He ruined everything.

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~Chapter 56~

Charlis POV:
no no no no no no. I can't- she can't do that?! She can't suspend me! How will I get a scholarship?! How will I even get into any university if they suspend me! This will ruin my life?! No! Chase was right before. My life wasn't ruined. Now it is. Justin ruined my life?! And for what! Because I'm fake dating his friend?! Just because his family has money doesn't give them a right to suspend me! They don't know what I've been through!

I've worked my ass off to do everything I could so I could get into a school. How's it gonna look when they see a suspension on my student record. All my hard work won't count anymore because of this. They don't understand. Nobody understands. I wanted to get out of this, I wanted to prove what my parents are doing to me right now would make me stronger not weaker. I have to succeed to prove that?! I can't let them win and watch me fail!

Yeah I feel absolutely horrible that I got Chase suspended but he has nothing to lose. I do.

I can't be suspended?? Il fight this! I did nothing wrong!

Chase: "suspended?? For what! What did I do?!"
Principal: "I really don't wanna get involved in your personal drama with Justin but he's told us, you guys have ganged up against him to bully him and make him feel bad."

What is this kindergarten?!

I quickly stood up and started pacing around the room trying not to cry in front of the principal

Principal: "Charli-grace, Cole, I need you to please calm down-"

Charli: "don't call me that"
Chase: "please don't call me that"
We both said at the exact same time

Principal: "what would you like to address you by?"

This is the least of my problems right now?!

Charli: "just Charli."
Chase: "My middle name. Chase."

She nodded and then I continued panicking around the room

Principal: "if there's anything I can do-"
Charli: "yes! Yes there is something you can do! Don't suspend me! Please!"

She shook her head

Principal: "Charli please take a seat"

I shook my head and started panicking even more

Charli: "please! Justin did this on purpose! I barley did anything! You know how many times he's hurt me! Too many! Why can't he be suspended?!"

She looked concerned and so did chase

Principal: "Charli if he's assaulted you, it's my job to step up and make a report. Do you need me to make a police report?"

I quickly shook my head regretting saying that

Charli: "no. Sorry. That was a lie. It just came out."

Uhhh! I hate defending him!

Charli: "this is my whole life! Please! Just don't suspend me..."

She looked sympathetic but not enough to stop it

Principal: "im sorry. But you and Col- Chase shouldn't have done what you've done"

What have we done?? She slut shaming me now! Why does it matter if I'm in a relationship with chase or not!

Charli: "you can't suspend me over who I'm dating."
Principal: "okay you know what Charli fine. You're right. Il let go of that. Il shorten your suspension to 3 days? Is that good for you? You get 3 days of suspension for beating up a classmate."

I shook my head and placed them in my hands, I couldn't help but cry.

I'm gonna have no we're to go... I'm gonna have to stay with my parents aren't I...

Chase came up to me and put his arms around me

Chase: "it'll be okay... we'll get through this"

I looked towards him

Charli: "easy for you to say! You're losing nothing! I'm losing everything!"
I snapped at him

Immediately after I said that I felt horrible.

He didn't let go of me though. He held on.

Principal: "Since we have dropped the dating thing... Chases suspension is dropped..."

Why. Just why did I feel the need to beat him up. I have no one to blame but myself. And Justin.

He let go of me and went up to the principals desk

Chase: "you can't suspend her."
Principal: "yes I can and I am. She beat a student here half to death."

I looked down at the ground hiding my tears.

Chase: "no she didn't. I did. I beat him up."

My head bolted upward and I couldn't believe what he was doing-"

Chase: "i would've said it earlier but I was scared. Charli doesn't deserve to be blamed for something I did."

She looked confused

Principal: "but- we have witnesses saying they say Charli did it. Plus Justin said Charli did it."

He rolled his eyes

Chase: "Justin was wasted and so was everyone else. They were all on drugs and alcohol. So if you're not gonna believe me when I tell you I did it. Then maybe the police will believe me when I go down there and tell them all about the party that happened on a school field trip."

The principal looked shocked and so I did I.

He can't- I can't let him do this for me? I wouldn't do this for him so how could I let him do it for me? It's unfair. He can't. Why? Why is he doing this?? I would  feel so guilty if I let him- but I can't stop him- I just can't-

Principal: "you do realize I'm gonna extend your suspension to 1 week because of your lie. You almost let Charli take the blame? What kind of person are you?"

He shrugged

Chase: "suspend me."

She nodded

I wanted to say something but the words just weren't coming out
So I just stood there. Looking pathetic and sad as I let chase take the blame.

Principal: "all right... Chase you've been suspended for a week because of physical harassment against Justin Mayer. Effective immediately."

Aw 🥺🥺🥺 so cute

I just finished reminders of him by yes, you guessed it. Colleen hoover! And yeah another book that was 5/5 stars. I'm sure no one cares for my random book suggestions but, I'm giving them to you anyways 🤪

Word count - 1035

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