Chapter 10 Stink Bug (part 1)

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Tikki was in Adrien's room, waiting for him to finish get ready for another school day.
She was feeling kinda feverish, but she didn't say anything, to not allarm the boy.
"Ready to go, Tikki?" Adrien asked, keeping his bag open so that she could fly inside it, like the other days.
Tikki didn't answer.
"Tikki?" Adrien called her again.
That's when her antennae straightened and she finally flew inside the bag.
Adrien went to school, to attend another class of Miss Mendeleieve.
When he arrived, he noticed that some of his classmates were talking in the hallway, so he went to them.
Rose was holding a magazine with the photograph of a charming boy on the cover.
"Prince Alì is in town today!" She said, excited.
"What happened to the girl who belived that princes were a waste of time?" Adrien asked.
"Prince Alì is not like other princes! He makes large donations to hospitals and visits the patients" That's why Rose admired him "This article says that he'll be reside at the Grand Paris Hotel" She added.
"Of course! Where else was a prince supposed to stay?" Alix asked sarcastic.
"I can't wait to meet him!" Rose chirped.
The bell for the start of the lessons rang, and so Adrien's class went in the chemistry lab.
Chloe heard the bell, but in that moment she was having an important phone call with her dad.
"Daddy, I don't want to spend the day with that boy!" Chloe protested.
"He's no ordinary boy, dear. He's a prince! He's rich, famous and our family being in good terms  with him will grant us a lot of prestige!" Mr Bourgeois was trying to convince her.
"Why do we need more prestige? Our family is already important! You're the mayor of Paris and mom is a style queen" Chloe replied.
"So the only one who doesn't bring anything to the table is you" Mr Bourgeois said.
That made Chloe feel so useless.
"All I'm asking you is to keep company to our guest. You can do that, right?" Mr Bourgeois asked.
"Yes, daddy. . . I'll return to the hotel and meet with him after school" the girl answered, with her troath hurting.
"Thank you, my little princess!" . When mayor Bourgeois ended the call, Chloe finally went to the lab. She remained silenty upset during the whole lesson.
Rose noticed that she wasn't in a good mood.
"Great! Now I'll never convince her to take me meet the prince" Rose grumbled.
"Stay positive, Rose! Even the toughest candy has a sweet core. We just need to bring Chloe's sweetness out with something nice" Juleka said.
Once the lessons were over,
Rose and Juleka waited for Chloe, next to her limousine.
Rose was holding a bouquet of fragrant flowers.
"I don't think this is going to work. . ." She feared.
"Everyone likes flowers. Chloe will certanly be happy to recive them" Juleka reassured Rose, taking a flower and placing it on her head.
Chloe finally walked out of the school, all by herself. When she got closer to the veichle, Rose prontally stopped her.
"What do you want?" Chloe asked with an irritated face.
"I- uhm. . . I just wanted to give you this!" Rose gave her the bouquet.
Chloe was very surprised to recive it.
"Oh! How pretty!" She said with a happy voice.
Rose looked at Juleka and the girl gestued her to go on.
"Soooo, I heard that Prince Alì is at your dad's hotel!" Rose was saying while Chloe was smelling the flowers "Do you think there's a chance that I can go with you? To meet him?" .
Chloe didn't react well to that question.
"You gave me this flowers just to ask me a favour?" She got extremely mad, but most of her anger was for what her dad told her.
"You think that the prince has time to waste for someone like you?" Chloe directed all her anger toward Rose "Take back your stupid flowers! I don't want to be holding them when I'm going to meet Prince Alì. They stink!" Chloe let the flowers fell, then she got inside her limousine and left.
Juleka went closer to her friend, who was knelt to collect the bouquet.
"I should have known this wasn't going to work! Chloe doesn't have a sweet core! She's sour to the bones!" Rose yelled, holding her tears.
Hawk Moth felt her rage and sent an Akuma, which flew in the flower that Rose had in her hair.
Adrien walked out of the school in that moment and saw everything.
"Princess Fragrance, I'll help you meet with the prince you admire so much, and give Chloe Bourgeois a lesson! All you have to do for me is take Mister Bug and Lady Noir Miraculous when they'll try to stop you!" Hawk Moth proposed.
Rose didn't say anything.
"Ehm, is there something wrong?" He asked.
"I don't want to be a princess" Rose said.
". . . How do you want to be called then?" .
"Stink Bug!" The girl exclaimed "Stink bugs are cool!".
Hawk Moth sighed.
"Okay! Stink Bug, bring me Mister Bug and Lady Noir Miraculous!" .
Rose was transformed: her villain costume was black and green, with small pink parts and had fake wings on the back.
She was armed with a small gun, that she immediately pointed at Juleka.
"My dear friend, you'll help me make my wish come true. Won't you?" Stink Bug fired at Juleka. Her mind was clouded by the villain perfume, making the girl become her loyal slave.
Adrien returned inside the school and hid in the bathrooms to transform.
"Tikki, spots on!" .
When he came out of the bathroom, he looked at his reflection on the mirror and he almost screamed.
His transformation didn't work like the other times: the upper part of his costume was there, but from the waist down he had his normal clothes. His mask didn't appear neither, he was still wearing his green rounded glasses.
Adrien went back in the bathroom.
"This can't be happening for real!" He remembered the horrible nightmare he made, where his transformation wasn't working and he couldn't save Marinette.
"Spots off!" Adrien destransformed and he had to hold Tikki in his hands because she couldn't fly. That's when he noticed that she looked exhausted.
"Tikki, what's wrong?" .
"I'm sorry, Adrien. . . It's my fault. . .If a Kwami is sick, the owner of the Miraculous can't transform properly" Tikki explained with difficulty.
"You're sick? Why didn't you tell me before?" Adrien asked.
"You're already under so much pressure. . . I didn't want to cause you more problems" she answered.
Adrien said that it was his responsability to take care of her, no matter the rest.
"What can I do to help you?" .
"There's a healer. . . He can cure me" Tikki murmured.
Adrien gently wrapped her in his cleaning cloth and placed her inside the bag.
"Don't worry, Tikki. You'll be alright!" Adrien ran out of the school and went to find the mysterious healer.

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