Chapter 3 Filmmaker (part 1)

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The last video that Nino had posted on his blog was the one with more views.
It was a five-minutes video showing the battle of Lady Noir and Mister Bug against a new super villain.
It had more than twenty thousand views, with many other likes and positive comments.
Nino had waited for something epical to happen, and when the man who fed pigeons was akumatized, Nino followed him with his bike to film the fight.
A week after that battle with Mr Pigeaon, Nino and Adrien were having a lunch together, at the cafeteria of their school.
Nino was rewatching his video, pleased for how popular it was.
"Hey, Adrien. Take a look at my new work!" Nino placed his phone in front of Adrien's nose.
"I've already watched it, Nino! I was your first like, remember?" Adrien was happy for Nino, but he was starting to get tired of his attitude.
Nino kept showing the video to everybody, in every moment, even if they were talking about something completely different.
"Sorry, buddy! I might be a little too proud of myself. But I'm so excited that I'm finally getting some recognition as a filmmaker!" Nino said.
"It's also thanks to Mister Bug and Lady Noir that your video has so many views" Adrien argued.
"True . . . But if it wasn't for me, nobody would have seen them defeating Mr Pigeon!" Nino replied with a mocking smile.
After that, Adrien and Nino cleaned up their table and returned to the classroom.
When Nino took his seat, he turned back to Juleka and Rose, who were sitting behind him.
"Hey girls, have you wantched my new video?" He passed to them his phone, so that they could give a look at it.
"Cool. . ." Rose said with disinterest.
"I like the pigeons' feathers!" Juleka wanted to say something nice.
Then Nino showed the video to Alya and Marinette.
At some point Marinette saw herself with her hair ruffled and full of feathers.
"I can't belive it. . ." She mumbled.
"Me neither!" Nino exclaimed excited for a different reason.
Chloe and Sabrina noticed what was happening.
"What's so interesting about two losers in costumes fighting another loser and his disgusting birds?" Chloe asked and took Nino's phone without his permission.
"You're just jealous because my video is more popular than all your silly tik toks!" He replied.
"Don't listen to him, Chloe. Your tik toks are the best!" Sabrina tried to reassure her.
Chloe angrily scrolled the comment section of the video.
Then she smiled wickedly.
"Looks like I'm not the only one who dislikes this super hero garbage!" Chloe showed to Nino the negative comment that she had found.
Nino took back his phone and read the comment aloud.
"This is lamest video I've ever watched!? I wish I could have back the five minutes that I've wasted with this!?" Nino was shocked.
He started scrolling the comment section and found other commets like that one.
"I thought everyone liked my video. . ." he sobbed.
Adrien tried to cheer him up.
"Nino, those are just a few bad comments. Don't worry about them! There are so many people who think your video is awesome!" .
"Adrien's right" Marinette said as she placed her hand on his shoulder, making Adrien froze for a moment.
"Every opinion matters, but you decide which one is really importan to you" Alya added.
Even if they were right, Nino looked quite disappointed.
When Miss Bustier entered in the classroom, she told her students to take their seats, so she could start with the lesson.
Marinette went to her seat and Adrien could finally breath again; his face was completely red.
Nino put the phone in his pocked.
During the lesson he couldn't stop thinking about those bad comments.
He wanted to see if there were others like them, so he took his phone and hid it behind his book.
While Nino was checking the comment section, Miss Bustier moved the book and esposed his phone.
Nino looked at the teacher with a gulty smile, but Miss Bustier wasn't smiling at all.
Chloe and Sabrina were holding the laughs; Adrien, Marinette and Alya were worried for their friend.
Miss Bustier reached out her hand and Nino had to give her his phone.
"You'll have this back at the end of my lesson!" Miss Bustier brought the phone to her desk and put it inside a drawer, the one where she kept all the confiscated items.
For Nino it was a torture to wait until the end of the lesson without his phone.
When it was over, the students left the classroom and returned to their homes.
Only Nino remained inside.
Miss Bustier looked at him for a moment before giving him back the phone.
"Next time I'll keep it! Understood?" She oppened the drawer; inside of it there was Alix's rubber ball, Kim's game boy and Chloe's pocket mirrors.
Once he had his phone again, Nino ran outside of the school.
Adrien was waiting for him.
"So? She gave it back?" Adrien asked to his friend.
Nino didn't answer his question: he was busy looking at the comments.
"Nino! Remember what we told you before?" Adrien said with his arms folded.
Nino wasn't listening to him.
He found another negative comment.
"The loser who made this should ask me how to make quality videos!? He could use so much help!?" Nino read aloud, frustrated.
Adrien looked at the comment.
"Written by. . . The Queen of Paris and Beyond. Chloe!" He sighed.
Nino couldn't belive it.
He was feeling so angry for those comments.
"I know what I have to do! I'll make another video! Longer, better edited and with a more epic battle!" .
Adrien was worried for him.
If Nino kept getting angrier, Hawk Moth could have sensed his negative emotions.
Adrien didn't want his best friend to be akumatized.
So he took the phone from Nino's hands.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" Nino growled.
"That's enough, Nino! You have to calm down!" Adrien decleared.
Nino remained surprised by the way Adrien was talking to him.
"Look, I know how you're feeling right now, but you can't let Hawk Moth control your mind!" Adrien said without thinking.
"What?" Nino wasn't understanding.
"I mean-! You can't let those negative emotions have the best of you!" Adrien corrected himself "Please, keep your eyes off your phone for a moment".

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