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~Chapter 98~

Chases POV:
I woke up with my arms around Charli
I opened my eyes slightly and she had just woken up

Chase: "good morning"
I pulled her closer to me and pressed my mouth to hers, kissing her deeply.

She quickly pushed me off of her and stood up

Charli: "what the hell Chase?!!"

I opened my eyes fully and realized what was happening-

Oh my god I forgot-

Chase: "I'm sorry! I wasn't awake! I was half sleeping and I forgot!"
I stood up

Oh god that's so embarrassing??

Charli: "you forgot we weren't dating??"
Chase: "It felt so natural! I wake up with my arms around you and I kiss you- and- you know what I mean!"

It felt like before?! I'm awake now, I realize that it's not before. It's now.

Charli: "okay whatever. Let's please, just forget that ever happened. Let's not talk about this again."

I nodded

Chase: "yes please"

Wait a second-

Chase: "why are you in my bed??"

Of course I got confused?! She's in my bed- well- the floor- but still? Why was she in my arms on the floor with me.

Oh- I kinda remember it. It was really dark and she came on the ground and wrapped my arms around herself. I opened my eyes for a breif second but I wasn't awake enough to fully understand what was happening.

Charli: "I- I don't know. I could have just have fallen off my bed."

Okay she fell off her bed into my arms.

Chase: "why do you always lie to me?"

I am so sick of it. Okay I get it if she has personal issues and I get it if she doesn't want to tell me. But can't she just tell me she doesn't wanna tell me instead of lying? I swear it's 24/7.

Charli: "I do not."

There it is. Another lie.

Chase: "You lie about falling all the time"

Every single time I see her she finds an excuse to why she's got yet another injury. I don't think I've ever seen her without some sort of injury. I used to believe it, and she even told me it was because of the alcohol but now she's sober and it's still happening.

Charli: "okay can you go?"
Chase: "no"

Not leaving.

Charli: "what do you mean no?"
Chase: "I am worried about you."

She rolled her eyes

Charli: "why? I'm fine."
Chase: "we might not be friends anymore but Il always be here for you just like I know you'll always be here for me. I may not be the love of your life, but you're mine. Doesn't matter if you want my help or not, you're stuck with me. So no, I won't leave just like I won't leave your life. I'm staying, weather you like it or not and there's nothing you can do about it"

I looked at her in the eye and she tried not to smile

Chase: "get over here"

She walked closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her.

Chase: "I'm not leaving your life. Try to get rid of me. I dare you"

She laughed

Charli: "ok maybe we don't have to never speak to each other again. But I don't want to be your friend. We can only act like acquaintances. Maybe a hi in the hallway or a text now and then."

Alright ll take it.

Time skip ⏭
2 weeks later

Chases POV:
It's been exactly half a month since I've had an actual conversation with Charli.

Other then lunch we barley see each other and it hurts because all I wanna do is talk to her. I know she doesn't want that though so I don't.

I always find myself about to talk to her but remembering that we aren't friends. We are acquaintances.

We sit at the same table at lunch which is kinda awkward but fine. We don't talk. We occasionally stare at each
other but I don't think we've ever said one word to each other.

I hate it and I wish she'd just talk to me. I know we can't be friends because that's physically impossible but not talking is not gonna do anything. Nothings changed. Maybe it has for her but nothings changed for me. I still got feelings for her. I still love her. Nothings stopping that.

I was sitting at the table at lunch and Charli and I came in at the exact same time and there were only 2 spots left on the table and they were right next to each-other.

We haven't been that close since the day I came to her house.
So when I sat down it was super awkward.

I wasn't gonna ask someone to switch spots because that would just be even more awkward.

I tried to move as far away from her as possible but we were still pretty close

Sarah: "move over!"

She shoved me into Charli causing our legs to touch

Chase: "sorry."
Charli: "it's fine."

The table was silent

Sarah: "oh my god you guys can't even sit next to each other? Seriously?"

I shook my head

Chase: "that isn't true. We are next to each other right now"

I smiled awkwardly

Sarah: "is it because Charli has a boyfriend now? That none of us have ever even seen? I think it's pretty obvious that she's lying"

Why would she be lying.

Charli: "I am not lying? He's shy alright? He doesn't like the attention"
Sarah: "unlike you"

Oh damn

Charli: "excuse me?"
Sarah: "you want all the guys don't you? You won't let anyone have Chase because he's your property, you won't let anyone have Justin, you won't let anyone have any of your other thirty thousand exes. But you're still dating someone else."

Did she seriously just call me property?

Charli: "bitch"
She stood up and quickly walked away

Chase: "now why would you say that."
Sarah: "I was defending you! Is that not what you wanted?"

Defending me from what??

I quickly stood up and followed her

I told her I'd always be there for her so here I am. Being there for her.

Once I got in the hallway she was gone- where did she go?

I walked down the hallway past the classes, I walked pass the math class, then the history class, then the science class, then the-

I took a few steps backwards and looked through the window on the door of the science class-

Oh my lord.


Thank you for 35 k reads!!!

I can't believe today is my 520 day of writing , I've almost written every single day for 520 days. That's crazy.

Word count - 1125

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