Chapter 8 Poet-terror (part 1)

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That day, the students were attending Miss Mendeleieve's chemistry class.
She was a nicer teacher than Miss Bustier, so the teens took advantages of her good nature to do whatever they wanted.
During the lesson, Sabrina and Chloe were putting nail polish on each other's hand; Alix, Kim and Max were playing with a paper ball on their table; Rose was listening music with headphones and Juleka was brushing her long hair.
Alya and Marinette were playing a mobile game on Alya's tablet, while Adrien was drawing.
On the back of the classroom, Nathaniel was sitting by himself, writing one of his poems.
He was the poet of the class.
At some point, Miss Mendeleieve called him to do a simple chemistry exercise on the blackboard.
Before he got up, the boy hid his poem inside a book.
Chloe was sitting at the table in front of Nathaniel's and she noticed him hiding something.
When the boy went to the blackboard, Chloe sneaked to his seat and took the poem out of the book.
She gave a quick read at what was written and loudly gasped.
"Your dark hair scares the black of the cold night.
Your pink lips shine brighter than the Sun light" she read aloud the poem to the class.
"Our worlds are so close and yet so far!
I love to see you for who you really are!
And I hope one day you'll see me for who I really am!
Until that day, I'll be dreaming about you, my dear M.!" .
Nathaniel tried to take his poem back from Chloe, but he tripped and fell at her feet.
It was too late anyway; the whole class heard his secret poem and they were already making theories on who he wrote it for.
"Dark hair and pink lips?" Milene said.
"My dear M.?" Juleka added.
"Marinette, is obviously you! The poet has a crush on you!" Chloe laughed.
The class started whispering about Marinette being Nathaniel's crush.
Nino looked at Adrien, who was showing an expression of furious silence.
Nathaniel got up and took back his poem from Chloe, by doing so he tore the sheet in half.
He ran out of the class, with his face completely red for the embarrassmed.
Chloe looked at Sabrina: her friend was shaking her head with a disapproving face.
When the lesson was over, Marinette and Alya went to the hallway and talked about what happened.
"I feel so bad for Nathaniel. He didn't deserve to be laughed at for his feelings. . ." Marinette muttered.
"If he really wrote that poem for you, maybe he's wondering if you like him in the same way" Alya said.
Nino and Adrien were walking behind them and they heard what the girls were saying.
Nino noticed that his friend's breathing was getting heavy.
"I don't think that-" Marinette didn't know what to say at the moment.
Luckly for her, Nino stepped in their conversation before she could give an answer.
"This was a weird lesson and we all felt bad for Nathaniel! What if we try to forget this episode with a box of orange juice?" Nino gently pushed the girls to the cafeteria, then he went back to his best friend.
"Adrien, I understand what you're feeling right now. But you need to calm down, or else your face is going to melt!" Nino warned him.
"What do you mean?" Adrien asked, letting his anger turn down for a moment.
"It's pretty obvious, buddy. You're jealous" Nino said.
"Jealous?" Adrien questioned.
"About Nathaniel's crush for Marinette!" Nino tried to be more specific.
Adrien immediately mocked that idea.
"I'm not jealous" he swore with a calm voice "In fact, I don't even care!" Adrien walked boldly to the cafeteria.
After he ran out of the class, Nathaniel went to hide in the boys locker room.
He sat on the floor, took a pen and tried to rewrite the half of his poem that was missing, but he couldn't even hold the pen properly for how agitated he was.
"Stupid Chloe! She deserves a lesson" He mumbled.
Hawk Moth was waiting for Chloe to make someone mad.
"Finally! A new victim for my Akumas! I should thank Chloe Bourgeois for all the help she gives me" He said sarcastically.
Hawk Moth sent an Akuma to Nathaniel and the butterfly was absorbed inside the pen that he was holding.
"Nice to meet you, Poet-terror. Chloe Bourgeois made fun of your poem? Then she'll be punished with that very thing!From now on, everything that you'll write in rhyme will become true. But it'll cost you the Miraculous of Mister Bug and Lady Noir" .
Nathalie agreed to do as Hawk Moth said and he was transformed in a punk version of an old time poet: he had a long black jacket, with a white bow tie that was twice as big as his head, and his red hair was spinky on one side.
Even his pen changed, and became a quill that could write on it's own with endless ink.
Nino, Alya, Adrien and Marinette were having orange juice together.
Behind them, at another table, Sabrina was scolding Chloe for what she did.
"I can't belive you, Chloe! You learned nothing after what happened on Valentine's day, when you hurted Kim's feelings and caused an Akuma attack!?" .
Chloe didn't want to admit that she had crossed the line again.
"Oh, please! I just read an honeyed poem! Besides, if Nathaniel didn't want me to read it, he shouldn't have left it unattended" Chloe replied, blaming Nathaniel for what she did.
In that moment, something really weird began to happen, starting with Chloe's chair breaking and her loudly falling on the floor.
For this reason, everyone looked at her.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" Sabrina asked.
When Chloe tried to stand up, the base of the table flipped over her.
Nino took his phone and started filming with joy what was happening.
Chloe got up with a bomp on the forehead.
In that moment, all the bottles of sparkling water, soda and juice start to shake, then they bursted at the same time and Chloe was showered by those sticky drinks.
Adrien and Marinette understood that those weren't just accidents, so they went to transform in the bathrooms.
Mister Bug and Lady Noir casually met in front of the cafeteria's door.
"Mister B! What a nice surprise~" Lady Noir said with a flirty voice.
They openned the door together, but by the time they went to the bathrooms and returned, the chaos was already over.
Chloe was shaking in rage, wet from head to toe.
"Perfect timing, Lame Noir and Mister Booh-hooh!" She said to the heroes.

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