Chapter 19 Heroes Day (part 2)

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There was no way that Mister Bug and Lady Noir could defeat all those super villains by themselves.
The only logical thing they could do was get away from Scarlett Moth and his army, and so they did.
"What are we going to do?" Lady Noir questioned as they were running away from the parade.
"We need all the help possible. I'll go find Master Fu and get the other Miraculous" Mister Bug said.
Some red Akumas cornered a group of citizens, but Luka put himself in front of them.
"I've already been turned into a red monster twice! I won't let it happen again!" He affirmed.
The Akumas didn't dare to fly any closer to him and those he was protecting.
Sabrina, Nino and Chris weren't transformed thanks to their positive feelings, and they were hiding inside the movie teather.
"This is the biggest Akuma attack we ever had!" Sabrina said, looking through the glass doors.
"Mister Bug and Lady Noir are going to need the help to win this battle" Nino added.
The two teens were thinking the same thing.
"I should go see if Chloe is alright!" Sabrina invented an excuse to leave the teather.
"I better bring Chris home!" Nino also said an excuse to get out.
Chloe was protecting her dad from the red Akumas.
"Don't worry, daddy! I'm not afraid, so they can't turn me into a super villain!" In that moment, Chloe's phone rang. She took it out of her purse and the screen shined a red light.
"Chloe, are you okay?" Her father asked.
The girl looked at him with red eyes: she was infected by Hacker Cupid's power.
"Daddy, you're the worst mayor in the world! You don't care about the citizens, you only care about money and notoriety!" Chloe yelled.
"And what's wrong with that?" Mr Bourgeois shrugged.
Since Chloe was angry, the Akumas were able to get close to her. One of them flew inside her pin and she was transformed into Antibug again.
After coming back to Lady Noir, Mister Bug gave her the turtle Miraculous.
"I'll find the holders of the fox and bee Miraculous" he said to his parten.
"See you later!" Lady Noir extended her staff and went to look for Alya while Mister Bug was looking for Nino and Sabrina.
They had the right idea when they decided to split up. Mister Bug gave them their Miraculous separately and they transformed to join him.
"Where's Lady Noir?" Bittle Bee asked.
"She's looking for the last member of out team" Mister Bug answered.
Lady Noir found Alya. She hiding in the park with her sister. There was no time to invent an excuse to separate them, so Lady Noir approached them with the Miraculous.
"Alya Cesaire, Paris needs you" the heroine handed her the turtle bracelet.
"You're a super hero!?" Nora exclaimed, looking at her sister.
Alya and Lady Noir worried that Nora was going to try stop her from joining the battle.
"You never needed my help. . . You've always being strong enough to protect yourself. I'm so proud of you, Alya!" Nora told her "Go now. Save Paris!" .
"Thank you, Nora!" Alya hugged her sister before going with Lady Noir.
Scarlett Moth was on the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by the members of his evil army.
Once the five heroes were all together, it was time to fight.
"No matter how many heroes there are, this time I'm going to win!" Scarlett Moth ordered his super villains to attack.
Stink Bug fired at Mister Bug with her gun, but Jade Shell used her shield to save him from her perfume.
"Thanks, Jade! Renard, on your left!" Mister Bug threw his yo-yo and hitted Horrificator before she could look at Red Renard in the eyes.
Poet-terror wrote a small poem and a huge sword appeared in his hands. Together with Momo-sama, he rushed toward the heroes. Red Renard and Lady Noir engaged a sword fight with them, using his flute and her staff instead of actual swords.
While they were fighting, Gamer Boy was taking the aim to fire at Lady Noir.
But Bittle Bee used her top to make him miss the shot and fire at Momo-sama instead.
"The game is over for you!" Bittle Bee punched Gamer Boy's pin, breaking it and releasing the Akuma that Mister Bug captured.
When Max came back to normal, Momo-sams reappered.
"Take this!" Mister Bug used his yo-yo to break her pin and he captured her Akuma.
Jade Shell threw her shield at Poet-terror, broking his pin.
Mister Bug captured his Akuma as well.
Hawk Moth's army had already lost three members, but he wasn't looking worried at all.
"What does he have to be smug about?" Red Renard questioned.
"He won't be smiling when we'll defeat the rest of his army" Bittle Bee assured.
"Hey, Brat Bee!" She heard screaming.
The heroine looked behind her and saw Anti Bug.
"Chloe, no. . ." Bittle Bee whispered.
"Where have you been when I needed your help? How could you let this happen to me again!?" Anti Bug took her yo-yo and started spinning it.
"I'm sorry!" Bittle Bee cried.
While she was distracted, Stink Bug fired at her. Bittle Bee fell under the influence of her perfume.
"Now you belong to Scarlett Moth!" Stink Bug said as a red Akuma was absorbed inside her top.
Bittle Bee's costume went from black and yellow to black and red. She used her venom on Red Renard to make him stand still. Another Akuma flew inside his flute.
"Red Renard, no!" Mister Bug had to watch his best friend become a super villain.
"Thanks for the upgrade, Scarlett Moth!" Red Renard smiled.
The rest of the super villains army surrounded the three heroes left.
The situation was desperate.
"Come here, kitty-kitty!" Anti Bug beckoned her to come closer.
"What's our plan now, Mister B?" Lady Noir asked.
"I. . . I don't know" Mister Bug had no ideas.
Stone Heart got closer to them and raised his fist. Mister Bug and Lady Noir closed their eyes and hugged each other, expecting the worst to happen.
But it didn't.
Mister Bug openned his eyes and saw green all around them.
Jade Shell was using her power to protect the three of them from Stone Heart's punches.
"Go! My shield won't last forever!" There was a manhole below his feet. Jade Shell told Mister Bug and Lady Noir to use the sewers to escape.
"We can't leave you here!" Lady Noir exclaimed.
"You two have to make it out! Paris needs you!" Jade Shell yelled.
Stone Heart kept punching the shield, which was starting to crumble like a glass bell.
Mister Bug removed the manhole and took Lady Noir's hand.
"Let's go!" He made her go down the sewers first, then he looked one last time at Jade Shell.
When they left, Stone Heart was destroyed her shield, making Jade Shell fall on the ground for the impact of his last punch.
"Come on, Jade. Join us bad guys" Bittle Bee said.
"It feels good to be bad" Red Renard grinned.
"I have to desagree. What you guys think it's a good feeling, it's actually an illusion. No one is really happy when they do wrong!" Jade Shell decleared.
"Funny you say that, because I'm having the fun of my life right now" Bittle Bee stung her with her top, just like she did with Red Renard.
A red Akuma went inside Jade' shell shield and the heroine was akumatized like the others.
Mister Bug and Lady Noir were running in the sewers.
When they were far enough from the battlefield, they stopped to catch a breath.
"Hawk Moth has never akumatized so many villains at once! What changed!? How was he able to do that!?" Lady Noir was hyperventilating; her heart was beating fast and she was pulling her braid for the stress.
"Lady Noir, breath slowly, like me" Mister Bug showed her how, holding her hand.
Lady Noir breathed slowly until her heartbeat returned to normal.
"Listen, it doesn't matter how many villains Hawk Moth has on his side. We've always won, and we can win even now!" Mister Bug said.
"You're right, Mister B. We have to ho back to save our friends!" Lady Noir regained her confidence.
The two heroes heards wings flapping. Horrificator was flying in the sewers to find them.
"Let's go" Mister Bug and Lady Noir ran away.
They encountred a large puddle that blocked their way, so Mister Bug threw his yo-yo and hooked it up to the other side of the tunnel.
Lady Noir hugged him and they swinged above the puddle, reaching the other side, then the two heroes found a way out of the sewers.

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