Chapter 13 Little Devils (part 1)

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Adrien was spending the night at Nino's house.
Nino's parents went to the theater, but before leaving, his mother told him to make sure Chris was in bed for half past nine.
Bedtime was approaching, and Nino made to his little brother some warm milk, to help him sleep peacefuly.
"I don't want to drink it! It's for little kids!" Chris growled, refusing his cup of milk.
He was wearing a hat with small devil horns, which fitted perfectly with his rebellious nature.
"I drink milk everyday" Adrien said to convince him.
"Little kid" Chis sneered.
Nino told his brother to drink his milk, or else he had to go to bed earlier. Chris emptied his cup and immediately started to feel sleepy.
"Good job! Now, go brush your teeth. We'll be waiting for you here" Nino led Chris to the bathroom and then returned to the kitchen.
"Once he is in bed, we can do whatever we want!" Nino said and high-fived with Adrien.
"We can watch the trilogy of 'Galaxy Fights'!" Nino showed the DVDs.
"And play all the chapters of 'Eclipse Ring'!" Adrien took the videogame out of his bag.
"And we can eat all the snaks we want! Starting with my favorite: the spicy chips of Mr Pepero!" Nino went to grab the bag of chips he kept on the shelf, and found Chris eating them.
"I told you to brush you theet!" Nino scolded him.
"I did! But I was still hungry, so I ate some of your snaks" Chris said.
"You ate an entire bag of chips. . ." Adrien showed the empty bag.
"That's it! You're going to bed! Now!" Nino escorted Chris to his bedroom and made him wear his pajamas.
Cris begged his brother to change his mind.
"I promise I'll be good! I want to stay up with you and Adrien!" He pleaded.
"Sorry, Chris. Mom said that you had to be in bed in half past nine. I can't let you stay up with us even if I wanted to" Nino said.
"Can I keep my hat?" The little boy asked, making puppy eyes.
Nino said that he could keep his hat in bed, then he wrapped Chris in the blankets and turned off the lights in his bedroom.
Nino went back to the kitchen.
"No spicy chips. . . Oh well! Grab all that's left, buddy" .
Adrien took a pack of buiscuits and two bottles of soda while Nino inserted the first DVD in the TV recorder.
"You've been busy lately, huh?" Nino asked to his friend.
"Oh, yes! I was helping Tsurugi-san repair her boat" Adrien answered.
"And what about Kagami?" Nino wanted to tease him.
"Kagami? She's nice" Adrien said.
"Is she 'nicer' than Marinette?" Nino questioned.
Adrien finally understood what he was hinting.
"Kagami is sweet and cute, but what I feel for Marinette is totally on another level!" He espressed.
"She's your Princess Lora?" Nino blinked, referring to a character of 'Galaxy Fights'.
"Exaclty!" Adrien said.
In that moment they heard the soundtrack of 'Galaxy Fights' playing.
Chris was on the couch, watching the movie that he wasn't supposed to watch at his age, but he seemed to be enjoing it.
"Chris!" Nino yelled.
"I'm not doing anything this time!" The little boy said.
"You're out of your bed!" Nino made him go back to his room.
"I'm telling you, Chris: stay in bed and sleep! If I see you again before tomorrow morning, you're in trouble, little guy!" Nino turned the lights off again.
"I'm not a little guy" Chris bitterly murmured, covering his face with the hat.
"It's tough to be a big brother, huh?" Adrien asked when his friend returned.
Nino told him that he missed those days when Chris was an obbedient baby, and a sip of milk was enough to make him sleep all night.
"But he's growing up. He thinks that he can do adul stuff, and he doesn't allow anyone to stop him. . ." Nino looked sad "At least you are always the same, buddy!" .
"Excuse me?" Adrien told him that he changed a lot "I've become more confident, you know? Now I can even talk with Marinette without stuttering!" Adrien assured.
Nino was typing something on his phone while his friend bragged about how much he grew.
"Hold this for me" Nino passed him the phone and Adrien saw that he was trying to videocall Marinette.
"TAKE IT BACK!" Adrien screamed but Nino wasn't going to take the phone back.
"Hello?" Marinette answered the videocall.
"He-hey, Marinette!" Adrien said, embarassed.
"Adrien! How's going?" She asked, content.
"I'm fine, heh. . . What-what are you doing?" He stuttered.
Nino giggled and Adrien raised his fist to make him stop.
"I'm doing the homeworks. Why did you call?" Marinette asked.
"Oh, I-! I just wanted to say hello! I'm calling all our classmates to see how they're doing" Adrien invented an excuse.
"That's so sweet of you" Marinette smiled.
"Hey, Marinette! Do you remember me?" Chris jumped out from behind the couch to say hello to Marinette.
"Of course I rember you, Chris! How are you, my big strong man?" She asked.
Before Chris could answer, Nino picked him up.
"Hey! I was talking with Marinette!" Chris protested while his brother was bringing him to bed for the third time.
"Adrien needs some practize! His flirting skills are terrible!" Nino exclaimed.
"What did Nino say?" Marinette didn't hear him.
"Nothing! Good luck with the homeworks! Bye!" Adrien quickly closed the videocall and hid his red face on a couch pillow.
Nino brought Chris in his room again.
"I warned you, Chris, but you didn't listen! I'm going to tell mom how disobedient you were tonight!" .
"You wouldn't!" Chris gasped.
Nino looked for his phone inside the pockets to call their mom, then he remembered that he gave the phone to Adrien.
"You bet I will!" Nino exclaimed before slamming the door of Crish room to go back to the kitchen and grab his phone.
"I don't want to go to bed! Little kids go to bed when they're told, and I'm not a little kid!" Chris whimpered.
His whining allerted Hawk Moth, who sent an Akuma to his bedroom.
The butterfly went inside Chris' hat.
"Evening, Little Devil. Shouldn't you be in bed by now?" Hawk Moth asked to make him more angry.
"I don't want to go to bed! I want eat snaks and watch movies like my brother does!" Chris grumped.
"That's what I was hoping to hear! I can help you do all these things and much more" The man said.
"Really?" Chris was easy to convince.
"Of course! Have fun, Little Devil. Because tonight not even Mister Bug and Lady Noir will be able to make you go to sleep!" .
Nino was undecided on calling his mom and telling her that Chris didn't want to go to bed or don't.
"If I do this, I'm a sneacher and my brother won't respect me. . ." Nino said, holding the phone.
"But he'll learn not to play with your patience" Adrien added.
They heard something falling from inside Chris' room, so Nino went to make sure his brother was okay.
He heard laughs coming from under the bed.
Nino thought that Chris was hiding under it, therefore he knelt next to the bed and tried to make him come out.
"Come on, Chirs! Don't make me take my tennis racket!" Nino grabbed his arm and pulled him out.
That's when he saw that his little brother was turned into a devil: Chris was red and had goat legs, with a long pointed tail.
Nino made a cry in fright and Chris laughed at him.
When his older brother hitted him with a pillow, the devil cloned himself.
"How. . .?" Nino was so confused.
After that, other little devils came out from under the bed and from inside the cabinet.
The room quickly filled with many little devils.
They went to the kitchen, to feast on all the food they could find.

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