Chapter 4 The Impostor (part 3)

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"You'll come with me!" The officer wanted to bring Mister Bug to the police' station.
He told him to put his hands behind his back, so that he could arrest him.
But Mister Bug didn't want to go with him; he needed to figure out what was going on.
Mister Bug escaped from the officer and his men.
Once the boy was far away from them, he detransformed to let Tikki restore her energy with a cookie.
"Who could be trying to frame you?" Tikki asked while eating.
"I have a suspect: tha artist who made the statue. . . He was biting the same lollipop stick during the ceremony!" Adriend guessed "I need to allert Lady Noir".
Once Tikki had finished her cookie, Adrien retransformed.
He jumped on the building behind which he was hiding, and he tried to call Lady Noir one more time.
"Lady Noir, there's someone pretending to be me! He stole a painting and now the police is after me! It's the artists named Theo, he-!" Mister Bug was interrupted: someone attacked him while he was destracted, and wrapped his arms and legs with a yo-yo identical to his own.
Mister Bug fell at the feets of the Impostor.
"Were you rying to call for help?" The Impostor had a evil grin on his face.
"Let me go! Right now!" Mister Bug yelled at him.
"Sorry. You're not exaclty in the position to give orders" The villain carelessly walked over the hero.
He took the original yo-yo and deleted the voice message.
"This is between you and me" the Impostor said, looking down at Mister Bug.
Marinette was cleaning up her room after Nathalie went back to work.
The tv was still on.
"Are you feeling better now?" Plagg asked to Marinette.
"Yes. I'm sorry for that reaction. I went too far. . ." She answered imbarassed.
"Don't worry, kid. If I've had a piece of cheese for every disaster I caused when I was angry. . . I don't even know what I would do with all that cheese!" Plagg laughed.
Marinette laughed with him.
In that moment, the tv transmitted a special edition of the local news.
"Good afternoon, everyone. We apologize for the interruption" the reporter said to the audience "The police just confirmed that Paris' beloved hero, known as Mister Bug, stole a painting from the Louvre Museum. Heres the video of the moment when the theft was commited" .
In the video, the person who appeared to be Mister Bug took the Mona Lisa without any worries and then walked away.
"But Mister Bug's not a thief! There must be an explenation for this" Marinette said.
"If there isn't, you should reconsider your love life" Plagg expressed.
"Plagg, claws out!" Marinette transformed inside her bedroom and realized that she had a missed call from Mister Bug.
"He tried to call me after the celebration. . . At 15:34 p.m." Lady Noir whispered.
"And the painting was stolen between 15:29 pm and 15:38 pm. He couldn't have called me while he stole the painting! This is a proof!" She needed to tell that to the police.
Lady Noir reached the museum.
The officer was still there, guarding the other paintings, in case Mister Bug wanted to steal another one.
Lady Noir tried to talk with him.
"Sir, I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding" She assured to him.
"I think it's obvious what happened: Mister Bug stole the painting and then he ran away!" The officer told her.
"Or maybe he didn't want to be arrested for something he didn't do!" Lady Noir replied.
"Mister Bug is guilty! And once I have the DNA on this stick analyzed, I'll bring him to jail!" He affirmed.
Lady Noir gave a good look at the lollipop stick inside a plastick bag.
"Do what you must. I won't bother you anymore" Lady Noir left the police at their investigations because she had something more important to do.
That lollipop stick was important and she had to remember where she had seen it before.
"Now I remember!" Lady Noir searched for the recording of the celebration.
"There it is" she paused at the moment when the camera framed the artist, who had the same lollipop stick that the officer had found.
"Mister Bug needs to know this" Lady Noir tried to call her partner, but Mister Bug didn't answer her call.
"This is odd. . ." She couldn't tell him what she descovered.
But she wanted to find Theo and even face him by herself if that was necessary.
"Let's see. . . An artist needs an appropriate place to work, with lot of space, like a garage or warehouse" She looked at the map of the city from her staff.
There were a lot of warehouses around the town, but only a few of them were unoccupated.
"It must be one of these" Lady Noir started her research.
The super villain had brought Mister Bug to his art lab, and as Lady Noir supposed, it was a warehouse on the outskirts of the city.
The Impostor chained Mister Bug's hands after he took away his yo-yo.
"Theo, I know it's hard when your work doesn't get appreciated as you hoped it would. But there's no reason to steal and kidnap me!" Mister Bug completely misunderstood why Theo was mad at him.
"My work!? You really think this is about the statue!?" The Impostor asked infuriated.
Mister Bug blinked confused.
"It isn't?" .
"Of course not!" The villain had to explain why he stole the painting and then kidnapped him.
"Once Lady Noir has seen how bad you are, she'll dumpt you and I'll have the chance to confess my feelings for her!" .
Mister Bug's brain went full speed mode "Wait a minute. . . You're in love with Lady Noir!?" .
The Impostor slapped his forehead.
"Yes! Is it so hard to understand!?" He screamed.

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