Chapter 17 Lila (part 2)

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After eating their snak, Marinette asked to Lila if she wanted to watch a movie.
"I have the DVD of 'Buddy Bears 2'! We used to like the show as kids" Marinette suggested to do something that she liked, but Lila had other plans.
"I want to play hide and seek" .
"But we built the pillow fort as you wanted. Why don't we do something I suggest this time?" Marinette asked.
"Marinette! If we don't play hide and seek, I'll leave!" Lila yelled, standing up and looking firmly in her eyes.
Marinette was shocked. She didn't want Lila to leave, so she agreed to do what she wanted.
"Okay, Lila. . . Let's play" .
The two girls walked out of Marinette's bedroom.
"I'll hide and you count to twenty. Okay?" Lila said.
Marinette placed herself in front of the wall, closed her eyes and started counting.
Lila sneaked away, but instead of looking for a place to hide, she went in Gabriel's bedroom.
She walked in and locked the door, to not be disturbed.
"Where is he keeping it?" Lila whispered after searching in vain in every spot she could think of.
In that moment, Marinette was looking for her friend in the dining room.
"Nope. Lila's not here" She said.
"Maybe she went back in your room" Plagg guessed.
"Of course! She probably thought that's the last place where I would look for her" Marinette returned in her bedroom.
Lila was directed to Gabriel's studio, but she met with Nathalie near the stairs.
"Why aren't you in Marinette's room?" Nathalie asked.
"Marinette wanted to play hide and seek. Did you see her?" Lila asked with an innocent face.
Nathalie was doubtful.
"I see. You don't want to tell me! That's fine, I don't need help" Lila walked away. She was so angry because she couldn't go to Gabriel's studio.
When it was time to meet up again, Adrien and his friends returned to the Tsurughi boat.
The boy told Luka that they had to have a chat, so they went in Kagami's cabin.
Adrien finally told Luka what he thought about his video.
"Confessing to Marinette in a video for the day of her mother's death? That is so low!" Adrien scolded him.
"I don't see the problem" Luka said, trying to sound indifferent.
"This message is to show Marinette how much we care for her! This isn't about you. It's only about Marinette! By telling her that you love her, you're putting the spotlight on yourself!" Adrien argued.
"I'm not! I would never do something like that! If she wants to reciprocate my feelings, that's her choice" Luka started to walk away.
"You're so selfish" Adrien growled.
"Am I? Or are you just envious because you wasted your chance and I didn't?" Luka teased him.
The boys returned to their friends, seeminly angry with each other. At that point they sent the video message.
Lila still had Marinette's phone, and when the message arrived, she hid in the salon to give it a look.
"Hey girl! I hope this video will make you happy, just like you make all of us happy! With your playful spirit, you bring us so much joy! Love ya, Marinette!" Alya said in her part of the video.
"This is so. . . Pathetic" Lila said and kept watching.
"Hi, Mari-honey! Listen, I know how you're feeling right now. My mom is not always with me, and when she is, she's so. . . distant. I know that's not the same thing, but. . . Just remember that you can count on me whenever you need" Chloe said.
"And me, Marinette!" Sabrina exclaimed from behind the phone that she was using to film her friend.
"Sabrina, don't interrupt me when I'm being emotionally supportive!" Chloe scolded her.
"Chloe Bourgeois. Always so foolish and predictable" Lila smiled.
After Chloe, there was Adrien's part.
"Marinette, the best way to tell you how much you mean to me is by saying. . . Thank you! Thank you for all the times you protected me. You inspired me to be a better person" Adrien said and blushed a little.
"What a wimp!" Lila laughed.
Finally it was Luka's turn.
"Hello there, Agreste-Cheng! Heh, sorry. . . I'm not good at expressing my feelings. . . You know I'm more an action guy!" Luka was nervous. He was trying so hard to open his heart.
"Marinette, you're an amazing girl. You can be so strong and compassionate. I've never met anyone like you! I love you" .
"Blah! I'm sick of this" Lila closed the video and deleted it.
Then she responded to Marinette's friends with some texts, pretending to be her.
Adrien and the others were asking if Marinette watched their message.
They were all excited. But when they recived Lila's texts, the excitement vanished.
"What does this mean?" Nino couldn't belive how harshly Marinette responded to them.
"We wanted to do something nice for her. Why is she treating us like this?" Juleka questioned.
Luka looked so hurted. His text said that Marinette wished they never met.
"This isn't Marinette. . ." Adrien denied "She would never do something like this!" .
All their negative emotions combined were immediately perceived by Hawk Moth.
"What a delight! It's a festin of outrage and sorrow! I can't use all of them for my plan, but I know exaclty which one to pick" Hawk Moth sent an Akuma to the Tsurugi boat.
The butterfly ignored all the teens and went into Luka's phone.
"Robo Fighter, listen to me. There's someone pretending to be Marinette. Her name is Lila, and she's at her house right now. Go there and punish her for trying to devide you from your friend!" Hawk Moth wanted him to get rid of Lila.
Luka was transformed. He was given a red armor, similar to the one he had when he was Red Fighter.
His phone was set on his chest and became a part of the armor.
"I'm coming for you, Lila!" Robo Fighter said with a robotic voice that was coming from the phone.
Two rockets appeared below his feet and allowed Robo Fighter to fly off the boat, making it oscillate and causing everyone to trip down.
In the general confusion, Adrien sneaked inside Kagami's cabin again to transform and follow
Robo Fighter.

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