Chapter 17 Lila (part 3)

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Robo Fighter was directed to Marinette's house.
Lila looked from the window of the salon and saw the super villain coming that way.
She immediately went to look for Marinette. She called her name and the girl walked out of her room.
"You're really good at this game! It's my turn to hide now?" Marinette asked.
"The gamer is over" Lila said with a serious voice "We have to leave the house. Now" She grabbed her hand, to lead her outside.
"Leave the house? But why?" Marinette questioned.
Since Lila wasn't giving her an answer, Marinette pulled away her hand and stopped walking.
"Marinette, we need to leave!" Lila repeated, raising her voice.
"No!" Marinette shouted.
Lila openned wide her eyes for that unexpected response, then she made a horrifying glance.
"Did you just say 'no'?" She susurratet, sounding outraged, as if Marinette wasn't allowed to tell her no.
Lila went closer to her, making Marinette step back and touch the wall behind her.
In that moment, Robo Fighter broke inside the house, smashing down the front door.
Marinette recognized Luka for how similar his new armor was to his old one.
"Lila, stay away from Marinette!" Robo Fighter ordered.
"What's going on?" Marinette didn't understand how Luka knew Lila.
"Marinette, that girl is a threat. We sent you a video message, but she used your phone to reply to us with some cruel texts" Robo Fighter explained.
Marinette looked at Lila and saw her guilty face.
"You got it all wrong! It was just a prank. Your friends must have take it in the wrong way" Lila took Marinette's hand, this time in a gentle way "You know I'd never do something to hurt you".
"I said stay away from her!" Robo Fighter raised his fist and this separated from the rest of his arm. Marinette pushed down Lila and the fist crashed against the wall behind them.
"What's going on!?" Nathalie arrived.
She told Marinette to run away.
Marinette took Lila's arm and went to find her a place to hide.
Robo Fighter raised his arm again and his hand returned to him.
Nathalie grabbed the coffe table and threw it at the super villain.
Robo Fighter smashed the table in two.
"Don't interfeer!" The rockets below his feet made him fly and he went after the two girls.
Nathalie wanted to follow him to protect Marinette, but Mister Bug stopped her.
"Let me take care of that guy, m'am" He said.
"Lucky Charm!" Mister Bug used his special power and recived a deflated life jacket.
He had no idea of what he could do with that, so for the moment he put it on, to keep it with him.
Marinette brought Lila to her room and made her hide in the pillow fort.
"Stay here while I try to make him to go away" Marinette said.
"Marinette, you know I didn't mean to hurt your friends, right?" Lila was holding her wrist, looking at her with a sad face.
"I. . . Of course I do" Marinette belived her words.
Robo Fighter smashed down the door of the room and walked in.
"Marinette, where's Lila? I have to keep her away from you" Robo Fighter said.
"No, Luka! I can't let you do this. You're not a bad person. . . " Marinette placed her hand on his cheek. Her gentle touch made Robo Fighter's anger turn down for a moment.
When Mister Bug saw them, he felt jealous. He threw his yo-yo at the super villain and tied his arms on his body.
"Marinette, take the phone on his chest! That's where the Akuma is hiding!" Mister Bug exclaimed.
Marinette was about to take the phone, but Robo Fighter starter to fly around the room, with Mister Bug hanging on his yo-yo.
Robo Fighter broke the window and flew out of the house.
Marinette closed herself in the bathroom to transform and went to help Mister Bug, leaving Lila alone in her room.
Robo Fighter was flying above the Agreste's house, with Mister Bug always behind him.
"You had enough already?" Robo Fighter asked to the hero.
"Are you kidding? I'm having fun!" Mister Bug replied with a smug face.
"Let's see if you enjoy this as well" Robot Fighter flew toward the other houses, to make the hero crash against their walls.
But Mister Bug ran on the roofs.
Robo Fighter flew above the Seine and his enemy surfed on the water.
"This is all you got?" Mister Bug mocked him.
"I'll show you!" Robo Fighter tried to point his fist at him. He was about to fire when he crashed against Lady Noir's extended staff.
The heroine was sitting on the top of it.
"Always watch where you are flying" she smiled.
Robot Fighter fell unconscious in the water of the Seine.
Mister Bug understood what he needed the Lucky for. He swimmed to his enemy and made him wear the life jacket. He pulled the row and the jacket inflated, so that Mister Bug could easily bring Robo Fighter to the surface.
Lady Noir helped her parter to carry the super villain to the sidewalk.
"This is the second time we make this poor guy pass out" Mister Bug acknowleged.
Lady Noir handed him her staff and he used it to remove the phone from Robo Fighter's chest, then he let it fell and stepped on it to free the Akuma.
After he captured the butterfly, Mister Bug threw the life jacket in the sky.
"Miraculous Mister Bug!"
With the Lucky Charm, the things that Robo Fighter smashed were repaired: the wall that he hitted with his punch, the coffee table and the doors of the Agreste's house.
Lila saw the door of Marinette's room getting fixed by the Lucky Charm.
"At least now I'm safe from that loonatic boy. Maybe next time I'll be able to find that thing. . ." Lila grumped, leaving the room empty handed.
That evening Marinette videocalled her friends, who were still on the Tsurughi's boat.
"I'm sorry for all the things that Lila wrote to you. She was just doing a stupid prank, but she's actually really nice!" Marinette apologized in her place.
Adrien and Luka didn't belive that Lila was a nice person, but they accepted Marinette's apology, like the rest of their friends.
"It's a shame that the video was deleted in the heat of what happened at my house. Would you repeat what you said?" Marinette asked.
Adrien and Luka turned red after that request. Saying those things in the message was one thing, but saying them directly to Marinette was another.
"We can't!" Chloe exclaimed "Because. . . The Tsurugi's wifi is terrible and we might loose signal at anytime! Bzzzz! See? It's happening right now! Bzzzz!" She closed the videocall right there.
"Chloe, why did you do that!?" Nino yelled.
"Hey! I don't have to explain myself to anybody, okay?" Chloe said. She closed the videocall because she didn't want her classmates to see her soft side.
And while the others were annoyed with Chloe, Luka and Adrien were glad that she closed the call.

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