Chapter 6 Hacker Cupid (part 3)

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Marinette had finally finished her chocolates; the kitchen was a mess, there were chocolate stains everywhere and the sink was full of dirty pans and spoons.
Marinette took the heart-shaped stencils out of the fridge.
"They look lovely. Don't they?" Marinette asked to Plagg.
"They look like arrowheads" He confessed.
"Right! Like Cupid's arrows" Marinette said satisfied.
She removed the chocolates from the stencils and wrapped them with transparent paper and a pink ribbon.
"Ready for Mister B!" Marinette said with a blushing smile.
Once her Valentine's present was ready, Marinette transformed, tied the chocolates to her belt and went to look for Mister Bug.
In a couple of minutes, Lady Noir spotted her partner and stopped in front of a screen advertising billboard, to call him.
"Mister Bug!" She waved excited.
In the exact moment when Mister Bug saw her, the screen behind Lady Noir turned red.
She looked back and was inevitably invested by the light of the billboard.
"Lady Noir! NO!" Mister Bug covered his face.
When he looked at her again, she was standing still in front of the billboard.
Then she took off the chocolates from her belt, crashed them in her hand and also stepped on the result of her hard work.
When Lady Noir turned around Mister Bug saw her red eyes.
"You've been infected too!" he cried.
Lady Noir lunged at him to try hit him with her staff.
Mister Bug jumped back to not be hitted.
"Don't do it, Lady Noir! I don't want to fight you" He stepped back with his hands up to defend himself.
"You don't want to fight? Hah! This fake knightly attitude of yours makes me SICK!" Lady Noir yelled.
Mister Bug had no choice but to run away from her.
"Ran as far as you can, Mister Coward! I'll find you anyway!" Lady Noir screamed when Mister Bug escaped from her.
The only way he could help Lady Noir was defeating Hacker Cupid.
"Lucky Charm!" The object that was supposed to help him was a harmless eye mask.
Without Lady Noir, Mister Bug went to look for the only person that could have helped him in that situation: Ondine.
He headed to the city pool, where the girl went for her usual swimming lessons.
"Mister Bug? What-? Why are you here?" Ondine asked confused when the hero approached her.
"Ondine, I need your help. I'll explain the situation along the way" Mister Bug brought the girl with him and explained what happened to Kim, while they were swinging between the buildings.
"You can help me save Kim and bring everybody back to normal" .
"Shouldn't Lady Noir help you with the Akuma?" Ondine righfuly asked.
"Let's say that right now Lady Noir doesn't want to help me" Mister Bug answered.
Him and Ondine arrived outside the newest electronics store, which was also the place where Kim brought the watch.
A store full of computers, tvs and cellphones: a perfect trap for the hacker's victims.
Mister Bug gave to Ondine the eye mask.
"Put it on when we enter in. This will keep you safe from the virus" he reassured her.
They heard weird noises coming from the store, then a bright red light shined and the costumers ran out, infuriated.
"Let's go" Mister Bug said when the shop was empty.
Ondine wore the mask and he took her hand, to guided her inside.
As soon as they walked in, all the televisions screens showed Hacker Cupid's face.
"Ondine!?" The villain's voice echoed from all the televisions.
"Kim? Is that you?" The girl asked.
"I brought her here so you two can talk" Mister Bug said, keeping his eyes down.
Hacker Cupid's faces became one face, which was showed on the nearest television.
Mister Bug stepped back to let Ondine talk to Kim, but suddenly Lady Noir broke inside the store.
"Hey, Mister Bug!" She greeted him before starting another fight with his partner.
She summoned her cataclysm to use it against Mister Bug, who had to jump around the store whlie Ondine was talking to Hacker Cupid.
"Kim, listen. I know about the watch, and I'm not angry about it" The girl said.
Hacker Cupid finally came out from the television.
"You're not?" He asked.
Ondine shook her head.
"I just wanted to give you the best Valentine's gift. . . Because I love you!" The villain yelled determined.
Ondine extended her arm and found his hand.
"I love you too, Kim" she said.
He leaned to her and they shared a kiss; that allowed Ondine to take off the watch from his wrist.
"Mister Bug! I've got it!" Ondine took off the mask and threw the watch at the hero.
Mister Bug grabbed Lady Noir's arm and made her catch the watch instead, so that the cataclysm destroyed it.
When the Akuma flew out of the dust, Mister Bug purified it and Kim returned back to normal with much joy of his girlfriend.
"Miraculous Mister Bug!" The hero threw the eye mask and the Lucky Charm did the rest.
All the people infected by the virus were set free, including Sabrina, Emily and of course, Lady Noir.
And since it was Hacker Cupid who sent it, the text returned to Adrien, so his feelings for Marinette were still a safe secret.
The next day, Nino asked again to Adrien to read the famous text.
"Fine. You can read it, but keep it to yourself!" Adrien lend his laptop to his stubborn friend.
In that moment, Chloe arrived with a small package in her hands.
She walked to Kim and gave him the package.
Inside there was a luxurious golden watch, decorated with tiny shiny diamonds.
"This should compensate the one I accidentally broke yesterday" Chloe grumbled.
"Ehm. . . Thanks?" Kim accepted the watch as an apology for the other day.
Then Chloe looked at Sabrina.
"See how nice I can be? I really deserve to be your best friend!" She said and Sabrina smiled, even if she didn't know what Chloe was talking about.
After reading the text, Nino returned the laptop to his friend.
"Now you better stop bothering me for this-" Adrien was saying, but then noticed that Nino looked a little disappointed.
"What's wrong?" Adrien asked.
"It's cute, but. . . It looks like something that came out from one of your comic books! It's all about admiration and qualities. Where's the rest?" .
"The rest?" Adrien didn't understand.
"Marinette is just brave and beautiful to you? Is she a novel super hero or a real person?" Nino asked serious.
With that question, Adrien started to reflect about his feelings for Marinette and realized that he didn't know her as much as he wanted to.
He looked at the girl, who was sitting on top of the stairs with a depressed face: she worked so hard to make those chocolates and in the end, she couldn't give them to Mister Bug.
Sadly both Adrien and Marinette had missed the chance to express their feelings for their loved one.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now