believe me

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                    ~Chapter 15~
                    BELIEVE ME

Charlis POV:
I- I'm- I don't know what to do- this isn't real. Bill wouldn't do this to me- Bill is like a dad to me!

It's like I'm paralyzed. I don't know what to do... I don't know what think... is my mind tricking me...

Maybe he's just a touchy person- maybe he doesn't know that this is inappropriate... maybe he doesn't know that sticking his hands down a minors underwear is sexual harassment... 

I feel disgusting.
I wanna get him off me. I want to. But I don't want him to do anything... what if he does something worse when I try to move...

I feel useless and weak... I'm just sitting here crying as I let him touch me... I don't know what to do

Bill: "don't cry. It's okay Charli. Don't cry"

I quickly wiped my tears

Charli: "w-why are you doing this"
I only began to cry more

He slid his hand into my underwear and that's when I knew he wasn't nice to me because he thought of me as a daughter... he was nice to me because he wanted to fuck me... he's a predator...

I squeezed my legs closer together and he looked at me

Charli: "please stop... please"
I begged

One of his hands is was in my hair stranding it through his fingers
He took his hands off of me and stood up

Bill: "okay, that's enough for today."

I let my breath out and sighed in relief
He walked out of the door

What's he trying to do... is he gonna pretend like what he did was normal... like it was something all dads do...

"That's enough for today"
He's gonna do it again.

More tears fell down my face and I quickly ran out of my room.
I ran downstairs and saw my mom

I never felt so happy to see her

Charli: "mom"
I cried

She looked at me

I quickly wiped my tears and I felt like I couldn't breath, like I couldn't get the words out.

The reality sank in, I don't want this to be real.

Miss Damelio: "what do you want?"

She rolled her eyes

Charli: "he- he touched me- he-"
Miss Damelio: "I told you to keep your boyfriend out of his house!"

I quickly shook my head

Charli: "not Justin- bill! He touched me!"

She looked at me like I was crazy

Miss Damelio: "how dare you go around accusing him of that! What is wrong with you?"

I choked on my own tears

Charli: "he did mom! He did!"

She rolled her eyes

Miss Damelio: "go to your room!"

she doesn't believe me...
How could she not believe me... how could she possibly believe him over me!

Charli: "why won't you believe me! He touched me! He put his hand up my skirt! Please... please believe me..."

More tears escaped my eyes as I fell to my knees

Please believe me... please...

Miss Damelio: "did you hear me the first time? Go to your room! Bill has been nothing but amazing to you and you have the audacity to say he touched you?! You're just looking for attention at this point!"

Bill walked into the room and my breathing stopped

maybe it wouldn't hurt this much if I didn't trust bill... but I trusted him... I trusted him because he was the only family I had and I was finally starting to feel like I had someone there for me...  someone who didn't care about what anyone said about me... someone who saw me... but he was just another person who didn't see me for my personality... who saw me for my body...

Bill: "touched her?? I would never Charli! Ever! I'm sorry if I gave you that impression but id never ever do anything like that to anyone? Especially a 16 year old girl? I'm sorry if you thought I liked you in that way"
He laughed

I want to die. He's laughing at what traumatized me as if I'm the one who wanted to be touched.

Miss Damelio: "once again you're embarrassing me!"

My whole body was on the ground shaking

Charli: "why do you believe him over your own daughter! Pick one! Pick me or him because I can't be in the same house as him! If he stays I go"

She rolled her eyes

Miss Damelio: "I'm picking him. If you want to leave good for you. But you have nowhere else to go. So good luck
with that, maybe you can try prostitution?"
She laughed

She's picking a guy she met 2 months ago... over me...

I quickly nodded then walked out the front door

Miss Damelio: "come back here Charli! You're making this a big deal!"

I quickly started to run away
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialled in Justin's number

He picked up after 2 rings

Justin: "call to apologize?"

I took a deep breath

Charli: "can... can I stay at your place"

Justin: "why are you crying? What happened?"

I don't want to talk about it... I never want to speak of it again... but I know Justin's not gonna let it go... so I'm gonna have to tell him if I can stay at his house...

Charli: "Um... bill- he put his hand- he touched me in a way- where I wasn't- he sexually harassed me..."

He stayed silent for a second

Justin: "bill? Are you sure? He's not the type of guy who would do that?"

Why is he questioning me?!

Charli: "you don't believe me..."

Justin: "no that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying maybe you misunderstood what he was doing?"

Are you kidding me right now?? Why does nobody believe me!

Charli: "he shoved his hand up my skirt and down my underwear?! I didn't miss understand what he did to me?! Why does nobody believe me!"

Justin: "Because bill is a nice guy Charli! Everyone knows it! He's a great guy and I think you got the wrong idea, you might be exaggerating a bit? Just a bit?"

I hung up the phone then proceeded to call all of my friends and every single one of them said the same thing

"Bill is such a nice guy, he'd never do that"

"Are you sure that's what happened?"

"Bills cool though? I don't think he'd do that to you"

"He's like your dad. Maybe you're over exaggerating"

I sat on the sidewalk and I had almost ran out of hope...

I have to go back don't I...

I put my phone back into my pocket and I felt a paper

I took it out and I suddenly had one more glimpse of hope

"Use it when you need it.
1+ 579 637 9764"

aw poor Charli, nobody believes her. Takes a lot of courage for her to tell anyone about that but she did it anyway and not one person felt concerned for her

thank you so much for 5k reads already??? how?? its only part 15??

word count - 1162

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