Chapter 6 Hacker Cupid (part 2)

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When Marinette returned to her house, she went directly to the kitchen.
She openned the book that she was reading in class and gathered all the ingredients she needed to prepare Valentine's chocolates for Mister Bug.
"What if I use whipped cream instead of milk? Wouldn't that make the chocolates more delicious?" Marinette wondered.
"Have you ever done something like this before?" Plagg asked to her.
"No. But that doesn't stop me from doing my best!" Marinette was positive that her hard work would have had good results.
But then she bent to take a pan from the cupboard and bumped her head on the kitchen.
"Ouch!" Marinette wailed.
"Oh boy. . . " Plagg sighed.
Adrien and Nino were working on the essay in Adrien's room.
Nino gave a look at his best friend's laptop a lot of times.
He couldn't focus on the homework because he wanted to read that text.
"I'm hungry. What if we take a break to eat something?" Nino asked.
"Sure. I'll go grab something from the kitchen" Adrien answered and went for the snacks.
As he walked out of the room, Nino sneaked to his desk and turned on the laptop.
"Where are you~?" Nino looked among Adrien's chats
"Found you!" before he could read it, Adrien's hand closed the laptop in his face.
Nino was caught red-handed, so he smiled to look less guilty.
"You really think I'm that dumb?" Adrien asked with his arms crossed.
"Please, Adrien! I can't stop thinking about it! Let me read your text and I promise I won't talk about it ever again!" Nino begged him.
Before Adrien could say no again, the two boys heard screams coming from the kitchen.
They went to check out what was going on: Emily was throwing pasties at her husband.
"You call this fresh baked pasties!? They're so hard that I could build a house with them!" She screamed.
Her eyes were red; she was holding her phone in one hand, while throwing stuff with the other.
"Darling, please calm down!" Tom was shielding with a lid for pots.
"Allright, buddy. This afternoon at your house was fun, but I really gotta go now!" Nino ran out of the appartament, because he didn't want to be envolved in Adrien's parents fight.
Adrien immediately returned to his room.
"What's happening to your mom?" Tikki asked worried. Emily was the nicest person on Earth; she would have never caused a scene for some pasties.
"Maybe it has to do with those red eyes?" Adrien thought.
The boy was taken by surprise when the screen of his laptop went completely red.
"What's going on!?" .
Someone was hackering his laptop.
The hacker managed to send the love text to Marinette.
"No. No! NO! It's not happening!" Adrien desperately tried to delete the text, but it didn't work.
The face of the hacker appeared on the screen and Adrien recognized Kim.
"Hacker Cupid wishes you a terribile Valentine's day!" The super villain laughed and desappeared.
"There's a new super villain! That's way your mom was acting like that!" Tikki said.
"I have to do something quickly before Marinette opens the chat and reads my text!" The boy affirmed.
Adrien transformed and jumped off the window of his room to find a solution.
Chloe was on her bed, while Sabrina was writing the essay.
Sabrina was still upset after what Chloe did.
"Did you really had to act like that before with Kim?" She suddenly asked to her friend.
"That's what he deserves for disrespecting me!" Chloe said.
"Kim didn't disrespect you, Chloe. And what you did to his girlfriend's girf was so mean" Sabrina told her.
In that moment, she recived a weird phone call.
When she answered it, the screen of her phone turned red.
"Oh, please! I did him a favour. That watch was utterly horrendous!" Chloe tried to justify her cruel action.
Sabrina walked toward the bed.
When Chloe looked at her, she saw that her eyes were red and her face was showing pure rage.
Sabrina was infected by Hacker Cupid's virus.
"Chloe, you're the worst person I've ever met!" Sabrina yelled.
"Excuse me!?" Chloe was offended.
"You're mean! And vile! And you have no respect for other people's feelings! That's why you have no friends but me!" Sabrina took the essay and made it into confetti in front of her.
At that point, Chloe was more than terrified.
She escaped from her own room and ran out of the hotel.
Mister Bug was swinging by and he saw her, so he went down to understand what she was running from.
"Mister Bug! You have to help me!" Normally Chloe would have never asked for his help.
Therefore something serious must have happened.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"My friend Sabrina went crazy!" She ripped in pieces our homework and said mean things to me!" Chloe told him.
Mister Bug wasn't surprised to hear that: he thought that Sabrina had finally had enough with Chloe and her bully behavior.
"Her eyes were red, like she was possessed by some demoniac force!" Chloe mentioned.
Mister Bug remembered that his mom's eyes were also red when she was throwing pasties at his dad.
"I know what happened to her" the hero said "A boy named Kim was akumatized".
When he said that, Chloe made a guilty face.
"Do you have something to do with this?" Mister Bug asked with a suspicious look.
"Me? Obviously not!" Chloe lied.
"You know that I can bring you back to your friend, right?" Mister Bug threatened her.
"Okay! Okay! It's my fault!" Chloe confessed what she had done to Kim's gift for his girlfriend.
"You're unbelivable!" Mister Bug exclaimed.
At least he knew what happened to Kim, and he also belived to know what he needed to do to stop him.
Mister Bug left Chloe and went to look for a certain person.
"Hey! For once I ask for your help and you leave me like this!? You suck, Mister Bug!" Chloe yelled, even if the hero was already far from her.

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