Chapter 1 The origins of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (part 6)

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When the two boys walked in the classroom, they saw Marinette with some of the chewing-gum stocked on her fingers.
It looked like she was putting the gum on Adrien's chair.
"Hey! That's my friend's seat!" Nino yelled.
Marinette turned around and saw Adrien's surprised face.
"Why have you done this?" He asked to Marinette.
"I didn't! I was trying to remove the chewing-gum!" She swore.
Chloe and Sabrina laughed at him.
"You're Marinette, right?" You're friends with Chloe" Adrien asked.
"I guess so. . ." Marinette answered, unsure if what she had with Chloe could be called an anctual friendship.
Adrien covered the gum with paper to sit.
He didn't say another word to Marinette; he just had this tired expression.
Marinette looked at Alya.
"I told you it was pointless" she said with a sad voice.
Alya patted her shoulder to confort her.
Both Adrien and Marinette were stuck in a situation that they couldn't change: Adrien had resigned to be bullied by Chloe and her friends, and Marinette had resigned to be considered a bad person.
They didn't knew that their lives had changed forever.
Milene was in the school's bathroom.
When she walked out, she bumped into Ivan.
"Hey, Ivan! Are you feeling allright?" Milene asked to the boy whose face was red like a tomato.
Ivan was holding a paper in one hand and his cell phone in the other.
He wanted to follow Adrien's advice and tell his feelings to Milene with a song he wrote just for her.
Ivan clicked on his phone and the music started to play.
Milene looked very confused.
Ivan took a deep breath and started singing what was written on the paper.
"Oh, Milene! My dear Milene! You're the star in the night sky!
You're the last piece of pie!
You're the love of-! . . . Of-!" Ivan couldn't end his song.
He was so nervous that his voice was cracking.
Milene covered her ears.
When the bell rang, she apologized to Ivan and ran away.
Ivan failed to tell Milene his feelings.
"What have I done? She'll never accept my feelings now!" Ivan cryed.
His sorrow was felt by the Akuma that was flying around the city, looking for negative emotions.
When Ivan gave up on himself, the Akuma returned to him and, like the first time, it flew inside the paper that he was holding.
"Stoneheart, so good to find you again" Hawk Moth said "Let's make a deal this time, shall we? I'll give you back your streght and your unbreakable heart. In return you'll bring me the Miraculous of Mister Bug and Lady Noir!" .
Ivan accepted Hawk Moth's deal and when he transformed into Stoneheart again, all the statues around Paris started moving.
Stoneheart went to look for Milene, who had just walked in the classroom.
"Milene, where's Ivan?" Miss Bustier asked to her student.
Stoneheart punched down the door to pass.
"I'm here!" He exclaimed.
Some of his classmates screamed and tried to run away, while Nino started filming with his mini camera.
Marinette used that opportunity to leave the classroom and find a place to transform.
No one noticed her leaving.
When Stoneheart grabbed Milene, she told him to her go.
"Why are you doing this, Ivan!?" .
"Because now there's nothing that can keep us apart!" He decleared.
Stoneheart punched the wall in front of him to escape with Milene.
Nino followed them to continue his film.
Adrien was standing alone in the destroyed classroom.
Tikki flew out of his bag to persuade him to do something.
"Come on, Adrien! You need to transform into Mister Bug!" The Kwami told him.
Adrien didn't want to transform, not after what happened the day before.
"What for?! I'm useless as Mister Bug! I'm sorry, Tikki. I can't be a super hero!" Adrien was holding the tears.
"But then. . . what's going to happen to your friends!?" Tikki shouted out to convince him to act.
Adrien looked at the hole in the wall.
"I can't stop Stoneheart. . . but I'll stop Nino!" .
Adrien decided to go after his best friend, to save him from dying for the sake of his blog.
Stoneheart was heavly walking towards the Eiffel Tower, with Milene in his hand.
Lady Noir reached the roof of the house in front of him and used her stick to block his way.
"Not so fast! You're not going anywhere until you let go of the girl!" The super hero said.
"No one can keep us apart! Milene is mine!" Stoneheart grabbed one of the cars near him and threw it at Lady Noir.
She jumped off the roof and landed on the street with the graceful of a cat.
She continued to dodge the cars that Stoneheart kept trowing at her.
Nino arrived in that moment and filmed Lady Noir from behind a mailbox.
"Be careful, Cat Lady!" Nino warned her when the super villain grabbed an empty bus.
But Nino warning only caused him to be noticed by Stoneheart.
He decided to fling the bus at the viewer boy instead of Lady Noir.
"No!" Lady Noir extended her stick to push Nino far away from the mailbox.
She saved him from being crushed by the bus, but for that distraction she ended up captured.
Stoneheart grabbed her and screamed to her face.
"Give me your Miraculous!" .
"No! Mister Bug! Where are you, Mister Bug?!" Lady Noir called him desperately.
Adrien saw everything.
He saw Lady Noir saving his best friend and Nino lying on the ground.
He could hear her teammate calling for him, but he didn't know what to do.
Lady Noir needed him.
Nino and Milene needed him.
Adrien closed his eyes and for a moment he didn't hear a single sound.
When he openned them, he let Tikki out of his bag.
"Tikki, spots on!" Adrien transformed.
Even thought he was afraid, he was going to overcome his fear only to save his friends.
Mister Bug made his yo-yo roll around the mailbox and then threw it at the villain.
"Take this!" Mister Bug got him right on the face.
Stoneheart laughed at him.
"You really belived that was going to do something? That was nothing!" .
Mister Bug made a sly smile.
That wasn't supposed to hurt, it was a distraction.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now