Chapter 15 Anti Bug (part 2)

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Marinette was inside the elevator of the hotel.
"Are you okay, kid?" Plagg asked from under her hat.
"Yes. . . I can't force Chloe to like me and Mister Bug, but how can she just forget about Sabrina? They were friends even before I met Chloe! Sabrina is the only person that can reason with her" Marinette said.
"Just like you and me!" Plagg laughed.
"Hey! What do you mean by that?" Marinette laughed with him.
When the doors of the elevator openned, she found herself in front of Chloe, transformed into an evil version of Mister Bug: she had a black costume with red dots, purple hair, and a yo-yo around her hips.
"Chloe!?" Marinette gasped.
"I prefer Anti Bug! There's a change of plans. I need you here, Marinette" The super villain said, taking her yo-yo.
Adrien was in his room when his phone turned on.
"An Akuma attack?" He grabbed the phone and Anti Bug's face appeared on the screen.
"Good afternoon, Paris! I've got a message for Mister Bug and Lady Noir. If you won't surrender and give up your Miraculous, I'll let this girl fall into her fate!" Anti Bug showed that Marinette was hanging on the railing of the roof, with a rope around her body that was keeping her from falling down the hotel.
"Marinette!" Adrien immediately transformed to go save her.
"It feels good to be bad!" Anti Bug said after she ended the trasmission.
"Chloe, you've crossed the line. . . of my patience! Release me right now!" Marinette yelled.
"Don't worry, Mari-honey! I'll let you go once those heroes will surrender to me" Anti Bug swore. She didn't want to hurt Marinette, she was using her to make her enemies come out.
"What makes you think that Mister Bug and Lady Noir will surrender to you? They fought enemies way more dangerous then you, and they've always won!" Marinette was trying to scare her.
"I'm better than those villains! I'm going to use Mister Bug's powers against him" Anti Bug grinned.
Mister Bug arrived at the Grand Paris Hotel, where a croud of people has gathered after watching Anti Bug's transmission.
Sabrina was there too.
"Mister Bug, you have to help my friend Chloe! This isn't her! She's doing this because. . . I made her angry" Sabrina was blaming herself for what Chloe was doing.
"This is not your fault! I'll help your friend and the girl that she's keeping as her hostage"
Mister Bug used his yo-yo to reach the roof of the Grand Paris Hotel, but he didn't find Marinette.
"Marinette Agreste-Cheng, are you here?" Mister Bug noticed that some parasols were covering a deckchair next to the pool. He removed the parasols and found Marinette, tied to the chair and gagged.
"It's okay. Now I'm here" The hero reassured her.
Marinette was shaking her head, to warn him that he was falling into Anti Bug's trap.
Mister Bug didn't understand what she was trying to tell him, and so he ended up being tied by a black yo-yo.
The wire was pulled and he fell into the pool.
Thankfully he was untied when he fell in the water, so he swam to the surface and Anti Bug finally showed herself.
"Took you long enough to join us! I was starting to think that you didn't care about saving that girl" Anti Bug teased him.
When Mister Bug jumped out of the pool, Anti Bug stepped back and started spinning her yo-yo.
"Hawk Moth gave me this. You like it?" She asked.
"That's just a bad copy of the original one!" Mister Bug answered.
"Are you sure?" Anti Bug threw the yo-yo at him and he did the same. Their yo-yos collied and went back.
"See? Nothing special" Mister Bug said and Anti Bug made a malevolent smile.
"Anti Charm!" She used her special power.
"Lucky Charm!" Mister Bug did the same.
He recived a small gong, while the super villain got a battle ax.
"That's not fair. . ." Mister Bug complained.
"And there's more! You see, my earrings are charged with Hawk Moth's power, so they never ran out of energy, unlike yours" Anti Bug explained. She was right: Mister Bug's earrings were already running out of power.
"What are going to do, Mister Bug? You'll fight me with that gong or are you going save me the trouble and give up your Miraculous?" Anti Bug asked, holding the ax.
They looked at each other in the eyes for a moment. Marinette was watching them from the deskchair.
Mister Bug knew he didn't have a chance against Chloe in that situation, so he did the only thing that he could.
He rushed toward her, screaming and making his yo-yo spin fast.
Anti Bug drew her ax, but Mister Bug jumped over her and hooked his yo-yo to the roof of another building. He jumped off the Hotel and swinged away.
Anti Bug was confused at first.
"What. . .? Come back here, you coward!" She yelled "Did you see what he did?" Anti Bug asked to Marinette.
The girl rolled her eyes, hoping Mister Bug would come back to save her.
After running away from the battle, Mister Bug detransformed.
"What happened? Why did you leave?" Tikki asked to Adrien.
"Because I wasn't supposed to fight Anti Bug like that! The Lucky Charm gave me a clue. I need to go where I can find a gong" Adrien explained.
"Master Fu's center!" Tikki exclaimed.
Adrien gave her a cookie and Tikki flew in his bag.
When the boy arrived at the medical center, he found Master Fu waiting for him, with the Miracle box ready.
"Master Fu, do you know where Lady Noir is?" Adrien asked.
"Lady Noir is not in town for today" the man said. He saw Anti Bug's transmission, so he knew that Marinette couldn't help Mister Bug.
He openned the Miracle box and told Adrien to choose a Miraculous. The boy made his decision and picked one of the jewels.
"I know who can help me defeat this super villain!" Adrien affirmed, holding the bee Miraculous.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now