Chapter 19 Heroes Day (part 1)

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Mayor Bourgeois proclaimed a day of celebration dedicated to the heroes of Paris. For the occasion it was organized a parade with floats and a concert in the evening.
"We'll have to close the bakery earlier if we want to find good places to watch the parade" Tom was saying to Emily and Adrien while they were having breakfast.
The boy had some doubts about that day.
"Don't you think that a parade is a bit much?" Adrien asked to his parents.
"It's the least we can do to show our heroes how much we appreciate them" Emily said.
"But they haven't captured Hawk Moth yet! As long as he's around, there's always the possibily that a new super villain will show up. . ." Adrien said.
"I know what's going on here" Tom was looking suspiciously at his son.
Adrien swallowed in fear.
"You-you do?" He stammered.
"Yes. . . Someone's a bit jealous of our heroes!" Tom patted Adrien's back and Emily pinched his cheek.
They told him that he didn't need to be jealous, because for them their son was the coolest boy in Paris.
Adrien made a sigh of relief.
Marinette was watching the news on her phone while having breakfast. The news reporter was interviewing the famous singer Jagged Stone, about the concert of that evening.
"Your fans are excited to listen your new song, Mr Jagged Stone. Can you tell us something about it?" The reporter asked.
"This song was inspired by the heroes that everyday protect us from the forces of evil!" Jagged Stone drammatically explained.
"Did you hear that, Plagg? We're so important that they write us songs" Marinette said.
"Might as well change the name of the city in 'Hero Town'!" Plagg joked and laughed by himself.
Someone was about to walk into the dining room, so Plagg hid under the table.
Nathalie walked in, holding her tablet.
"I'm ready!" Marinette thought that Nathalie was there to accompany her to the parade.
"I'm sorry, Marinette. Your father thinks it's too dangerous to go see the parade. The chances of an Akuma attack are higher in events with many people" Nathalie said.
"Who could be akumatized in day like this?" Marinette questioned.
"Marinette, don't insist. It's for your own good" Nathalie ended there the conversation and left the dining room.
Plagg came out from under the table and begged Marinette to not hit anything.
"I won't, Plagg. If they think I'm going to stay here all day, they're wrong!" Marinette smiled confidently.
"You want to sneak out again? That's great!" Plagg always supported her rebellious acts.
Marinette went in her room to transform and as Lady Noir, she jumped out of the window.
Nathalie went in Gabriel's studio.
She inserted the code in Sabine's painting to go in the secret lair.
Gabriel was there, waiting for her, holding the book that they've been studying for a long time.
"The boxes have been delivered to all the shops in town" Nathalie told him.
"And Marinette?" He asked.
"She's in her room" she answered.
Their big plan could finally start.
"Nooroo, dark wings rise!" Gabriel transformed and turned a butterfly into an Akuma, but instead of flying out of the lair, the Akuma went inside Nathalie's tablet.
"Catalyst, I give you the ability to encrease other's power at your will" he said.
Catalyst held Hawk Moth' staff in her hands.
"Scarlett Moth, I'm giving you the power you need to success in your mission and defeat Mister Bug and Lady Noir once and far all" she said.
After Hawk Moth's costume turned red, he started to transform all the butterflies in the room into red Akumas.
"We're leaving, Adrien. Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Emily asked to her son.
Adrien told her not to worry.
"I'll stay at the bakery to serve our clients. Have fun the parade" Adrien waived at his parents as they walked out the bakery.
"I almost forgot! Remember to give a pin to all our clients" Tom pointed at the box next to the cash register.
Adrien looked at the box, which had the Agreste's brand mark on it. When his parents left, he openned the box that had many pins with the faces of the five heroes.
Tikki flew out of his pocket.
"They even made pins with us?" The boy questioned, holding a pin with Mister Bug's face on.
"Don't you feel flattered by all this attention?" Tikki asked.
"I don't like to be treated as a pop star or a cartoon character. I only do what's my duty" Adrien replied.
They heard the bell on the door of the bakery and Tikki hid behind the register.
"Sorry, are you closing?" Lady Noir was at the door.
"Lady Noir! No, we're not closing. What can I do for you?" The boy asked, happy to see her.
"Do you have any croissant?" She asked, walking up to him.
"I'm afraid we're out of them. How about some cream puffs instead? They're my favorite dessert!" Adrien suggested.
Lady Noir accepted his suggestion, so Adrien took a paper bag and used tongs to take the cream puffs.
"Are you coming to the celebration?" Lady Noir asked to the boy.
"I can't. I have to stay at the bakery" Adrien couldn't tell her the real reason why he wasn't going.
"How much?" Lady Noir asked when he gave her the cream puffs.
"Don't worry about it. During the Heroes Day, everything in our bakery is free for them" Adrien smiled.
"Thank you so much! See you around, handsome" Lady Noir winked at Adrien before walking out of the bakery.
"Did she just call you handsome?" Tikki questioned after Lady Noir left.
"Because I gave her free pastes" Adrien naively answered and Tikki shook her head.
The floats were parading through the main street of the city, carrying gigant baloons of the five heroes.
All the citizens were wearing the same pins Adrien had in his bakery.
"I wish Marinette was here" Alya said.
Nora agreed to accompany her sister and friends to the parade. She was still afraid of being out with Hawk Moth around, but she wasn't going to let her fear spoil the fun.
"I wish Adrien wasn't such a stick in the mud! How can he work in a day like this?" Nino was filming the event with his camera.
"Look! It's Chloe!" Sabrina pointed at the float that was coming next.
Chloe was on it, weaving at the croud with her dad.
"Hello! Oh, hello! Thank you for coming!" .
"Keep smiling, my princess. Smile for the voters" Mayor Boureois said.
He belived that the celebration would guarantee him everyone's votes for the next election.
Lady Noir was watching the parade from the rooftop of the Grand Paris hotel while eating the delicious cream puffs.
At some point, one of the floats stopped in the middle of the road, blocking the way for the other floats.
The citizens were confused.
"Is this part of the show?" Nino questioned.
He used his camera to zoom on the baloon and he spotted the person standing on it.
"Hawk Moth!?" Nino exclaimed.
Some of the citizens ran away for the fear, and others tried to stay calm to not be akumatized.
Tikki was watching the parade in live from the phone of her holder.
"Adrien!" She called him to make him see what was happening.
Adrien took his phone and saw Hawk Moth. He almost couldn't belive that he finally showed up.
"This is the perfect chance to stop him! Tikki, spots on!" .
Mister Bug and Lady Noir landed on the same baloon where Scarlett Moth was.
"Mister Bug, I think someone's trying to steal your look" Lady Noir said to his partner.
"How nice of you to join the celebration. If you're trying to help us defeat you, you're doing a great job!" Mister Bug took his yo-yo.
Scarlett Moth laughed maliciously.
"Someone will be defeated today, but it's not going to be me!" Scarlett Moth threw his staff at the two heroes. They dodge it, but it wasn't directed to them.
The staff hitted the baloon behind them, causing it to explode and unleashing all the red Akumas that were inside it.
Some people wearing the hero pins were akumatized: Rose, Ivan, Nathaniel, André Glacé and Tsurugi-san, they were all transformed.
"From now one this will be remembered as the Villains Day!" Scarlett Moth laughed.

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