Chapter 14 Anansi (part 2)

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Adrien and his friends made it in time; the fireworks would have started thereafter.
Nino and Alya wanted to continue with their plan to make Adrien and Marinette fall in love, so they suggested to watch the fireworks from the ferris wheel.
"We better hurry. We only have ten minutes left" Adrien informed them, looking at his watch. He was clueless about their plan.
The four teens went to get in line for the wheel. When it was their turn, Nino and Alya made Marinette and Adrien get on the cabin first. Once the doors closed Adrien realized that their friends weren't with them; Nino and Alya were waving at them as the wheel was going up.
"I hate them" Adrien growled.
After the Sun desappeared behind the buildings, the first firework popped in the sky.
Marinette and Adrien looked at the same direction and the show started: tons of colored fireworks
filled the sky, making a pleasant noise.
"Wow! I'm so glad we didn't miss them" Marinette said, looking outside the window of the cabin.
"Me too. But I'm more glad that I got to enjoy this show in your company" Adrien said.
Marinette looked at him with surprise. That was the sweetest thing she had heard in a while.
"Thank you, Adrien. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this!" Marinette smiled.
The two enjoied the rest of the fireworks and when the wheel went full circle, they got off. They were expecting their friends to be waiting for them, but no one was there.
"Where's everyone?" Marinette wondered.
They heard a voice coming from above their heads.
Anansi had created a spider web around the ferris wheel, and Nino was trapped on it like a fly.
"Where are you Alya? There's no need to be afraid! Your big sister is here!" Anansi was saying.
"Nora?" Adrien whispered.
Marinette took his hand and started to ran with him.
Anansi saw them trying to get away, so she jumped off her web and went after them. With her long legs, she soon reached the two teens.
"Where is Alya!?" The super villain yelled at Marinette and Adrien, blocking their way.
"We don't know! We parted before the fireworks started!" Adrien swore.
"So you left her alone!? I knew you couldn't protect her!" Anansi grabbed Adrien with her six arms and jumped back to the wheel.
She would have also captured Marinette, but Hawk Moth told her to stay away from that girl.
Marinette heard someone calling her from inside a public bathroom.
"Phss! Over here!" .
It was Alya who was calling her.
Marinette went inside the bathroom.
"I'm so glad you weren't captured!" Marinette said to her friend, but Alya didn't look as relieved as she was.
"This is all my fault! I should have stayed at home with Nora" Alya covered her face for the remorses.
"No, Alya! It's not your fault! We should have let you talk with Nora instead of doing that dumb arm wrestling match. Everything can be fixed by talking" Marinette reflected on what she just said. She realized that it was the same thing even for her and Mister Bug.
"Alya, I'm going to find help. You stay here" Marinette ran out of the bathroom and found a place to transform.
As Lady Noir, she returned to the ferris wheel and hid behind its controls. She tried to call her partner, but for some reason Mister Bug wasn't answering.
"Come on, Mister B! This is not the time to be stubborn!" Lady Noir thought he was ignoring her calls on purpose.
"Good evening, Marinette".
Lady Noir jumped for the surprise.
An old man was sitting next to her.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?" Lady Noir asked to him.
"I'm Master Fu. Mister Bug told me that you could have needed help" The man explained with a calm voice.
"You're. . . the Guardian!?" Lady Noir ghasped.
Master Fu gave her a little box with a Miraculous inside and told her to find someone that could help her, since Mister Bug couldn't at the moment.
Lady Noir remembered that Alya was in that bathroom, so she went back to her.
The heroine knocked on the bathroom's door and Alya slightly openned it.
"Lady Noir!?" The girl exclaimed.
"You're Alya, right? Your friend told me that I would have found you here" Lady Noir asked her to walk out of the bathroom. Then she explained that she needed her help.
"Alya Cesaire, this the turtle Miraculous, which grants the power of protection. You'll use it to save your friends. But once the mission is over, you'll give it back to me" Lady Noir handed the little box to Alya.
"I won't fail you, Lady Noir!" The girl accepted the Miraculous. When she openned the box, Wayzz appeared.
"It's an honor to meet you, master" The Kwami said.
"Master? Me?" Alya giggled.
"Stay focused" Lady Noir said.
"To transform, you just need to say 'Wayzz, shell on' " He explained while the girl was wearing the bracelet.
"Wayzz, shell on!" Alya was transformed. Her hero costume was green and had a turtle shell on the back; her hair popped like a firework, giving her a funky look.
"How do you want me to call you?" Lady Noir asked.
"I am. . . Jade Shell!" Alya said, assuming an heroic pose.
"Lady Noir! Mister Bug! Give me your Miraculous or else I'll feed these two boys to my tarantulas!" Anansi screamed from the ferris wheel.
"Don't worry, Adrien. I know Mister Bug and Lady Noir will save us!" Nino reassured his friend.
"Heh, I hope so. . ." Adrien faked a smile. If he was up there, Mister Bug wouldn't have come for sure.
Finally Lady Noir made her appearence with Jade Shell. Anansi was expecting Mister Bug instead.
"We're saved!" Adrien esulted.
"A t-t-turtle. . .?" Nino stuttered frightened, looking at Jade Shell.
"Another super hero? How many of you are out there?" Anansi asked, jumping off her web.
"I know a better joke! How many super heroes are needed to defeat you?" Jade Shell jumped above her "Just one: me!" She landed on Anansi's face with both feet.
"Oh, you little-!" Anansi started spitting her spider webs, to try capture Jade Shell and Lady Noir.
The heroines dodged all her webs.
"Can you keep her busy while I help those boys up there?" Lady Noir asked to Jade Shell.
When she gave her the okay, Lady Noir went to rescue Adrien and Nino from the web. She extended her staff and climbed it until she reached the boys.
"Evening, gentlemen~. Need some help with those spider webs?" Lady Noir asked to Nino and Adrien, who were both glad to see her.
She used her claws to cut the webs that were around their feet and arms. Then Nino and Adrien slid down her staff, like two firemen.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now