Chapter 2 Bad Weather Girl (part 3)

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On the contrary, Bad Weather Girl was so angry for her insolence.
"But can your hairdryer do this?" She lifted the cardstock with the hailstorm and the clouds turned from a light gray to black.
Huge pieces of hail started falling from the clouds.
Every piece of hail was bigger than a tennis ball and they destroyed everything they struck.
Lady Noir grabbed Mister Bug's hand and made him crouch next to her, so that she could protect him from the hail.
She started spinning her stick very fast, like the blades of an helicopter.
"This a good time to figure out what that Lucky Charm is for!" Lady Noir said.
Mister Bug untied the towel from his arm and looked around.
One of the billboards on the roof and the ventlation fan shined of a red light with black spots.
"Lady Noir, I need you to use your Cataclysm on the base of that billboard!" Mister Bug asked to her.
"I got it, Mister B!" Lady Noir replied.
The two super heroes splitted up to make the plan work.
Bad Weather Girl tried to stop Lady Noir, using the cardstock with the tunderstorm.
Lightings fell from the sky but Lady Noir was able to dodge all of them.
"Cataclysm!" Lady Noir invoked her power, then she slipped along the billboard and used her Cataclysm on the base.
The billboard leaned towards Bad Weather Girl, so she used the tunderstorm cardstock again, to create a hole and pass through it.
"You were trying to crush me with that!? What kind of sick super heroes are you!?" Bad Weather Girl yelled at Lady Noir.
While the enemy was distracted, Mister Bug jumped on the ventlation fan and used the towel to fly over the roof.
He got so close to the super villain, and when she realized that he was behind her, Mister Bug kicked her hand.
Bad Weather Girl lost all her cardstocks.
"Noooo!" She screamed.
Lady Noir grabbed the cardstock with the sunny sky. She broke it in two pieces and the Akuma came out from one of them.
After that Mister Bug landed softly next to Lady Noir.
"No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma" he said and captured the butterfly with his yo-yo "Goodbye, little butterfly" He purified the Akuma and then he let it free.
When the harmless butterfly was gone, Mister Bug threw the Lucky Charm in the sky.
"Miraculous, Mister Bug!" .
The Miraculous Mister Bug fixed everything: the sky returned blue and the clouds desappeared; the billboard returned where it was before and all the damage that Bad Weather Girl caused was gone.
Even André's ice cream kiosk was back as new.
The super villain returned to be a normal arrogant girl.
"Where am I?" Mireille wondered after detransforming.
She had no memory about the whole thing.
"We won!" Lady Noir and Mister Bug gave each other an high five.
Once the battle was over, Adrien returned to the park.
He found Nino and Chris in front of the carousel.
Gladly they were both fine.
When Nino saw Adrien, he started yelling at him like a worried parent.
"Where have you been!? I tried to call you like eighteen times!".
Adrien apologized to him.
"I lost my phone when that super villain blew up the kiosk" Adrien lied.
"Really? Damn it! I missed the chance to film it" Nino complained.
"Good to know that you worry about that more than my safety" Adrien whispered.
Chris asked where was the girl with the green hat and the braid.
"Yeah, where's Marinette?" Nino asked too.
"I. . . I don't know!" Adrien looked around, afraid that something had happened to her.
When he saw Marinette coming he felt more calm.
"Mar-Mari-!" He tried to say.
"Are you okay, Marinette?" Nino asked in his place.
"Yes. I was. . . Looking for my hat!" She lied, just like Adrien did before "I lost it after that girl attacked us" .
Since the danger was gone, Nino proposed to his friends to have that ice cream together, but he secretely wanted leave the two of them alone.
"I want ice cream!" Chris whined.
"There's ice cream at home!" Nino told him.
Chris made a pounting face.
"Don't be like that, my big strong fox. Let's go take this ice cream" Marinette offered to Chris her hand.
"Sorry, buddy" Nino whispered Adrien.
"It's fine. What matters is that Marinette is okay" Adrien answered.
As the four of them walked to the kiosk, a luxurious car stopped in front of the park's fence.
It was Marinette's body guard, who had been sent by her father to bring her home.
"Looks like playtime is over for me. . ." Marinette mumbled.
At the end of the day, Marinette couldn't enjoy her free day at the park with her friends.
"See you tomorrow at school?" She tried to make a smile for Adrien and Nino.
"See ya" Nino said.
Adrien didn't salute her: he was so scared of saying the wrong name again.
Marinette felt sorry, because she belived that he was still angry at her.
Marinette walked to the car, while Adrien thought about how foolish he was acting.
"You can do. You can do it!" He was repeating in his head.
Finally Adrien rushed to the car.
"Marinette!" He bellowed her name.
Marinette looked back at him, surprised.
"See you tomorrow, Marinette!" Adrien told her with such a warn smile.
Marinette smiled as well.
"Bye, Adrien!" She responded enthusiastically.
"Bye, Marinette!" Adrien replied.
"Bye, Adrien!" Marinnette said again.
The bodyguard had to push her inside the car, and even when she was on board, Marinette kept waving and saying bye to Adrien from behind the window.
Once the car was too far to hear each other, Marinette rested on her seat with her eyes closed.
She was so relieved that Adrien wasn't mad at her and that he had finally said her name.
Plagg came out from under her hat and looked at her.
"What?" Marinette asked.
"Oh, it's nothing!" Plagg smiled.

Miraculous, the stories of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (reversed AU)Where stories live. Discover now