Chapter 4 The Impostor (part 4)

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"Lady Noir and I aren't a couple! We're a team!" Mister Bug swore.
The Impostor didn't belive him.
"Don't lie to me! It's too late anyway. Now everybody thinks you're a criminal, even Lady Noir!" The Impostor stated.
But not only Lady Noir knew that Mister Bug was innocent, she was also looking for the real bad guy.
Lady Noir founded Theo's labotatory.
She saw from the dirty glass roof that there were two Mister Bugs: one free and the other chained without his yo-yo.
"That's why Mister Bug didn't answer my call!" Lady Noir openned the glass window and jumped inside the lab.
"Sorry for the delay. I forgot my claws at home" The girl joked after landing in front of the two guys.
"Lady Noir!" The real Mister Bug said releaved.
"Lady Noir!" The Impostor said with his hands joined.
The heroine congratulated with the Impostor for capturing Mister Bug.
"Exellent work for finding his hide out" Lady Noir looked at the real Mister Bug, pretending to despite him.
"Lady Noir, no! I'm the real one!" Mister Bug couldn't figure that she was faking.
"Shut up! The real Mister Bug would never let himself be captured like this! Am I right, partner?" She asked to the Impostor, who was stearing at her in admiration.
"Uh? Oh, yeah!" The Impostor's plan wasn't going as he expected, but Lady Noir seemed to belive that he was the real Mister Bug, so he continued with that farce.
"I'm so glad you're finally here, Lady Noir. I've waited to see you all day!" The Impostor took Lady Noir's hands.
"But I've already told you why I wasn't at the celebration" Lady Noir wanted to trick him.
"I. . ." The Impostor didn't know what she was talking about.
"Remember? My hamster wasn't feeling well, so I had to bring him to the vet" Lady Noir lied.
In that moment, Mister Bug realized what she was doing.
"Of course! Now I remember. How's your hamster?" The Impostor asked.
Lady Noir smirked.
"I don't have an hamster" she said "And I didn't tell you why I wasn't at the celebration!".
Lady Noir took advantage of the fact that they were holding hands, to grab his arm and threw him across the lab.
The Impostor landed on a pile of old newspapers.
The real Mister Bug laughed proudly.
"Are you okay, Mister Bug?" Lady Noir asked him.
"Yes. But today has been a reeeeally weird day!" The boy answered.
Lady Noir used her Cataclysm on the chains that were keeping Mister Bug trapped.
"I'm happy to see you" The hero said.
"Me too, Mister B" Lady Noir smiled.
By the time she helped her partner, the Impostor got up.
"Lady Noir, please listen! I love you! I could be a better boyfriend than him!".
"I'm. Not. Her. BOYFRIEND!" Mister Bug affirmed.
Lady Noir told him to go take back his yo-yo while she took care of the super villain.
"Why won't you listen to me!?" The Impostor screamed.
"Because I've had enough of people choosing for me! I decide who deserves my love" Lady Noir answered.
While Lady Noir and the Impostor were fighting, Mister Bug found his yo-yo and used his special power.
"Lucky Charm!" The object that was supposed to help them was a fishing pole.
Mister Bug looked around the warehouse and a plan to defeat the super villain formed in his mind.
He started jumpimg around the place, sliding the rode tread like a spider-web and created a big net above Lady Noir and the Impostor.
"Lady Noir!" The boy warned her friend.
Lady Noir looked up and immediately jumped back.
At that point, Mister Bug dropped the net on the Impostor, who fell on the floor, anable to move his arms and legs.
With the villain in that condition, Mister Bug had no problem getting close to him and take the object where the Akuma was hiding.
He ripped in two the picture of Lady Noir and captured the butterfly.
"Goodbye, little butterfly" he said, after purifying the Akuma
"Miraculous Mister Bug!" The Lucky Charm fixed the big problem that the Impostor caused: the painting of Mona Lisa returned to the museum, with incredilous surprise of the officer.
When the net that trapped Theo desappeared and he returned to be himself, Lady Noir helped him to get up.
She offered her hand to him, even after what happened.
"Thank you, Lady Noir" the artist said "I'm so sorry for what I've done. . . To both of you" he looked at Mister Bug.
The boy told him that it was okay.
"I'm sorry for the things I said at the park. I think it's fair to say that I don't know much about love. . ." Mister Bug apologized.
"Neither do I" Theo confessed, looking back at Lady Noir "But I know now that love can't be forced. I'll remember what I learned today, and I hope that someday I'll find someone I deserve" .
"I'm sure you will" Lady Noir said.
When her ring and Mister Bug's earrings started blinking it was time for them to go.
They wished good luck to Theo for his work and his love life, then they left his lab.
Before they detransformed, Lady Noir wrapped her arms around Mister Bug's neck.
That surprised him a lot.
She apologized for that but kept hugging him tight.
"I'm sorry. I just. . . You have no idea how much I needed this!" She admitted.
Mister Bug hugged her back.
"You had a really rough day, huh?" he said.
Lady Noir nodded.
"You want to talk about it?" .
Lady Noir thought over it for a short moment.
"I can't. We shouldn't talk about our private lives, or else we could descover each other's identity!" Lady Noir chosed not to tell her friend what happened and Mister Bug respected her decision.
They just hugged in silence, until it was time to say bye.

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