Chapter 1 The origins of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (part 4)

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After they freed themselves from the yo-yo wire, Marinette started the presentations. 
"I guess you are my partner" she gived a second look to the boy and thought that he looked cute with those ladybug spots.
"My name is. . . Lady Noir! Yes, Lady Noir. And you are?" .
"I am Ad-! Ehm, I mean. . ." Adrien's yo-yo was stuck around a street lamp and he was trying to free it.
He pulled the wire and the yo-yo fell on his head.
"Adorably clumsy? Yes, I can see that!" Lady Noir said with a tiny laugh.
"But what's your super hero name?" She asked.
"Mister Bug? I think that's what my Kwami said. . ." Adrien didn't remember it.
"Nice to meet you, Mister Bug!" Lady Noir gived her hand to him, hoping that he would kiss it like a gentleman.
Instead of doing so, Mister Bug awkwardly shook her hand.
"Ready for our first battle? I challenge you: the first who reaches the super villain, wins!" Lady Noir used her stick to jump over the buildings.
"Wait! I don't know how to use this thing yet!" Mister Bug couldn't use his yo-yo, so he had to run.
"This is so cool!" Lady Noir laughed while jumping above the roofs.
Mister Bug was running with the yo-yo in front of his face.
By clicking on one of its spots, he found the instructions.
"I can fix everything with my Lucky Charm? That's sounds like a cheese anime-way to fix a disaster!" He commented.
Lady Noir arrived on the top of the building that was right behind the super villain.
Mister Bug finally reached her -using the stairs-.
"How many times. . . Will I have. . . Huf! To run today?!" He was panting.
Mister Bug looked at Lady Noir, who had the same silly smile she had before.
"I won!" She said.
Stoneheart was walking towards the stadium.
His steps were so heavy that the whole city was trembling.
Mister Bug was shaking in fear and Lady Noir didn't notice it.
"Let's take care of that cluster!" She was so excited that she jumpet off the building.
Mister Bug uncertaintly followed her.
A few moments later, Stoneheart broke inside the stadium, where Alix was playing soccer with other teens.
When they saw the monster, they ran away.
"ALIX!" Stoneheart screamed her name. He grabbed her before she could get out of the stadium.
"Who's the caward now, huh!?" Stoneheart had the girl in his hand.
Lady Noir appeared behind him and hitted her enemy's head with her stick.
Her idea only made Stoneheart bigger and a lot angrier.
"Okay. . . Mister Bug! I need your help!" Lady Noir called his teammate.
Without thinking very much about it, Mister Bug hurled his yo-yo to Stoneheart and this got tangled up around the amr where he was holding Alix.
"I got him!" Mister Bug cheered.
But the super villain belived otherwise.
With just one move of his arm, he threw Mister Bug away.
The boy flew over the stadium and crashed on the ground.
His fly was filmed by the television troop from their helicopter.
"It appears that one of the super heroes who joined the battle didn't had enough training!" The journalist said, looking at the camera.
Lady Noir helped Mister Bug to get up.
"Are you okay, partner?" She asked, worried.
"Yes. . . The fake muscles cushioned the fall" Mister Bug babbled.
"We need a good plan to win!" Lady Noir said.
Mister Bug looked at the super villain, then he looked back at his yo-yo and at the soccer net.
"I know what to do!" He affirmed.
Lady Noir smiled.
After he told her the plan, Mister Bug and Lady Noir parted ways.
He ran towards the monster with his yo-yo twirling faster than the tire of a motocycle.
Stoneheart belived that he wanted to attack him.
Instead Mister Bug slipped on the grass of the field and winded the yo-yo around his stone legs.
Stoneheart lost the balance and fell down.
His head got stucked in the soccer net.
After that, Lady Noir quickly used her stick as a crowbar to open both of his hands: she helped Alix and then openned the hand where the paper was.
"What's this?" Lady Noir showed the paper to Mister Bug.
"I think this is the object were the Akuma is" He read about it on the instructions inside his yo-yo.
Mister Bug tore up the paper and the Akuma flew away.
One second after the Akuma was gone, Ivan returned to be himself.
"We did it!" Lady Noir jumped for the joy.
"You're right. . . We actually did it!" Mister Bug couldn't belive that he really helped saving Alix and Ivan.
Maybe he was worthy of being a hero after all.
"The super heroes have defeated the monster!" The journalist exulted at the camera.
In that moment of delight, no one could have guessed what was happening with the Akuma:
when the black butterfly rested on the top of the Eiffel Tower, she started to multiply and formed a small cloud of Akumas.
Those Akumas then infected an amount of people and turned them into statues, identical to Stoneheart.
The day after the battle with Stoneheart, the statues were still in the same spots.
Nobody knew what to do to help those people.
But one things for sure, it was Mister Bug and Lady Noir's fault.
The two super heroes had failed, that's what the news was telling to their viewers.

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