Chapter 3 Filmmaker (part 3)

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Chloe was in her room, which was the biggest one in the Hotel.
Sabrina was helping her with another tik tok.
"Don't miss my shoes. Everyone deserves to enjoy my fashionable outfit" Chloe told to Sabrina, who was filming her with her phone.
"Are those the shoes we brought together?" Sabrina asked surprised.
"Of course they are! You didn't notice them before?" Chloe replied, almost offended.
"Sorry!" Sabrina blushed.
Someone knocked on the door and Chloe growled.
"Who is it!?" .
Sabrina went to check out who it was, but when she was face to face with the Filmmaker, she made a little scream and closed the door.
"What's wrong?" Chloe wondered.
Sabrina was holding the door, looking terrified.
When the Filmmaker kicked the door and busted it wide open, Sabrina fell on the floor.
Chloe knelt next to her and grabbed her arm in fear.
"My apologize for the rushed entrance!" the Filmmaker bowed to them.
"Who- who are you?" Sabrina stuttered.
"Hear me out, Mister Mustache!
My father is the mayor of Paris! If you land a single finger on us, you'll regret it for the rest of your life!"  Chloe warned him.
"I'm the Filmmaker, ladies. And I'm in the need of a young girl to be the protagonist of my new film" he explained.
"Really?" Chloe immediately changed her attitude.
She told the super villain that she was the perfect peek for the role of the protagonist.
"Chloe, no!" Sabrina exclaimed.
"I'm not giving you a choice anyway" the Filmmaker snapped his fingers again and the bat-phones turned into rat-phones, with little paws and long tails.
They chased Sabrina around the room, so that she couldn't interfere while the Filmmaker kidnapped Chloe.
Adrien was on ho bed, watching the tv and eating chips.
Tikki was reading one of his comic books.
After Mr Pigeon, there had been no other Akuma attacks.
So Adrien was enjoying his free day.
"I wonder what Lady Noir does in her free time" Adrien said.
"You should ask that to her next time you two meet" Tikki suggested him and turned the page.
"Maybe she's also eating chips and watching the tv" Adrien guessed.
In that moment, his parten was practicing her Kung Fu skills in her bedroom.
Marinette was kicking and punching the training bag.
She was wearing her white kimono and her hair wasn't braided as usual: she had a pony tail.
Plagg was watching the tv while eating cheese on the sofa.
"I don't get you, kid. Is this really how you spend your free time?" Plagg asked to her.
"Of course! There's nothing like a good training to calm down my spirit!" Marinette answered and she hitted the bag again.
"But you fight against super villains everyday!" Plagg exclaimed.
"Double training!" Marinette said with a smile.
Suddenly Adrien's tv shifted from an action movie to a strange show, all by itself.
Marinette's tv started transmitting the same thing.
"Good afternoon, citizens of Paris!" The Filmmaker's face was on every television of the city.
Adrien suddenly stood up and made the chips fell on the floor.
"No. . ." He whispered when he recognized his friend Nino behind those mustache.
"I'm shooting my new film, but right now I'm looking for two super heroes for the next scene. Lady Noir? Mister Bug? You want to be stars?" the Filmmaker laughed.
"No way we're going to be in his film!" Marinette said.
"And if you don't come to the Grand Paris Hotel, she's going to face the consequences!" The Filmmaker framed what was happening on the roof of the hotel: Chloe was hanging above the pool, which water was infested by piranha-phones.
"Help me! I don't want my new shoes to get wet!" Chloe cryed.
She called the police, the firemen and even her dad, but she didn't mention Mister Bug or Lady Noir once.
"We'll be waiting for you!" The Filmmaker kept filming, so that the city could see Hawk Moth's plan become reality.
"This is exaclty what I was worried about!" Adrien yelled at the tv "We have to save Nino!" He looked at Tikki.
"Chloe needs help!" Marinette said.
"It was a nice free day 'til it lasted. . ." Plagg sadly mumbled.
The two teens transformed in their respective bedrooms and then rushed to get to the Grand Paris Hotel.
They met each other along the way.
"You were watching the tv as well, Lady Noir?" The boy asked.
"Yup! We have to help that poor citizen" Lady Noir answered.
"Don't worry. We'll save him!" Mister Bug jumped above to get faster to the hotel.
"I was talking about Chloe. . ." Lady Noir said, confused over who Mister Bug was really worried about.
The two super heroes arrived at the entrance of the hotel and heard somebody screaming from inside.
Mister Bug and Lady Noir found Sabrina standing on a coffe table, surrounded by those rat-phones that had followed her around the hotel.
The rats were gnawing the legs of the chair, to make the girl fell down.
"Help me! Please!" Sabrina begged the two super heroes.
Mister Bug hooked his yo-yo around the chandelier above the coffee table.
He flew over the rats.
He grabbed Sabrina and brought her to safety.
"Hey!" Lady Noir called the rats.
When they turned to her, she swept them away with her stick.
The rats were smashed against the wall and broke like normal phones.
"Cats 1, rats 0!" Lady Noir smiled proud.
"Mister Bug! Lady Noir! Thank goodness you're here!" Sabrina told them what happened in Chloe's room.
"She's on the roof. Don't worry, we're going to rescue your friend!" Lady Noir assured her.
"I want to help! Is there something I can do?" Sabrina asked.
"It's safer if you stay here. I think the Filmmaker knows we're here. . ." Mister Bug looked behind his back and saw the bat-phone that was filming them.

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