Chapter 5 Pharaoh (part 3)

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Lady Noir told Adrien to stay inside the museum.
"I'll call you in case I need a back up. Bye!" Lady Noir said before leaving the boy.
"Is it me or Lady Noir looks more happy than usual?" Tikki asked to him after she left.
"Maybe something nice happened to her" Adrien supposed, ignoring that his words from earlier were what made her so happy.
Lady Noir got in the last hall of the museum and found her path blocked by some big bubbles that were floating around.
Those bubbles were created by the super villain, who made them using the power of god Thoth.
Lady Noir tried to walk between them, but inevitably got stock inside one.
"What's happening?" Lady Noir couldn't get out; not even her claws could burst the bubble.
She considered to use her Cataclysm to free herself.
But before she could summon it, Mister Bug grabbed her hand and helped her to get out of the bubble.
"Mister B! Right on time, as always" Lady Noir exclaimed when she saw him "The exit is right there, but how do we reach it?" .
They couldn't walk around the hall and risk to be both stucked inside those bubbles.
Mister Bug looked up and noticed a sculpture that was hanging on the ceiling.
"I've an idea!" He threw his yo-yo at the sculpture to have a hook "Lady Noir, hold to me" .
Mister Bug didn't need to say it twice: Lady Noir immediately hugged him tight, smiling of pure joy while doing so.
Mister Bug pulled the wire of his yo-yo and the two heroes were lifted off the ground.
By giving themselves the push they needed, they were catapulted to the exit, busted open the door and landed outside the museum.
Pharaoh had brought Alix to the center of the square.
When the people near by saw him, they tried to run away.
"Anubis, lend me your powers!" His mask turned into the face of the god Anubis.
And so, with his new power, Pharaoh transformed everyone into mummies.
"Why did you do that?" Alix asked, fearing what was going to happen next.
"I need one hundred mummies to make the ritual work" Pharaoh told her.
The mummies started walking around them in line and formed an egyptian seal, to help their master.
"It's time!" Pharaoh unrolled the scroll and read aloud the spell to make the ritual begin.
The sky filled with grey clouds and a beam of energy shoot up from the Louvre Pyramid.
Pharaoh called the name of the god Horus and his mask changed again.
With his new appearance, he was also given a pair of wings, which he used to fly to the top of the pyramid, with Alix in his arms.
He placed the girl on the trajectory of the energy beam and Alix was brought up to the sky, where a portal for the underworld was forming.
Lady Noir and Mister Bug arrived and found themselves in front of all the mummies.
"God Bug and Qita! You're here to stop me like the first time?" Pharaoh yelled at the two heroes.
"God Bug?" Mister Bug repeated with a bewildered face.
"I think he belives we're the past versions of Mister Bug and Lady Noir" his partner whispered to him.
"Ok, I got that. But what kind of a name is God Bug? It's so pretentious, honestly" Mister Bug expressed.
Pharaoh swooped towards the two heroes, who splitted up to dodge him.
"Luckly Charm!" Mister Bug used his special power and a box with a Mister Bug's costume appeared.
When Pharaoh attacked again, Mister Bug attempted to change his mind about using Alix as an offering.
"Use me instead of that girl. I would make a better sacrifice, since I'm the one who stopped you from getting back your love!" Mister Bug said.
"That would make the best revenge" Pharaoh whispered, delighted by the idea.
"Don't forget our deal! Take his Miraculous before sacrificing him!" Hawk Moth yelled from inside the villains' head.
Pharaoh stopped the ritual to swap Alix with Mister Bug.
He left her fall down, only for Lady Noir to catch her, then placed Mister Bug on the beam.
"Now give me your Miraculous!" Pharaoh ordered.
Mister Bug pretended to take off his earrings and gave them to the super villain.
What he actually gave him were the fake ones from the costume.
When Pharaoh took the fake earrings, Mister Bug tore his neckless.
"Lady Noir!" He screamed, throwing it at his partner.
"Cataclysm!" Lady Noir catched the medallion and this was turned into dust.
Mister Bug captured the Akuma and freed Jalil from Hawk Moth's controll.
With Jalil freed, all the mummies changed back to normal people.
Once the battle was over, Alix went to her brother.
"What happened? Why am I here?" Jalil didn't remember anything.
Lady Noir and Mister Bug got closer, with her holding the scroll.
"Oh no! The scroll! Dad's going to kill me when he finds out that the scroll's no longer in it's place!" Jalil said.
"I can solve this problem" Mister Bug took the fake earrings and put them back with the costume.
With hid Miraculous Mister Bug the scroll returned where it was before, and the bubbles desappeared.
Adrien returned to the egyptian exhibition and found Marinette there.
"Marinette, are you okay?" He asked, worried.
"Yes. I was turned into a mummie and when I came back to normal, I found myself outside" Marinette explained.
"I'm so glad this all over" Adrien sighed in releaf.
"It's not over yet, Mister Bug!" Hawk Moth appeared from the shadows behind them.
"No. . . How did you find out my secret identity?!" Adrien shouted.
Hawk Moth rushed towards the two teens and captured Marinette.
"Adrien! Help me!" She cried desperately.
"Tikki, spots on!" Adrien transformed, but for some reason part of his costume remained as his normal clothes: his pants were the same, his arms were flat and not covered by those muscles that he really needed, and instead of the mask he was wearing his glasses.
Adrien tried multiple times to make his trasformation work.
"Spots off! Spots on! Spots off!" .
After the empteenth failed trasformation, Adrien hopelessly watched Hawk Moth taking Marinette away.
He could hear the girl screaming his name, but he couldn't do anything to help her.
"It can't be possibile. . ." Adrien knelt to the ground, crying.
"But it is! It happened because you're the worst Mister Bug that has ever existed!" Tikki told him.
Lady Noir appeared out of nowhere and inflicted the last stab in his heart.
"I feel envy for the Lady Noirs that had a strong and brave partner by their side. Meanwhile I'm stuck with you!" .
Adrien couldn't take it any longer, so. . .
He woke up from that nightmare, that was generated by all his deepest fears and insecurities.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now