Chapter 1 The origins of Mister Bug and Lady Noir (part 2)

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Adrien arrived right on time.
Just a few seconds late and the jenitor would have close the doors.
The teacher, Miss Bustier, was too busy lecturing one of her students to notice that Adrien was sneaking inside the classroom.
"Don't make me said it again, Rose! Keep your hood off during my lessons!" Miss Bustier scolded to the girl with pink hair that was sitting on the back side of the room.
"Yeah, yeah. Got it" Rose said with disinterest.
When Miss Bustier returned to her desk, Rose pulled her wood on and poked the tounge out. That made her friend Juleka laugh a little.
When Adrien took his seat and sighed in releaf, Chloe slammed her hand on his desk.
"Adrien Dupain-Graham, I've missed you during this summer!" She joked with her annoying voice of superiority.
"Chloe, what do you want from me this time?" Adrien knew that Chloe wanted to bully him, just like all the other times they talked.
"I wanted to inform you that this seat is mine, Adri-dork. So take your nerd junk and move!" Chloe grabbed Adrien's backpack.
He thought that she was going to give it to him, but instead she
tossed the backpack to her friend, Sabrina.
"Why can't you sit somewhere else?" Adrien asked.
"Because my friend Marinette is going to sit right there, and I want this seat so I can be close to her every day!" Chloe smiled like a child while she was talking about this Marinette.
"Poor her. . ." Adrien mumbled.
Chloe heard him anyway.
So she took his backpack from Sabrina.
She oppened it and the things that were inside of it fell out: all of Adrien's books, his pencils and his precious drawings fell on the floor.
"Oops!" Chloe laughed with Sabrina.
Adrien got up from and started gathering up his stuff.
Miss Bustier turned around and saw him, kneeling on the floor.
"What are you doing, Adrien? Find your seat and quit playing!" She yelled.
Adrien's best friend got up to help him with his things.
"Thanks, Nino" Adrien whispered.
"You're welcome, buddy" Nino said.
During the end of the lesson, the shy boy Ivan recived a paper from one of his classmates, Alix.
After reading what was written on the paper, Ivan's face went completely red.
"Why are you so mean!?" Ivan cryed.
"Ivan! If you want to scream, then go scream in the principal office!" Miss Bustier had enough of her students for the first day.
Ivan was sent to the principal office.
He walked with the paper that Alix gave him in his hand.
She wrote him that Milene would never be his girlfriend, because he didn't have the guts to comfess.
"It's not my fault if I get nervous everytime I talk to her!" Ivan thought.
In that moment, outside the school, a girl was trying to reach the doors.
A luxurious car stopped right in front of the building and a woman ran out of it.
"Marinette, wait! You know your father said no!" The woman called the girl before she could enter in.
Marinette turned around with an aggressive look on her face.
"I want to go to school like a normal girl! I'm sick of studying on my own! Just leave me alone, Nathalie!" Marinette screamed.
"You know why you can't, Marinette. You already had a chance!" Nathalie walked towards her.
Marinette had her hand on one of the doors; in her head she was reliving the moment when her father told her that she wasn't allowed to go to school anymore.
"If you enter, your father is going to be mad at both of us" Nathalie said with a soft voice.
She gently placed her hand on Marinette's shoulder.
Only then the girl let go of the door and looked at Nathalie.
Marinette didn't want her father to be mad at his assistant; it wasn't Nathalie's fault if she was in that situation.
"Let's go home now" Nathalie hugged Marinette.
Together, they returned to the car.
But before leaving, Marinette saw an old man on the ground.
It was Master Fu again.
He was pretending that he had fallen and couldn't reach his walking stick.
Marinette istinctively went to help him.
"Are you okay, sir?" She helped the old man to get up and gave him back the walking stick.
"Thanks to you, nice lady. You have such a good heart" Master Fu told her.
Marinette face went from a genuine smile to a sorrowful expression.
"Right. . . Tell it to the rest of the world" She whispered, and walked back to the car with Nathalie.
When they leaved, Master Fu smiled like he did with Adrien.
He had found the other one who was going to help him.
Ivan was in front of the principal's office.
He didn't want to walk in and explain why he yelled at Alix.
It was too embarassing for him.
His pain was so intense that it was sensed by the possessor of the butterfly Miraculous.
Hawk Moth felt Ivan sadness and decided to use it for his purpose.
"Feelings are a torture for those who have a fragile heart. . ." Hawk Moth said "But don't worry, you sad lover".
A butterfly leaned on his open hand and he turned it into an Akuma.
"Fly away, my little Akuma and evilize his heart!" .
The Akuma flew out of the hideout and followed Ivan's track of sadness, to be absorbed in the paper that the boy was holding.
Ivan could hear Hawk Moth's voice in his head.
"Stoneheart, my name is Hawk Moth. Someone thinks that you'll never be with your love? Why living with your heart broken when I can give you the power to never feel pain again!" Hawk Moth convinced Ivan to accept the power that he was offering.
The student's whole body covered with rocks and he became a giant monster.

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