The future is us

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~Chapter 81~

Chases POV:
run away with her? forever?

Chase: "Is that even a question?"

yes yes?! a million times yes. id like nothing more. I don't care about anything else but her, id leave my whole life behind for her. Of course, id run away with her. I'm just surprised she would run away with me? Can I let her do that? her life is here. She goes to school here, it's not like we could just leave and enroll ourselves in another school?

Chase: "Id love to leave with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But what about school?"

School isn't an issue for me, id drop out for her any day. But shes worked too hard in school to drop out and I know, she knows that. she wouldn't drop out for me or any guy

Charli: "In grade 9 and 10 I did summer school because I would do anything to get away from my parents. I have all the credits i need to graduate high school. I can leave any time I want too."

oh my god, we can actually do this, cant we?

Chase: "This is it for us Charli. This is the loophole."

She smiled widely and grabbed my face

Charli: "This is hope for us, We can leave anywhere we want."

I pulled her in and kissed her deeply on her lips. I grabbed her back and pulled her closer to me.

Chase: "Money"
Charli: "I can sell my stuff, that's at least 3k. That's enough to get us started in a trailer somewhere."

I nodded

Chase: "and I can get a job while you go to university and since I have an incredibly smart girlfriend, soon enough we will be living in a mansion"

She laughed and kissed me again

Charli: "I love you"
Chase: "I love you too"

I cannot believe we are gonna do this.

Charli: "No seriously. You are giving up your career, your family, and your life for me."

My family...

My parents... I forgot about that... I may be mad at my parents right now but I still love them and I know if I leave without saying anything they will be devastated... I guess i gotta make a choice, Them or Charli.

Charli: "I will marry you one day. and it may not be now but I think it's gonna be a lot sooner than I thought."

Charli. I pick Charli. I love my parents but I love Charli more. She is my family.

Chase: "Were really doing this?
Charli: "I really want to. Do you?"

I nodded quickly

Chase: "and you're okay with leaving your family?"

She laughed

Charli: "100 times yes."

It concerns me how much she wants to get away from her family all the time. We never really talk about her relationship with her parents.

Charli: "How about Boston, Massachusetts?"

what about Boston, Massachusetts?

Charli: "When I get my scholarship to Harvard Law. I could go to the one in Boston. We could get a trailer near by and maybe by the time I finish school we could afford an apartment until I get a job, then we could buy our mansion. "

Her smile made me smile. I could tell how exited she was for this

Chase: "Il go anywhere you wanna go, love"

We could move to a dumpster and I'd still be happy because it's with her.

Charli: "oh oh! I forgot you're a great artist! you could paint and sell your paintings and open a studio then we would move to London and-"

I shut her up by kissing her and laughing

Chase: "we're gonna have a great life"

I can see our future so clearly now. Our life is gonna be perfect. My parents saw this coming, it's their fault. If I didn't have to move then I wouldn't have to run away.

Chase: "I can buy the plane tickets."
Charli: "no. We can't take the plane. We need parental consent. We can take the train though."

The train? Alright.

Chase: "okay when do we leave?"
Charli: "Friday. The day you leave. We need as much time as possible to organize our stuff together."

Sounds good.

Chase: "okay."

Time skip ⏭
3 days later

I am so nervous. These past 3 days Charli and I have been busting our asses off just so we could have enough money.

I kinda feel bad because she's sold so many of her things. She barley has enough clothes to last 2 days because she's sold everything. The only thing she didn't sell was the dress I got her for her birthday, I kept telling her to sell it because it's worth a lot but she wanted to keep it.

I sold a bunch of my stuff, what were basically doing is going to school and selling stuff at lunch time. A lot of People want cheap clothes and cheap stuff so it was pretty easy to get rid of everything.

She sold a lot more than I did, like a lot more.

In the end we ended up having around 3k.

Renting a trailer in Boston is pretty cheap, so we will have enough to get us started for a few months and once I get a job at Starbucks or something, we will be able to keep living there until Charli finishes collage.

My parents let me stay at Charlis for our "last night" together. So here I am, ready to get up early Friday morning and ready to start my new life. Our new life.

Chase: "you ready to do this?"
Charli: "I've been waiting to leave my whole life, I just assumed I had to wait till I was 18. But the earlier the better"

I nodded

Charli: "you're in this with me right? I need to know 100% that we are in this together. I can't do this without you. Please promise me you're all in. Please promise you have no doubts or second thoughts."

Of course I'm all in...

Chase: "I'm all in Charli..."

I just don't know if I can promise it...

Oop 😅

Anyways so many exciting things are coming up, I believe Tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of their break up, this weekend is cochella (maybe we will get some content), the 23rd is 1 year of Americas sweetheart, the 1st of may is Charlis birthday and the 15th of may is chases

Word count - 1079

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