Chapter 8 Poet-terror (part 3)

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Marinette walked to the Pont des Arts.
On the bridge, there was no one else but Poet-terror and André Glacé.
When the villain saw Marinette, he made a smile of relief.
Mister Bug hid behind the ice-cream kiosk.
"Keep it cool until I tell you to leave, André" the hero whispered.
"Ouí, Monsieur Bug" André said very serious.
Marinette went closer to the super villain, showing a calm face.
"I'm here!" She said.
"Thank you for coming" Poet-terror looked at ease.
Marinette asked him why he wanted to talk with her.
"It's not easy for me to say it. . ." Poet-terror blushed.
Marinette was worried, but she kept smiling. If he was going to confess, she didn't know how to reject him without causing more problems.
"What do you think about this place? You find it romantic for a date?" Poet-terror asked.
"Well. . ." Marinette didn't know how to answer.
"It isn't? Maybe some music will help!" Poet-terror wrote a small poem and a violinist appeared on the bridge.
After seeing that, Marinette thought that the Akuma was inside the sheet he was writing on.
"Better?" Poet-terror asked.
Marinette said there was something still missing, and asked if she could write down what it was.
When she tried to take the sheet, Poet-terror had the involuntary reflex of grabbing her wrist.
"Don't touch her!" Mister Bug came out of his hiding place.
"André, go!" He said and the ice-cream man ran away with his kiosk.
"Marinette, you knew he was here and you didn't tell me?" Poet-terror asked to the girl.
Marinette made an embarrassmed smile.
She grabbed the sheet and tore it in half, but the Akuma didn't fly out of it.
The super villain used the sleeve of his jacket to write another verse and an iron cage appeared above Marinette.
Mister Bug rushed to save her, but the cage fell on both of them.
"Obviously my promise isn't valid anymore. Chloe will have the lesson she deserves! I'll deal with you two later" Poet-terror left the bridge to get to the Grand Paris Hotel.
Mister Bug tried to bend the bars of the cage, but he wasn't strong enough.
"I know you can get us out of here, Mister Bug" Marinette reassured him "You could use your Lucky Charm" she suggested.
"Great idea!" Mister Bug said "Lucky Charm!" A storm of ladybugs fulled the cage and then desappeared.
"Sorry. . ." Mister Bug apologized when he saw Marinette disheveled because of the ladybugs.
The Lucky Charm was a small magnet.
"Of course!" Mister Bug passed the magnet through the bars and attached it on the lock.
He turned the magnet and openned the cage.
"You did it!" Marinette esulted.
"I'm sorry that you had to go through this, Marinette" Mister Bug said while helping her get out of the cage.
"I wasn't afraid! You were with me, so I knew everything was going to be all right" Marinette smiled.
Mister Bug watched Marinette running away from the bridge.
When his earrings started blinking, he realized that he had only five minutes before he destransformed.
So he rushed to the Grand Paris Hotel.
Poet-terror was already in Chloe's room.
Sabrina was standing between her friend and the super villain.
"Move, Sabrina. I'm not here for you" Poet-terror said.
"I won't!" She wasn't going to let him hurt Chloe.
"You're wasting your time with her" Poet-terror was about to write something on the fashion magazine that he found on the floor, but Lady Noir's staff hitted his hand and made him loose the quill.
"You're the one who's wasting his talent working for Hawk Moth!" Lady Noir said.
Poet-terror clenched his teeth in anger; he rushed to her, fist up.
Mister Bug's yo-yo blocked his hand before he could get any closer to Lady Noir.
"How did you free yourself from that cage!?" The villain yelled.
"I destroyed it" Mister Bug joked.
Poet-terror pulled the yo-yo wire and Mister Bug tripped and rolled to the other side of the the room, next to Chloe's bed.
"Why can't you make a thing right?" Chloe scolded him.
"Why can't to shut up for five minutes!?" Mister Bug responded.
When Poet-terror was about to take back his quill, Sabrina jumped over him and blocked him like his dad taught her.
Thanks to Sabrina's help, Lady Noir had the chance to use her Cataclysm on the quill.
The object was destroyed and the Akuma flew out of its ashes.
After Mister Bug purified the butterfly, Nathaniel returned to normal.
Sabrina helped him to get up and while she explained to him what happened, Mister Bug apologized to Lady Noir for yelling at her.
"It's okay, Mister B. I know it's hard to deal with that bother" Lady Noir said.
She was talking about Chloe, but Mister Bug thought that she was referring to the jealousy.
His earrings started to blink louder: he had no time left.
"I have to go! Can you do me the favour?" Mister Bug gave to Lady Noir the Lucky Charm and ran out of the room to detransform.
"Miraculous Mister Bug!" Lady Noir threw the magnet in the air and its power fixed Nathaniel's poem.
The day after their fight, Marinette went to talk with Nathaniel to make sure he was okay.
"Hey, Nath! How are you feeling today?" She asked.
"I'm feeling better, thank you. I'm sorry for getting you involved in my problems" Nathaniel apologized.
At his seat, Adrien was keeping an eye on them.
"Still thinking that you don't care?" Nino asked to his friend.
"No. . . You were right, Nino. I was jealous" Adrien admitted "But if this is what Marinette wants, I won't get in their way" .
Adrien and Nino listened to what they were saying.
"There's just one last thing I have to ask" Nathaniel said.
Marinette made a worried smile.
"Can you introduce me to Marc Anciel?" The boy asked with hope in his eyes.
"Who?" Marinette said.
"The boy you were talking to yesterday morning. He's in the art club" Nathaniel explained.
"Oh! I remember! I was complimenting his beautiful painting. . . Wait, the poem you wrote was for him!?" Marinette asked surprised.
"Yes. I wanted to read it to him, but I didn't know how to do it properly. When I saw you chatting with March, I thought you two were friends. That's why I wanted your help to make the perfect date. . . I think I misunderstood the situation" Nathaniel blushed.
"You're not the only one!" Marinette laughed.
She was relieved that Nathaniel didn't have a crush on her, and so was Adrien.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now