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                     ~Chapter 10~

Chases POV:
No no no no no! I was so hoping I was wrong about this! As much as I wanted them to break up for some reason I never wanted this to happen?! I didn't think it would be this bad?? He fucking chocked her?! Is he serious?! This isn't the Justin I know?! This isn't the Justin I knew! What was he doing?! Trying to kill her?! I can't! I can't look at this?! She needs help and I don't care if I'm not the one to give it to her, she needs help from someone. Anyone.

She pushed me off of her as soon as she figured out what I was doing

Charli: "what are you doing?!"

I quickly walked up to her and she backed away from me

Chase: "he did that to you. Your neck"

She put her hands in her hair and quickly wiped her tears

Charli: "it's none of your business what goes on in my life??"

She's scared.

Chase: "he did this to you Charli! He did this?! He hurt you?! Leave him! He chocked you?!"

She shook her head and more tears begin to fall from her eyes

Charli: "it was an accident! It was a fucking accident!"

I shook my head and walked closer to her. I pulled her hair to the side and started to rub the makeup from her neck

Chase: "look at yourself! Look at yourself and tell me that this was an accident!"

She began to sob and seeing her like this almost made me cry

She turned around to me

Charli: "it was okay?? He made a mistake! he's only human like the rest of us! We learn and grow from our mistakes and I'm glad this happened because he learned from it. I love Justin and If I have to pick between him and a mistake I'm picking him! So stop whatever you're trying to do to me and stay out of my life!"

She ran out of the bathroom and I stood there in shock processing what she told me...

What if she's right...? Was it really an accident? Did he just squeeze her too hard...?

I just know I'm gonna hate myself soon from now.
I'm gonna hate myself because I'm gonna give Justin one more chance. I'm gonna continue to be friends with him because there's nothing I can do. Charli wants to be with him and if that's what she wants there's nothing I can do about it. But if he hurts her again I'm going to the police and I'm gonna tell them. I can't watch her get hurt again and hopefully I won't have to.

I'm gonna leave her alone like she said... I'm gonna stay away from her... I should've known being on the inside wasn't as good as it looked... as much as I love being on the inside with Charli. I can't. I'm gonna go back to being an outsider. For good.

I walked out after her and she sat down at the table, I sat down after her.

Charli: "Can we leave? Please?"
She said to Justin

He looked at her confused

He looked back at me winked

Justin: "yeah. And I'm sorry about before by the way..."
Charli: "that's okay, it's fine"

He looked down at her neck- god she forgot to put the makeup back on-

Justin: "what happened- who- no- did I? I-"
Charli: "it's okay Justin, it's really not that bad"

He shook his head and put his hands through his hair

Justin: "I might be an asshole sometimes but I'm no abuser! Charli I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry! Please- please forgive me?! I swear, I swear I didn't mean it"

Why does he actually sound sorry?

She took his hands

Charli: "it's alright... just please don't do it again"

He quickly nodded and hugged her

At that moment I felt happy and sad.

I'm happy that he's finally acknowledged his mistake and he can grow from it...

I'm sad because If I were the one dating her... I wouldn't have to grow from that mistake because I would never make it in the first place... I would never do that to Charli... I would love her and I would treat her great... I wish she saw me the way I see her...

Oh my god I sorta forgot Jenna was here- I wonder what she's thinking of all this-

I looked at her and she was on her phone-


Justin: "alright everyone we are going home early"
Jenna: "what?? We didn't even eat??"

He shrugged

Justin: "I wanna get laid"

Charli laughed
I didn't

He better not try anything on her.

We all stood up and walked back to the car. We all got inside the car and this time I sat in the back seat with Jenna.

Charli obviously doesn't wanna sit with me after what I said

A few minutes later we arrived at my house.

Justin: "Jenna I don't know where you live so get out with Chase"

What?? She can't come in my house? I don't even know her??

We both got out of the car

Justin: "bye!"
He waved

Charli: "bye Chase"
She waved at me and I smiled slightly

The car left

Charlis POV:
I thought about what Chase was saying to me and again, I couldn't tell if I hated it or liked it? I guess I got mad for no reason again... why do I keep doing that? I was being defensive over my boyfriend. That's understandable but Chase was only trying to help me. I guess I shouldn't have reacted that way... I just didn't like the way he was talking about Justin... he was making it sound like he abuses me when he doesn't... he's a great boyfriend...

I hope you guys can understand why Charli always yells at Chase when he's trying to protect her, she doesn't want the situation to be real she's still in some sort of denial and it's hard for her to admit that Justin really did physically hurt her

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter... next chapter will be interesting.

Word count - 1037

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