Chapter 2 Bad Weather Girl (part 1)

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The Parisian local news was hosting a contest, to decide who was going to become the new Weather Girl.
The two finalists were Aurore and Mireille.
The girl named Mireille seemed to be the most popular one: she was smiling and sending kisses to the croud, like a super star.
She also had these cardstocks with the drawings of diffrent weathers; she was proudly showing them like the perfect Weather Girl.
After counting the votes of the audience, the winner of the contest was announced.
"Paris new Weather Girl is. . . Aurore Boreal!" The announcer decleared.
Mireille was in disbelief.
"What? There must be a mistake! I was supposed to be the winner!" She complained with the announcer.
"I'm sorry, kid. Aurore is the one who this city wants" He replied before going to congratulate Aurore.
Mireille growled in envy.
She walked out of the studio, full of bad thoughts in her mind.
Hawk Moth felt her anger right away.
"The dreams of a young girl have been destroyed. But she has a storm in her vains that cannot be contained!" He used his power to create an Akuma.
The black butterfly found Mireille and flew inside one of the cardstocks that she was holding.
In that moment, Adrien and Nino were at the park, next to Adrien's house.
Nino's parents had asked him to baby-sitter his little brother, Chris.
"I'm bored! I want to go to the cinema!" Chris complained.
"You said you wanted to go to the park!" Nino was already at his limit with him.
"Look over there, Chris!" Adrien tried to distract the kid "There's a stand where you can have your face painted like an animal!" .
Chris made a disinterested look.
"Face paintings? How old do you think I am?" He asked to Adrien.
Adrien sighed in resignation.
"Okay. . . I'll give you ten euros if you get your face painted" .
"Deal!" Chris said and went to the stand.
"Don't worry, buddy. No one wins against my brother. But thanks for trying!" Nino consoled his friend.
Marinette was at the same park.
She managed to sneak out of her house, without her bodyguard to notice.
It felt so good to be free to go wherever she wanted.
Plagg peeked out from under her hat and asked her a question.
"With all the places, why did you chose to spend your free time in a park full of noisy kids?" .
"My mother used to bring me here when I was little!" Marinette confessed with a nostalgic smile.
She decided to sit on a bench to relax.
Adrien noticed that she was there too.
"Marinette. . ." he whispered, looking amazed at the girl.
His cheeks were already changing from pink to a light shade of red.
"Well, well! If it isn't Marinette! Your new friend who saved you from Chloe" Nino said with a sly look directed to Adrien.
"Why don't you go to ask her if she wants to take an ice cream with you?" Nino suggested to his dazed friend.
Adrien snapped back to reality.
"What!? No! I can't ask her something like that!" He shouted not so loudly, so that Marinette wouldn't hear him.
"Why not?" Nino asked.
"Don't you think that taking an ice cream together could sound like a date?" Adrien whispered.
Nino laughed.
"That's the point!" He said "Oh, Marineeeette! Right heeeere!" Nino waved at her.
When Marinette saw the two boys, she stood up from the bench and walked towards them.
"Hi, Nino. How's it going?" She greeted him first "Hey, Adrien! Is everything allright?" .
The boy was trying to hide behind his friend.
Nino stepped aside, so that Adrien couldn't hide from her.
"Sure! Thanks, M-Ma. . . Ma-M" Adrien stuttered.
He couldn't say her name.
Marinette looked a bit disappointed by the thing.
"What are you guys doing?" She asked to Nino.
"I'm babysitting my little brother today. Adrien offered to keep me company while I wantch over the little brat" Nino explained.
"I'm not a litte brat!" Chris whined with his face painted as a cute fox.
"How adorable!" Marinette said.
"I'm not adorable eighter!" Chris decleared and then he showed his tonge to her.
Nino yelled at him for that, but Marinette was able to handle it well on her own.
"I'm sorry. You're right, I shouldn't have called you that. You're not a kid anymore" Marinette apologized.
"That's right! I'm a man!" Chris replied.
"And a big strong man like you doesn't allow others to call him a little brat!" Marinette added, looking back at Nino and Adrien.
"Of course not!" Chris crossed his arms and looked away.
He was falling into Marinette's trap.
"But a man does like the rides. Doesn't he?" She wondered.
Chris looked at her with surprise.
"Well. . ." He did like rides "Only the ones that go very fast!" .
Marinette smiled.
Then she asked him if he wanted to take a ride on the carousel.
Chis immediately accepted and ran towards the carousel.
"This will keep him busy" Marinette said.
"Nice! Thanks, Marinette" Nino went after his little brother.
"You're so clever Ma-Ma. . . Mari-!" Adrien tried again but he couldn't bring himself to say her name in front of her.
Marinette wasn't sure why he was doing that, but it made her feel bad for some reason.
She went to the carousel and Adrien followed her, danglid for how embarassed he felt.
The owner of the carousel said that Chris couldn't go on by himself, and so Nino had an idea.
"I'll stay with Chris! Is my duty as his big brother" He affirmed "Why don't you guys take an ice cream instead of waiting here?" Nino blinked at his friend.
Adrien blushed at the point that his face was more red than his bag.
"Maybe Mar- Mari. . . Maybe she doesn't like ice cream!" He argued with Nino.
"Actually, ice cream is my favorite dessert!" Marinette said with a smile "But if you don't like it, Adrien-" .
"I love ice cream!" Adrien exclaimed.
"Then it's settled! See you later!" Nino jumped on the carousel with Chris.
There was no escape for Adrien at that point.

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