Chapter 17 Lila (part 1)

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That day was the third anniversary of Marinette's mother passing away.
The girl was in her room, because her father didn't give her his permission to go see her friends. The only one she could talk to was Plagg.
"It's been three years. . . Time goes fast, am I right?" Marinette said, looking at a picture on the wall of her with her mom.
"Time is something unrelevant for Kwamis. We're immortal after all" Plass replied.
"You must have met a lot of people during your long life. Do you miss them?" Marinette questioned.
"Not really. I barely remember them" Plagg answered with indifference, and ate a piece of camembert.
"Seems like you have no worries in the world" Marinette went to lie down on her bed.
Gabriel was in his studio, keeping a solemn silence while looking at the portrait of his wife.
"Don't worry, Sabine. I'll get my hands on those Miraculous and I'll bring you back, even if it's the last thing I do!" He swore.
By pressing the secret buttons on the portrait, Gabriel openned the passage to his lair.
"Nooroo, dark wings rise!" Gabriel became Hawk Moth and waited for a new victim to akumatize.
Adrien and his friends were on the Tsurugi's boat.
Alya was walking back and front, while the others were looking at her like she was the pendulum of a clock.
"Okay everyone, you know what day it is today! Marinette needs all our support. We need a way to let her know that we love her, and that she can always count on us! Any ideas?" Alya asked.
"We could meet up under her window and sing her a song!" Juleka proposed.
"So that her father can call the police to arrest us?" Nino objected to her idea.
"We could dedicate her a message on the radio" Kagami suggested.
"But what do we say?" Sabrina asked.
"And who gets to say it?" Luka added.
They started to argue on who should say the message for Marinette. They all wanted to tell her something, so Adrien came up with a good idea.
"We could make a video message! This way each one of us gets to say something to her" .
"Yes! If everyone makes a small video, I can edit all of them to make one with every message" Nino said.
"Let's do this!" Alya affirmed.
"Let's meet up again in -let's say- two hours?" Kagami asked and the others agreed.
Nathalie knocked on the door of Marinette's room and walked in.
"Marinette, come down for a moment. There's someone who wants to see you" Nathalie informed her and closed the door behind her.
"Who could it be?" Plagg asked.
"I don't know" Marinette told him to hide under her hat, then she went to the entrance.
Nathalie openned the front door and a girl in school uniform walked in.
"Lila!" Marinette exclaimed.
"Marinette! It's been so long!" Lila openned her arms and went to hug her friend.
The two girls looked so happy to see each other.
"I've missed you so much" Marinette said, holding hands with her.
"I've missed you too! You have no idea how boring it is without you in our school!" Lila exaggeratedly said.
"How's Zoe? Do you still talk with her?" Marinette asked.
"No. I tried to convince her into make things better, but she doesn't want to. She says she's better without you as her friend" Lila answered.
Marinette looked sad.
"But we don't need her. Marinette and Lila are the best besties in the world!" Lila made her do a turn and Marinette laughed.
Nathalie cleared her troath before speaking.
"Marinette, do I have to remind you that your father doesn't like unexpected visitors?" .
"Please, Nathalie, let Lila stay!" Marinette begged her.
"I won't cause any trouble. I'll be a good girl" Lila promissed.
Nathalie sighed.
"Alright. You can stay, but don't bother Mr Agreste while he's working" .
"Thank you, Nathalie!" Marinette took her friend's hand and they went to her room.
Once in there, Marinette asked Lila what she wanted to do.
"We could built a pillow fort like we used to do as kids" Lila suggested.
"I don't know. . . Nathalie doesn't like when I mess my room" Marinette said.
"Well, Nathalie is not here~" Lila teased her. She convinced Marinette to make a fort.
They used the pillows of the bed and the couch, and made the roof with a blanket.
"See? It didn't took us that long, and we didn't make any noise" Lila said when the pillow fort was done and they were inside it.
"You were right. What do we do now?" Marinette asked.
"Tell me about your new school. How is it?" Lila wondered.
Marinette told Lila about the incredible things that occured to her: the videogames tournament, the movie they made in which she played one of the protagonists, and her birthday party.
While she was talking and not paying attention, Lila took Marinette's phone from the pocket of her jacket.
Plagg saw her doing it, but he couldn't say something to Marinette in that moment.
At some point, Lila interrupted her friend and told her that she was hungry.
"Can you bring me a snak?" Lila asked to her with a pleading voice.
"Sure! I'll be right back in a minute" Marinette came out from the fort and went to the kitchen.
When they were alone, Plagg told her what he saw.
"She stole your phone while you were talking! Why did she do that?" .
"She probably saw that my phone was about to slip from my pocket. Lila isn't a thief, Plagg. I know her" Marinette didn't belive that Lila stole her phone, but Plagg was sure of what he saw.
While Marinette was in kitchen, Lila started searching for something in her room.
She looked inside the drawers of her desk, in her closet, under her bed and even in between the mattresses. But whatever she was looking for, it wasn't in that room.
When she heard Marinette's footsteps, Lila went back in the fort and acted as if she never left it.
"I found the chips you like" Marinette said, holding a bag of chips and two glasses of juice.
After he recorded his video, Adrien sent it to Nino.
"Do you think I said the right things? Did I sound stupid?" Adrien asked to Tikki.
"You were perfect! Marinette is going to love this surprise" Tikki answered.
"I hope so. . . I can't imagine how she's feeling right now. If something happened to a person I love, I'd be devasted" Adrien said.
In that moment, Nino sent him a video. Adrien watched it and listened to Luka make his love confession for Marinette.
Adrien immediately videocalled his best friend after watching that video.
"Did you see that?" Nino asked to him.
"I did. . . What was he thinking!?" Adrien growled.
"Do you want me to cut his part from the message?" Nino asked.
"No, keep it how it is. I'll talk with him when we'll meet up on the Tsurughi's boat" Adrien said and ended the videocall.

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