Chapter 3 Filmmaker (part 2)

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Nino apologized to his friend for the way he was behaving.
"You're right. . . I need to take a break from my blog" He promised to Adrien that he wasn't going to use his phone for the rest of the day.
"Let's make it for the rest of the week" Adrien challenged him.
Nino looked at him, then they both laughed.
And so Adrien gave back the phone to Nino.
"Remember: ignore the haters and keep your phone in your pocket!" Adrien told him.
"Yeah, yeah. I will" Nino answered.
After saying bye to each other, they two boys walked to their respective homes.
When Nino openned the door of his appartament, his phone rang: it was a notification from his blog.
Nino instinctively took the phone out of his pocked, but then he remembered what he promised to Adrien.
Nino silenced his phone, to resist the temptation, and closed in his bedroom.
The phone kept glowing up at every notification it recived.
Nino tried so hard to ignore them.
"What's happening?! What are they saying?!" Nino was thinking "This is so unfair! Why do they have to criticize my work like that?!" Nino couldn't stop thinking about those comments.
And the negative emotions kept growing stronger in his mind.
Inevitabily, Hawk Moth sensed those emotions.
"Kids this days! They're so attached to their phones, and they're so concerned about everybody else opinion. They would do anything for a small moment of fame on socials. . . Perfect!" Hawk Moth smiled with cruelty.
When one of the butterflies leanded on his hand, he turned it into an Akuma.
"Fly away, my little Akuma! Find this desperate boy!" .
The Akuma made it's way to Nino's bedroom.
When the boy finally decided to take the phone out of his pocked, the butterfly flew inside it.
"Filmmaker, I'm Hawk Moth. I've watched your video and I found it really impressive! It's a shame that I'm the only one who thinks so" Hawk Moth knew how to play with him.
"No! My friends-! They love it!" Nino was trying to resist.
He was holding his head and clenching his teeth.
"I'm giving you the chance to film something that nobody is ever going to match: the complete defeat of Mister Bug and Lady Noir! You have talent, my boy. Don't waste it" Hawk Moth convinced him to accept the power that he was offering him.
Nino became the Filmmaker.
His villain costume looked like the outfit of a director of the old times: he had a long scarf, which he could pompously flip around, white balloon pants, black boots and a long mustache.
"I'll make a good use of the powers I have! This city will be thrilled to see my masterpiece!" Filmmaker did a spin around and posed.
His phone became a big movie camera and it was floating, to follow Nino wherever he wanted.
"First of all, I need a location!" Filmmaker busted wide open the window of his bed room and he flew out of the appartament, using the camera as a surfboard.
He went looking for the perfect location to set his movie.
"The Eiffel Tower? That's so overused! The Louvre? No! Too many paintings. People should give all their attention to MY work of art!" .
The Filmmaker finally chosed the location.
"The Grand Paris Hotel! Yes! And I already know the perfect girl for the role of the victim" Filmmaker flew towards the hotel.
The cell phones of the people he passed by were drawn to him, like a magnet.
"Exellent! I need a troop to create my film" the Filmmaker rejoiced.
When he arrived at the main entrance of the Grand Paris Hotel, the usher looked at him, very confused.
"What can I do for you. . . sir?" He asked to the weird looking boy that was standing in front of him, with an army of flying phones behind his back.
"I suppose you haven't been informed of my arrival" the Filmmaker cleaned his nails on his waistcoat.
"And you are?" The usher asked unbothered.
"The greatest filmmaker in Paris, of course! I'm here to shoot my new movie" After he drammatically said that, the usher changed his attitude.
He became more servile.
"Please, sir, go right in!" He opened the door and let Filmmaker in.
"And if you need an actor for the role of the usher, I'll be right here!" The man added.
Filmmaker walked inside the hotel.
All the famous and rich guests were stearing at him, mostly because the phones flying around him looked very suspicious, but no one thought it was better to leave.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please?" The Filmmaker started talking "Forgive my manners, but this place is now the seth for my new film. I'd appreciate if you leave immediately" he explained to the guests.
Instead of doing what he said, those people looked at each other, very confused.
Since nobody was leaving, the Filmmaker decided to make them go away in a less polite way.
He snapped his fingers and the phones turned into phone-bats, with scary black wings.
The phone-bats chased the guests around the entrance, doing high-pitced sounds, like actual bats.
Everyone ran out of the hotel.
"Perfect! Now it's time to find the main star of the movie" the Filmmaker made an evil grin.
He entered inside the elevator, followed by his army of bat-phones and his camera.
He was looking for the girl who made fun of his work.
The one who called herself the queen of Paris and beyond.

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