Chapter 4 The Impostor (part 1)

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The mayor of Paris wanted to thank Mister Bug and Lady Noir for saving his daughter.
He decided to do it with a statue, and so he called a young artist with little experience, who couldn't ask too much for his work.
The mayor was going to inaugurate the statue during a small celebration, which was going to take place at the park, next to Adrien's house.
Mr Bourgeois was preparing behind the curtain of the stage.
Chloe was with him, but she wasn't happy to be there.
"Daddy, why do I have to thank those super-losers?" Chloe bitterly asked with her arms crossed.
Her father was checking himself in the mirror that one of his assistants was carring for him.
"Chloe, you should show more admiration to our heroes" he calmly answered to his daughter.
"Why? Because they saved me?" Chole had the audacity to ask "They're not my heroes and I absolutely do not admire them!" She added.
Mr Bourgeois turned back with a pleased look.
"My dear, you don't have to!" He affirmed "But as long as this city sees them as a hope, you'll have to make an effort to smile" .
Chloe's dad was trying to tell her that she had to smile for the cameras and the electors, so that he could benefic of the good image of Mister Bug and Lady Noir.
"Can you pretend to be happy for today, sweetee?" Mr Bourgeois asked.
Chloe thought about it for a moment, then she looked at her dad and faked a smile.
"That's how you need to be! Now let's go" The mayor grabbed the curtain "So we can continue with our lives and forget this stupid celebration" he whispered with a bothered face.
He was faking his enthusiasm for the same reason why he wanted Chloe to smile.
The girl followed her dad on the stage, keeping a fake smile.
And so the ceremony began.
Adrien was on the balcony of his appartament, and he was listening from afar the mayor' s banal speech.
Tikki was on his shoulder.
"I thought Mister Bug had to show up to the statue's inauguration" the Kwami said.
"He will! But there's no need to rush. I can transform and jump on the stage whenever I want" Adrien replied with a calm tone.
He wanted to enjoy the celebration as a normal citizen a little longer.
"What about Lady Noir?" Tikki wondered.
"Maybe she's with the croud" Adriend answered.
Tikki didn't look so sure.
"Relax, Tikki! It's Lady Noir we're talking about. She would never miss an occasion like this" Adrien stated.
"Absolutely not! You're not going to that celebration!" Gabriel told to Marinette.
Nathalie was holding the tablet that Gabriel often used to communicate with his daughter while he was working.
"Why not?" Marinette asked surprised.
Gabriel didn't want to let her go, because he belived it could have been dangerous.
"What if someone is akumatized and attacks while you're there? You could be hurted, captured or you could be crushed by the croud!" Gabriel explained.
Marinette had her reason to be there: she was one of the special guests, but she couldn't tell that to her father.
"I really wanted to assist this celebration. . . " The girl complained.
"You can watch it on the tv in your bedroom, where you'll be safe" Gabriel ended the conversation there and then he closed the call.
Marinette was so upset.
"I don't have any other choice. Do I?" She asked to Nathalie.
"I'm sorry, Marinette. Your father's just worried about your safety" Nathalie defended Gabriel's decision.
She walked Marinette to her bedroom, then asked if she wanted to watch the celebration together.
"If you want to. . ." Marinette answered with melancholy.
Nathalie kindly petted her head.
"I'll take some snacks from the kitchen. Be right back" She said before leaving the room.
When Marinette was alone, Plagg flew out of her hat and looked at her: her eyes were closed and her hands were shaking for the anger.
"Mari. . .?" Plagg was worried.
Marinette suddenly openned her eyes and kicked the chair next to her.
With that kick, the chair hitted the wall and made the pictures on it fell down.
Marinette immediately regretted what she did and went to collect the pictures.
"I didn't mean to! I didn't-!" She repeated with fear.
Plagg asked her to calm down.
"There's no need to smash the walls of your room. It's just a statue! I bet it's going to look horrendous anyway" Plagg tried to convince her that she didn't need to go to that celebration.
Marinette took the last picture from the floor.
That picture was taken when she was just a little girl: she was hugging her mom Sabine and they looked so happy.
Seeing her mom's smile made Marinette feel better.
"Dad will never change. . ." Marinette said.
Plagg looked at the picture.
"He has always tried to keep me inside the house. To keep me safe, he sais. . . But mom was nothing like him" Marinette was opening up to Plagg, who remained silent.
He didn't know what to say, but thankfully for him, Nathalie returned with some snacks.
Plagg hid behind the desk before she could notice him.
When the woman saw Marinette kneeling on the floor, she asked her what happened.
Marinette got up and placed the pictures on her desk.
Then she went to take a bag of biscuits from Nathalie's hands.
"Everything is fine" Marinette assured with a warm smile.
After that, Marinette and Nathalie sat on the sofa and turned on the television.

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