Chapter 12 Momo-sama (part 1)

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After another fight with Hawk Moth's favorite super villain, Mr Pigeon, Mister Bug was going home.
His earrings were blinking persistently, which meant that he had just a few seconds before he destransformed.
He wouldn't have made it home in time, so he had to stop on an old boat moored along the Seine.
When Mister Bug jumped on the boat, the earrings ran out of power and Tikki appeared, exhausted for the battle, and also hungry.
"I'm sorry, Tikki. It took longer than I expected" Adrien apologized and gave her a cookie, so that she could recharge her energy.
"It's fine. At least you found a good place to detransform" Tikki said with her tiny mouth full of cookie.
"I wonder who owns this boat. . ." Adrien looked around.
The place was so dilapidated: the deck boards had to be changed and some of the windows were broken; on the top of the mast there was a white flag, with a peach on it.
"Hello? Is anyone on board?" Adrien walked on the pier, making noise as he stepped on the old boards.
Someone grabbed his shoulder from behind. Adrien screamed and turned around, assuming the attack position that he learned during his martial art lessons.
The person who grabbed him was a woman. She had a tool belt around her waist, and she was wearing dark glasses that were hiding her eyes.
"I'm sorry, m'am!" Adrien said, leaving the position.
"Who are you, little boy? What are you doing on my boat?" The woman bitterly asked.
Adrien wasn't a little boy, but she couldn't tell otherwise because she was blind, and also because his high-pitched scream made him sound like a child.
Adrien apologized for getting on her boat without her permission.
"My name is Adrien Dupain. I didn't mean to cause any problem! I saw your boat and-" Adrien was trying to explain himself, but the woman started laughing.
"It's okay! I'm not angry with you" She said, amused.
"You aren't?" Adrien was surprised.
"Of course! You saw the boat and decided to give a look. I can't blame you for being curious about something you've never seen" The woman introduced herself as Tomoe Tsurugi.
She said that the boat was a family treasure, which belonged to their famous ancestor.
"This is the vessel that Momotaro himself used to sail to the island of Onigashima! With his loyal fellows, he defeated the ogres and brought prosperity to his family!" Tsurugi-san narrated.
The flag with the peach on top of the mast was a tribute to Momotaro.
Adrien didn't know what to think about that story, but he didn't want to offend Tsurugi-san, so he acted impressed.
"I was lucky to find myself nearby!" He said, touching the rail. A piece of it fell off and Adrien frightened retired his hand.
Tsurugi-san sighed.
"I'll fix that. . ." she grabbed the hammer on her belt "Adrien, why don't you go to call my daughter? Her name is Kagami. She's in the cabin, down stairs" .
"Okay. . ." .
Adrien walked down the stairs, carefully avoiding the steps that were ready to break. He arrived in front of a cabin and knocked on the door.
"Hello?" Adrien openned the door and the first thing he saw were some posters of anime characters on the wall; next to them there was a wooden bow with arrows.
On the back of the room there was a brand new keyboard. He came closer to the instrument and played a few notes, just for fun.
"Good morning" a soft voice said.
Once again, Adrien was taken by surprise and assumed the attack position.
A girl was sitting on the bed behind him. She had dark short hair, with a pigtail and a bow to hold it up; she was wearing a white off shoulder t-shirt, a tulle skirt in turquoise, sneakers of the same color of the skirt and a belt with a small teddy bear attached to it.
"You must be Kagami. . ." Adrien sighed after that second scare.
The girl giggled, covering her mouth.
"That's right. And you are?" Kagami asked with a cheerful voice.
"I'm Adrien Dupain. I was passing by and I wanted to give a closer look to your boat. Your mom told me that you were down here" Adrien explained.
He asked Kagami if she knew how to play that keyboard.
The girl got up from her bed and went to sit in front of the instrument.
"My mom gifted me this keyboard for my birthday. It was a great sacrifice, because with the money she used to buy it she could have repaired the boat" Kagami played a joyful melody for Adrien.
When it was over, he clapped his hands.
"You're so talented!" He complimented her.
"Thank you" Kagami said, moving her hair back with a blushing smile "My dream is to play in a band. Or even better, play with Jagged Stone!" .
"He's your favorite singer?" Adrien asked.
"More like my idol" Kagami showed him her collection of Jagged Stone's CDs. His face was even printed on her t-shirt.
"I hope your dream becomes true" Adrien said.
"Thanks, but I doubt it. . ." Kagami confessed that was afraid of choosing between her love for music and her family "I don't want to leave my mom. She needs me! If I leave her alone, she'll have to take care of our boat by herself" .
Adrien told Kagami that she was a good daughter for not wanting to abbandon her mom, but he also said that her talent didn't deserve to be wasted.
Suddenly, they heard someone yelling from outside the boat, probably with a megaphone.
Adrien and Kagami went on the desk, to see who was making all that noise: it was the officer Roger, who was arguing with Tsurugi-san, from the sidewalk.
"I already told you, m'am: your boat can't stay here. This is not a port!" The officer yelled.
"I have a permission to keep my it moored here!" Tsurugi-san stated.
"The permission is valid only if the boat is kept in good conditions! And that colander is unsafe!" The man ordered everyone to get off the boat, so that he could apply the police tape on it.
"You can't make them leave their home!" Adrien protested, and Kagami smiled.
"Don't worry, Adrien. I won't allow it!" Tsurugi-san affirmed, grabbing her hammer like a sword "No one can take our boat from us!" .
Hawk Moth felt Tsurugi-san anger.
"What a fierce woman! She's ready to fight like a warrior to protect her home!" He sent an Akuma to her boat.
The butterfly went inside the hammer that the she was holding.
"Momo-sama, I understand your desire to protect what's dearest to you, that's why I want to help you keep everyone away from your boat. But you'll have to get Mister Bug and Lady Noir Miraculous for me" Hawk Moth said.
"I accept your help!" Tsurugi-san was transformed in a super villain. Her costume looked like the amror of a samurai, and the hammer became a sword.
The boat was transformed in a much better looking vessel, with a real cannon on it.

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