Chapter 3 Filmmaker (part 4)

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The Filmmaker watched Mister Bug and Lady Noir save Sabrina.
He was filming them for his movie, but he wasn't expecting them to defeat the the rats so quickly.
"Doesn't matter!" He lied "They won't make it to the roof" the Filmmaker snapped his fingers and the bat-phone followed the heroes to the next floor.
Mister Bug and Lady Noir entered in the kitchen.
"That thing is still following us" Lady Noir whispered to her partner.
"I know. It's kind of annoying!" Mister Bug replied irritated.
"Not as annoying as this hissing" Lady Noir said.
Mister Bug stopped for a second.
"Hissing?" He didn't hear that before, but after Lady Noir mentioned it, he finally heard the sound.
Mister Bug checked the stove.
"It's not coming from these. It's so weird. . ." he said.
As they were trying to find the source of that noise, something came out from a cupboard.
When Mister Bug turned around, he was attacked by the thing that was hissing: a snake made by the tablets and phones of the guests that ran out of the hotel.
The snake-phone jumped towards Mister Bug.
He grabbed it and threw it away.
In that moment, many other snake came out from the cupboards and surrounded the heroes.
"How do we get rid of them?!" Lady Noir exclaimed.
Mister Bug looked around the kitchen: he noticed that the freezer door was open.
So he jumped on the furniture and reached the freezer.
The snakes followed him, as he expected.
Mister Bug entered inside the freezer and stood up on a box of cold soups, leaving the door open.
When snakes slither inside, Mister Bug told Lady Noir to extend her stick.
The stick touched the opposite wall of the freezer, and Mister Bug used his yo-yo to slip out.
He closed the door right behind him.
All the snakes were trapped inside the freezer.
"Good idea!" Lady Noir complimented Mister Bug.
"Thanks. And now. . . Lucky Charm!" The boy used his special power, but the Lucky Charm he got was a simple fork.
"What do we do with this?" He asked.
"Mhmmm. . . Allow me to-" Lady Noir took the fork.
Then she turned around and threw it at the bat-phone that was filming them.
The bat fell on the floor, with it's screen broken by the fork.
"Ta dah!" Lady Noir rejoiced.
"Maybe that's wasn't what the Lucky Charm was for" Mister Bug said, looking afraid.
The Filmmaker's only way to film the heroes and keep an eye on them was gone, because of a fork.
"Ha ha! How pathetic!" Chloe laughed at him.
"Shut up!" He yelled "I've already filmed enough of them. And you know what? I don't need you anymore" The super villain went for the rope that was holding Chloe above the pool.
"Pay attention, everybody!" The Filmmaker said to the camera "There won't be any special effects for the next scene!" .
Right before the Filmmaker could let Chloe fall into the pool, Mister Bug's yo-yo wrapped his hand around the rope.
"Took you long enough! I thought you didn't want to save this insolent lady" The Filmmaker said to the super heroes.
"You're the insolent one! And even dumb if you think those hero-loosers will save me!" Chole argued.
She actually belived that they weren't good enough to rescue her.
Lady Noir jumped over the pool and landed on the rod that was holding Chloe.
"Be still. I'll help you" Lady Noir said.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Chloe argued.
Lady Noir took Chloe in her arms and used her Cataclysm on the rope around the girl's body.
Once Lady Noir brought Chloe to safety, Mister Bug freed the villain's hand.
The Filmmaker tried to attack him, but Mister Bug didn't want to fight: he dodged all his punches and never attacked him.
"Stop with this good-guy attitude and fight me!" The Filmmaker screamed.
"We don't have to fight each other, Nino!" Mister Bug used his real name.
Nino instantly stopped from trying to punch him.
"You. . . remember me?" He asked surprised.
"Yes. You were on our side when we fought Stoneheart. You said we're the heroes this city needs!" Mister Bug was trying to talk with him.
"I- I did. . ." Nino remembered when he said that.
Mister Bug went closer to him.
He told him that he knew why he was mad; he saw his video and those bad comments.
"Don't listen to him!" Hawk Moth yelled to the Filmmaker.
"Nino, you're talented. But most importantly, you have passion! I know that, and your friends know it too" Mister Bug said.
"This is your one and only chance to succeed! If you betray me, I'll take your powers!" Hawk Moth proved to Nino that he was telling the truth.
The man only had to close his hand to make the boy scream for the pain.
Nino knelt to the ground, holding his head like it was about to explode.
"Where's the Akuma!?" Mister Bug wanted to help him.
"Aagh! The- the camera!" Nino was able to answer thought the pain.
Mister Bug looked at the camera. He saw with his lucky sight that he needed his Lucky Charm.
Using the fork like a screwdriver, the boy quickly took off the camera.
And when the object looked more like a puzzle then a camera, the Akuma flew out of it.
"You caused too much trouble little Akuma" Mister Bug captured the butterfly to purify it and let it free.
After that, Nino returned to normal.
Lady Noir held him while Nino recovered from the pain, giving Mister Bug the time to fix everything with his Miraculous Mister Bug.
In a moment, all the phones and tablets returned to their owners, good as new.
The day after the fight at the hotel, Nino and Adrien walked inside the classroom together.
Surprisely Nino went to Miss Bustier, to hand her his phone.
"Miss, would you please keep this for me until the end of the lesson?" The boy asked to his surprised teacher.
"But. . . Very well" Miss Bustier was initially hesitat, but then she took the phone.
Nino proudly went to his seat.
"It better this way! I've used my phone too much during these days" He said to his buddy.
"Good choice, Nino" Adrien congratulated with him.
Both Adrien and Nino smiled.
Marinette was secretely smiling with them.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now