Self respect

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                    ~Chapter 111~

Time skip ⏭
2 weeks later

Chases POV:

Dear diary
It has been 2 weeks since I brought Charli to the hospital, I have been watching her like a hawk. I have not let her out of my sight once because who knows, a simple fall could literally kill her. I cannot risk that. Even if there's only a slim chance of her dying. I won't take any chances. If she falls I will be there to catch her.

I've been staying at her hour every night and every day, when her mom comes into her room, I hide but I'm still there just in case something happens. I'm trying my absolute hardest not to call the police. Every time I look at her, I see the injuries her parents gave her and it makes me so sad for her, I am so tempted to call the police. I'm not gonna do it though. Only because she would hate me if I did.

We were at school on the bleachers and Charli was sitting on my lap shoving carrots into my mouth

Charli: "they are good! Stop writing in that book and Just eat them!"

I shook my head

Chase: "how many times do I have to tell you?? I hate them"
I laughed

Charli: "they taste like nothing how can you hate them"
Chase: "they taste bad"

She shoved more in my mouth and laughed
I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her close to me

Chase: "What are we gonna do after high school..."

we've been avoiding this topic probably because there isn't a good option. She wants to go to law school and I want to go to an art school, we will fall apart if we go to different schools and we never see each other.

Charli: "I have been thinking if this for a while... and I think we should move in together after high school"
Chase: "You're really up for that?"

I would love to move in with her!?

Charli: "Also... When we are 18, I don't care when but that year, I want you to propose to me again."

I smiled really wide

she wants to marry me??

Chase: "Charli Damelio are you asking me to ask you to marry you?"

She smiled and as she was about to answer Someone cleared their throat.
we turned our heads to see Sarah

Seriously. She chooses to interrupt us at the worst moments.
Why does she still want to be friends with Charli? I don't get it.

Charli: "hey."
Sarah: "The principals asking for you"

what why?
What did she do this time.

Charli: "I didn't hear my name on the announcements?"
Sarah: "Yeah that's cause she told me herself."


Charli: "Do you know why?"
Sarah: "Nope."


Charli: "Okay then."

She stood up and grabbed her backpack

Chase: "Il walk you there"
Charli: "Ok"

I stood up and we walked down the bleachers.
Once we got to the bottom Sarah called out my name
I turned around

Sarah: "Justin wants to talk to you"

I swear to god. What is it now?

I  turned to Charli

Chase: "Il see you later?"

She nodded and then walked away
I turned back around to Sarah

Chase: "If this is about him wanting me to end it with Charli then-
Sarah: "It's not"

I find that hard to believe

Sarah: "this actually isn't about Justin at all, Neither is it about Charli"

Huh. I thought she just said Justin needed to tell me something.

Chase: "what is it about then?"

I am very confused.

Sarah: "Its about me and you Chase, Us."

what about us...?

Sarah: "we clearly have something between us. I know you can feel it too"

oh. um. this is very awkward- She does realize I'm dating her friend right? Why is she saying this? we've barely ever even talked to each other- this is very confusing,

Chase: "I am sorry- You're a very- interesting person but you know it's not like that with us..."

I don't really know how to let her down? She wants to be friends with Charli but here she is confessing feelings for me...? I don't want to be mean... I just don't really know what to do.

Sarah: "Why not? It can be."


Chase: "You do know I'm dating Charli right? we aren't just friends who makeout?"
Sarah: "I know that obviously, but she's not the girl you want. the girl you want is me"

no... I am pretty sure the girl I want is Charli.

Chase: "I'm sorry but no"
Sarah: "Why?? what does she have that I don't?? I will give you what you want! I'm an easy girlfriend, Il do whatever you want."

I am getting a little concerned for her...

Sarah: "Charlis got too many issues. I don't. I don't have any issues. I'm easy"

Charli doesn't have issues?  Shes just got people in her life who have issues.
One of those people include Sarah.

Chase: "Sarah... Listen... Stop doing this to yourself? If you're really that desperate for a boyfriend then find someone whos single... and respect yourself more... You shouldn't be telling anyone you'll do whatever they want..."

I think the reason shes had no luck with guys is because she has zero respect for herself, how can someone respect someone who doesn't respect their self?

Sarah: "You're right. I'm really sorry for ever saying anything."
Chase: "No, it's fine really... Just don't tell Charli, I think it would hurt her feelings."

She's already got enough on her plate

She nodded

Sarah: "So you sure there's like no chance between us?"
Chase: "trust me Sarah there is absolutely no chance. I'm really sorry But I'm madly in love with Charli."

She nodded again and grabbed a Gatorade out of her bag

Sarah: "that's what i thought, it's fine. Do you want this Gatorade?"
Chase: "No its okay. keep it"

She shook her head

Sarah: "Seriously. I want you to have it"

I shrugged and nodded.
She gave me the gatorade

Chase: "thanks."

😄😄 i guess some of you won't know what's happening and some of you will

I'm actually crying, I really hope something happens for chases birthday

Chapter left - 9
Word count - 1040

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