Chapter 15 Anti Bug (part 1)

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Inside the Grand Paris Hotel, Mister Bug and Lady Noir were fighting an invisible super villain.
"Lucky Charm!" Mister Bug used his special power and recived a small bottle of glitters.
While Lady Noir was fighting the villain, he openned the bottle, tossed it above their heads and the glitters revealed the super villain to their eyes. Mister Bug used his yo-yo to block them, allowing Lady Noir to take the object where the Akuma was hiding: a brooch.
Lady Noir destroyed it with her Cataclysm and Mister Bug captured the Akuma that came out of the dust.
The Lucky Charm did the rest.
"What happened?" Sabrina asked after she detransformed.
"We did it!" Mister Bug and Lady Noir high-fived. They went to ask Sabrina why she was akumatized, and she told them everything she remembered.
"I gave Chloe a pair of ladybug earrings. When she looked at them, she made a disgusted expression" Sabrina was telling them.
"Tipical Chloe" Mister Bug murmured.
"She refused my gift because she didn't want to wear something that reminded her of you. She got angry with me. . . She said that she didn't want to be my friend anymore" Sabrina was close to crying.
"I can't belive it" Mister Bug shook his head in disbelief "You know what? That's actually a good thing! You deserve a better friend than Chloe Bourgeois" He commented, but Sabrina disagreed.
Perhaps for the others it was hard to understand, but Sabrina cared very much for Chloe. After all, they've been friends since they were kids.
"Don't worry, Sabrina. I'm sure Chloe didn't really mean it! You'll be friends again, I know it" Lady Noir reassured her.
The next day, Marinette tried to convince Chloe to make peace with Sabrina.
They were at school, in the cafeteria, and Marinette was reminding her of all the good times they had together as kids.
"Remember when we were pretending to be models? We used the hotel counter as walkway; you stumbled on the skirt of your dress and you fell on Sabrina!" Marinette laughed, but Chloe didn't.
"That wasn't funny. I could have broken my neck!" Chloe said.
Marinette had to think about another good moment with Sabrina.
"Remember when Filmmaker attacked you and Sabrina said that she wanted to save you?" .
"How do you know that?" Chloe asked.
"Uhm. . . You told me!" Marinette said, hoping that the girl would fall for that.
"Huh, I guess I did. . ." Chloe belived her "But that doesn't change anything! I don't want to be friends with Sabrina anymore. I don't need her anyway, because I have you, Mari-honey!" Chloe clung on her arm. Marinette realized that making her friends again with Sabrina would have been harder that she thought.
In that moment, Sabrina was sitting at same table of Adrien and Nino. They two boys invited her to have luch with them, to make her feel better.
"Don't be sad, Sabrina. There are tons of friends outhere for you!" Nino said.
Sabrina was playing with her fork instead of eating her lunch.
"Thanks, Nino. You guys are so nice for allowing me to sit at your table. Especially you, Adrien. With the past we had, it must be difficult to treat me like a normal classmate" Sabrina looked at him.
Adrien nodded.
"You treated me bad for a long time, but I know it's not all your fault" Adrien didn't hate Sabrina for bulling him. It was Chloe's influence that made her behave like that "Now that you and Chloe aren't friends anymore, we can start all over. A new life without Chloe Bourgeois! What a relief!" Adrien esulted.
Sabrina looked even more sad than before.
"It looks like Chloe has already found a new best friend" Nino pointed at another table.
They saw Chloe walking out of the cafeteria with Marinette.
She was keeping her hands around her arm and Marinette looked bothered, but she didn't complain.
"Poor, Marinette" Nino sighed.
"Lucky her" Adrien and Sabrina said in the same moment, but they weren't talking about the same girl.
That afternoon, Chloe invited Marinette at the hotel. She accepted the invitation to continue with her plan.
Chloe was showing to her new best friend all her shoes.
"And these gorgeous sandals are from New York! My mom sent these for my birthday! . . . Two months after it. . ." Chloe murmured.
"They're very pretty" Marinette said the same thing about every pair of shoes. Then she noticed a little jewelry box on her bed. She took it to give a look at the earrings that were inside it.
"They are amazing! Let me guess, a gift from Sabrina?" Marinette asked, already knowing the answer.
"Oh, those. . ." Chloe got closer and took the box in her hands "The other day I lost one of my favorite earrings. I was pretty upset for it, therefore Sabrina bought these to make me feel better" It looked like she was about to get emotional.
Marinette smiled.
"Would you give them back to Sabrina tomorrow?" Chloe asked, and Marinette' smile changed into an angry expression.
"Are you serious!? Why are you doing this to Sabrina!?" Marinette yelled.
"Because I don't like those loser heroes! These ladybug earrings are too similar to the ones that Mister Bah has!" Chloe yelled back.
"What did Mister Bug and Lady Noir ever do to you!?" .
"They never saved me!" .
"They saved you multiple times!" Marinette rembered her. Chloe said that she didn't care.
At that point, Marinette didn't want to try anymore. She was tired of Chloe and her behavior.
Marinette was about to leave the room.
"Where are you going?" Chloe asked.
"I'm leaving! There's no point in trying to reason with you. Bye!" . After Marinette left, Chloe got so sad.
She was still holding the box with the ladybug earrings.
"All of this happened because of Mister Bug and Lady Noir. . . I hate super heroes!" Chloe meant it, even if it wasn't their fault.
Hawk Moth decided to use her hatred toward his enemies to akumatize her.
He sent to the Grand Paris Hotel another Akuma and this flew inside one of the ladybug earrings.
"Chloe Bourgeois, you and I have something in common: we both hate Lady Noir and Mister Bug. What if we helped each other to make them desappear once and for all?" Hawk Moth asked.
"Yes! Make me one of your super villains! But give me a cool name and a glamourous costume, not the junk you made my classmates wear" Chloe told him.
"Junk!?" Hawk Moth almost got offended. Sadly he needed Chloe to make his plan work "Okay, missy. I'll make your costume more gLaMoUrOuS!" .

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