Chapter 1 The origins of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (part 3)

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"ALIX!" Stoneheart screamed her name, making the whole school tramble.
"An eartquake?" Nino looked at his best friend.
"It was more like a scream. . ." Adrien guessed.
Stoneheart punched the wall near by, then he jumped through the hole he made to get out of the school.
Adrien and his classmates ran out of the classroom and saw the monster walking away.
"What was that!?" Chloe yelled in disgust.
"A monster? So cool!" Rose was the only one who seemed happy.
Nino quickly started filming with his cell phone.
"No need to panick, kids! I'm sure the police will take care of that monster. We can continue our lesson and-" Miss Bustier tried to bring them back inside the classroom.
Her students took that chance to return to their homes, far from the monster and most importantly from their teacher.
The police was trying to handle the situation: they blocked the way with their cars and armed themselves with bucklers and batons.
A police officer used a megaphone to talk to the monster.
"Allright, big guy! You can't escape. Surrender to us immediately or else-!" The officer intended that his men would have attacked him.
"My name is Stoneheart!" Ivan responded, screaming.
He wasn't going to surrender that easily.
And so the officer gived permission to attack him.
The cops hitted Stoneheart with their batons, but instead of moking him down, those hitts made him grew taller and stronger.
The police couldn't do anything to stop him.
The local news was talking about the attack, and a troop filmed the monster while he was walking around the city.
Adrien was in his bedroom, and he was watching the news.
He wasn't the only one: Marinette was doing the same in her bedroom.
"Maybe it was a good thing that Nathalie stopped me from going to school. . ." Marinette thought.
"I hate first days of school!" Adrien complained.
In that moment, both Adrien and Marinette realized there was a jewelery box in their rooms.
"What's this?" Adrien wondered.
"Who put this here?" Marinette said.
They openned the boxes.
From each one, a tiny creature appeared with a dazzling light.
The red one who came out from Adrien's box greeted the boy with a gentle smile.
"Hello, Adrien. I'm Tikki" the Kwami said.
Adrien istantly jumped back and started screaming.
"A giant bug! A mouse! A giant bug-mouse!" .
In Marinette's room, the black Kwami who came out of her box was flying from an object to another, to find something eatable.
"What's this? Is it food? Can I eat it?" The Kwami asked before giving a bite to her hair brush.
Marinette tried to stop him from biting all her stuff.
"Stop it! That's a dvd, not a donut!" She jumped from her bed and finally caught the Kwami.
"Alright, what's going on?!" Marinette wanted to understand what was happening.
"My name is Plagg and I'm your Kwami. I give you powers if you give me food. About that, can I have something to eat? I'm hungry!" Plagg explained it all real quickly.
Marinette couldn't belive her ears.
"This must be a prank from my father! . . . Of corse not. My father doesn't even know the meaning of the word prank" .
Tikki was trying to calm down Adrien.
"I'm here to help!" She told him.
The boy took the paper can and used it to trap her.
"Fine. If it makes you feel safer, we'll talk this way" Tikki said from inside the can.
"As I was saying, I'm Tikki, the Kwami of creation" .
"What are you talking about?! What's a Kwami?!" Adrien was so confused.
"I know it's a lot to take, but there's no time to waste! There's a super villain attacking Paris and you have to take care of it!" Tikki affirmed.
"Me? Take care of that monster!?" Adrien was even more scared than before.
"With the earrings inside of that box, you can transform into a super hero! Mister Bug!" Tikki explained.
Adrien looked at the jewelery box on the floor.
He reached out his arm and took the box, to give a look at the earrings.
"A super hero. . ." Adrien didn't know if he could be a hero.
He was usually so shy and irresolute, while the heroes that he admired were the opposite.
Adrien removed the paper can to talk with Tikki face to face.
"I know you can do it" Tikki reassured him.
Adrien stood up and wore the earrings.
"Ok. . . I'll try!" the boy said with a insecure look.
"You need to say 'Tikki, spots on' to transform" Tikki told him.
"Tikki, ehm. . . Spots on?" Adrien mumbled.
The Kwami flew inside one of the earrings and these colored like the wings of a ladybug.
After the transformation, Adrien gave himself a look in the mirror: his glasses were gone and he had more muscles; his costume was black and red, and had spots.
He didn't feel like a super hero anyway.
"Tikki? Tikki! What do I do now?" Adrien asked, but no one was there to hear him.
After Plagg explained again what was going on, Marinette wore the ring that was inside her box.
"Now say 'Plagg, claws out' and we're on our way, kid!" Plagg said.
Marinette smiled with confidence.
"Plagg, claws out!" .
Marinette's braid got longer, like a cat tail, and her nails became sharper.
Her costume was black and had green stripes around the neck, the waist and the arms.
After the transformation, Marinette jumped out the window of her bedroom.
"Better figure out what I can do before the battle" She used the stick behind her back for some tricks.
She extended it and walked over it like the acrobat of a circus.
"Mewow! This is easy!" She also had the perfect balance of a cat.
Suddenly Marinette heard someone screaming from the sky.
When she looked up, Adrien fell right on her, and the two heroes got tangled up with his yo-yo.
"Why, hello there, handsome!" Marinette greeted the boy who fell from the sky.
She wasn't mad at all about the fact that he had fallen on her.
"Sorry! It's my first day as a super hero!" Adrien apologized.
He just wanted to understand how his yo-yo worked.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now