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                    ~Chapter 94~

Charlis POV:
This has got to be him. No one can tell me it's not?! I'm gonna go to the doctors if it's not him because if so, I'm having hallucinations and I probably have some sort of brain tumor.

As I started running after him he started walking quicker.

Why the fuck is he back?? And why does he have his school stuff with him? Does he go to school here or something??

I started running after him and I eventually caught up.
I grabbed him and slammed him against a locker

Oh you gotta be kidding me?!
I didn't want to be right. I wanted to be wrong.

Chase: "I can explain!"

I slapped him.

Chase: "okay I deserved that but I can explain okay?"

I don't need an explanation?! All I know is that I've been lied to for how long?

Charli: "how long have you been back?"
Chase: "2 weeks..."

I've been lied to for 2 weeks?! He has been back for 2 weeks and he didn't even say anything to me! He didn't come back for prom, he was already back!

Charli: "what is wrong with you! I loved you and you left me and you didn't say anything when you came back?! How did I never see you at school??"

I needed him and I still do but he lied to me. He lied to me at prom and he got me to sleep with him when he knew well that wasn't his last night here

What the fuck. I am so confused right now. Why did he lie? Why is he back?

I can't believe this right now. I can't believe he is back.
He couldn't say goodbye to me that morning, not because it was too hard for him but because he didn't want to lie to me again.

Chase: "I came to school early in the mornings and at lunch I'd hide in the bathrooms and after school you were never around... I don't know where you were but it worked out in my favor"

I rolled my eyes

Charli: "wooow. You did that much to avoid me. You really don't like me do you?"

He went out of his way to make sure I never saw him. To make sure that he'd never have to be back in my life

Chase: "Charli I can explain. Please let me explain"

I put my hand to his face

Charli: "save it"

I walked away 

Chase: "Charli please?! You can't just not talk to me"
Charli: "that's what you did for 2 weeks right??"

I quickly speed walked back to my locker and grabbed all the stuff I needed. I picked up my un-broken phone off the ground.

I can't believe this. He is back. He's back for good? That's all I've ever wanted. Why did he have to ruin it. Does he not want me? Is that why he never said anything when he came back. Did he fall out of love with me? So he avoided me the best he could so he didn't have to date me again?

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