed. She grew four more arms and her legs became longer, like spider' legs.

[Hello readers! I've created an Instagram page for this story where I post memes, fanarts and inform when the parts of the chapters are out. The page is called mister_bug_and_lady_noir
Check it out if you're interested and have a good day! ❤️🖤]

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